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Wrinkled Fingers And Palms


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I'd just like to say.....again what a wonderful place this is!

I'm also going to say sorry if this topic has been brought up before, Ive looked through pages and pages of the forum but haven't seen anything on it. However I can suffer such brain fog that it could have been under my nose and I wouldn't see it!

My skin has really changed in the last few years. My skin used to be one of my greatest features, without sounding big headed people used to stop me and ask what products I used as I had flawless skin, I took after my grandmother. I was on steroids for 9 months in 2008, as soon as I started tapering down the dose I developed discoid eczema, incredibly itchy and irritating. I look like a dog that has fleas as I am always scratching! LOL My skin all over my body has changed. However its my hands that are the weirdest.

Anyway over the last few months I have noticed that my finger tips and palms are permenantly shrivelled. They are prune like! As if I have soaked in the tub for an hour. Only we don't have a tub here, (we have a shower if anyone was wondering about the levels of my personal hygiene LOL!) , I haven't soaked them in water. I don't use cleaning chemicals without wearing gloves and I try to use only natural products.

Its not dehydration as I suffer with excessive thirst and consume between 4-6 litres of fluid a day. No amount of moisturiser makes it go away.

I do have a problem with my hands and nail beds going blue with even a slight temperature change, my hands are always cold.

I know this is a weird one and Im sorry! Has anyone else heard of this suffered with this? I know its not a strictly Dysautonomia question but I have seen many of you suffer with connective tissue disorders / autoimmune disorders.

Any replies to this strange question would be wonderful!



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It still might be dehydration - your body may not be retaining the fluids even though you are drinking. You also may be drinking too much which could be washing out you electrolytes. You may want to add salt or drink a sports drink - or just talk to your dr about how to get re-hydrated.


I'd just like to say.....again what a wonderful place this is!

I'm also going to say sorry if this topic has been brought up before, Ive looked through pages and pages of the forum but haven't seen anything on it. However I can suffer such brain fog that it could have been under my nose and I wouldn't see it!

My skin has really changed in the last few years. My skin used to be one of my greatest features, without sounding big headed people used to stop me and ask what products I used as I had flawless skin, I took after my grandmother. I was on steroids for 9 months in 2008, as soon as I started tapering down the dose I developed discoid eczema, incredibly itchy and irritating. I look like a dog that has fleas as I am always scratching! LOL My skin all over my body has changed. However its my hands that are the weirdest.

Anyway over the last few months I have noticed that my finger tips and palms are permenantly shrivelled. They are prune like! As if I have soaked in the tub for an hour. Only we don't have a tub here, (we have a shower if anyone was wondering about the levels of my personal hygiene LOL!) , I haven't soaked them in water. I don't use cleaning chemicals without wearing gloves and I try to use only natural products.

Its not dehydration as I suffer with excessive thirst and consume between 4-6 litres of fluid a day. No amount of moisturiser makes it go away.

I do have a problem with my hands and nail beds going blue with even a slight temperature change, my hands are always cold.

I know this is a weird one and Im sorry! Has anyone else heard of this suffered with this? I know its not a strictly Dysautonomia question but I have seen many of you suffer with connective tissue disorders / autoimmune disorders.

Any replies to this strange question would be wonderful!



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I have always heard that when your fingers look shriveled after a bath that its kind of an optical illusion in that your tissues are actually 'water-logged' not dehydrated. The wrinkly parts are a result of the engorgment of the skin. Maybe you're retaining water there due to an electrolyte or circulation issue. Have you been checked for Raynaud's?

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This answer board had a pretty good answer the second one down if I remember correctly. I hope it helps and it's worth a try. : P Let us know it it works.

Wrinkled fingers in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul



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This answer board had a pretty good answer the second one down if I remember correctly. I hope it helps and it's worth a try. : P Let us know it it works.

Wrinkled fingers in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul



Thanks for your replies, I didn't see them as for some reason I didn't get an email telling me I had any! OOps, also I'm having problems with the forum as its not displaying all the replies only the names of those that have replied and the first few words from that reply!

Bellamia, thanks I have seen that one on my investigation into what is causing this. My fingers and palms are always wrinkled, even before I have a shower! I showered 9 hours ago and they are still wrinkled. Ive tried mosituriser it does nothing.

I think I have probably got Raynauds as my hands keep going blue and nail beds are blue. It also really hurts my hands to get anything out of the freezer. I have started wearing gloves now to try and keep my hands warm. When they warm up they go bright red and you get the feeling like when you have been out on a cold day and then come inside.

I think its probably dehydration as I am always drinking, I don't think my system is processing it properly. I give up. Bit fed up as I have a kidney infection, feel sick, been sick haven't eaten in three days as the thought of food is making me vomit. Sorry a bit peed off today.


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I'm so sorry Rach... I have Raynauds and take meds for it... but if you haven't eaten in three days and the thought of food is making you vomit maybe you should see your PC or at least put in a call. I'd be put in for fluids in a heart beat.

I thought maybe the cream they mentioned might be worth a try. My hands are pretty hands but on the back the skin get so loose in between hydrations and my lips are so dry. So, I need to go make some watered down gatorade right now and try to stand. Google about your nail beds as that should be brought to your docs attention as we can't dx anything here. I would mention it, Out nail tell a lot about our body.

hugs and hope you are feeling better,


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Hi Bella,

I just thought I would let you know that I have managed to eat something! Scrambled eggs on toast. It was very hard to eat and it doesn't feel right in my tummy but if I can keep it down that's a bonus.

I contacted my gp over a week ago with a long long list of my symptoms and I am yet to hear from him. Im going to ring him next week.

I called the out of hours Dr this morning and have antibiotics. Ive been drinking loads of gatorade, thanks! I got that type from another post and it has helped a little with the low BP.

The problem I have at the moment is I am just at the start of my journey and have no diagnosis as yet. I haven't even mentioned it to the GP as I discovered this forum after I sent the letter.

Im just grateful Im already on mestinon as that does help me with my BP and Ptosis. If there are any mistakes in this post its because I have bilateral ptosis at the moment! Its always so much worse if I am ill. Well sicker than normal I should say!

Thanks for the help, really appreciate it.


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