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Salt And Symptoms

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Heyy again guys :)

Usually with I just treat my POTS with added salt and plenty of water,

This seems to bring my symptoms to a level where i can deal with them,

but recently I've been feeling extra sick (must be the hot weather or stress) and when

trying to get relief from my symptoms with my normal salt and water treatment it doesn't

seem to be working very well at all.

Do any of you guys know if salt eventually stops helping you? or can salt just not help as much in a flare up?

The salt seems to be helping some just not as much as it usually does, I'm scared the salt will stop helping me D:

If you could give me your opinions on this, that would be great :)

Also do you guys know anything that would also help with rapid heart beat, muscle pain, and redness/thickness feeling/blood pooling in the leg?

Thanks so much :)


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Are you sure you're eating enough salt? You have to eat more than you ever thought possible...what did your doctor recommend? I'm supposed to eat 8 grams or so per day, and constantly drink water or G2, Nuun hydration tablets, Camelbak Elixir - any of those drinks with a lot of good electrolytes. You may need to go to salt tablets to get all of your salt in.

I don't know what drugs you're taking, but most POTS docs will recommend Midodrine and/or Florinef for symptoms. Have you tried these yet? The drugs that work for you will depend on what exactly is wrong with you, and how your body responds to the medication. I can't take either Midodrine or Florinef, but many do and it helps them a lot.

Talk to your doctor about a more specific regimen for your particular needs, and try to get as much exercise as you are able to handle.

Let us know how you're doing!



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Hi. it's very common to have ups and downs and it doesn't necessarily mean that the salt stopped working. I drank two cups of broth giving me 1.5 g extra sodium for a couple of years. I got out of my routine for about 6 months and when I started again, I started feeling much.much better within a week or so. Like light years better. You may need to add more salt or look into taking meds - compression stockings or midodrine are great for pooling or redness. Beta blockers help with controlling HR. There is nothing wrong with taking meds and sometimes even a fraction of a pill will make a world of a difference. Feel better soon.

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Thanks for your posts, ;)

I'm currently not taking any medication, I usually find salts enough to deal with the symptoms.

I managed to fix my symptoms from the other day I just upped the salt does that one time and felt

quite a bit better, I was told you can have ups and downs with POTS I'm guessing it as just a flare up from

the heat we were having. Thank you guys for your recommendations, I appreciate it a lot. :blink:


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Most people with POTS feel worse in the heat. It is because heat causes the blood vessels to dilate and bring blood to the skin to help with cooling the body. Unfortunately we need our blood to be in our heads not our skin so it makes us feel worse.

Taking even more salt and water than usual and trying to keep cool should help.


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