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Chest Tightness?


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For the past few days I feel very short of breath, almost like a tightness in my chest..I'm very dizzy too (Hopefully not TMI but it is 'that time of the month' and my symptoms always get a LOT worse around this time). The breathing thing kind of freaks me out though. It feels like I can't get a full breath at times, or like I have to force a yawn in order to breathe comfortably. This comes and goes..but at times it get so bad where I literally just have to lay down..even if I sit up, my chest feels like it's getting tighter. I'm hoping it's just a bad time and it will pass soon..but I'm just curious if anyone else gets like this too.

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Yes, I get the same symptoms quite often. It's very unsettling, and if it's new to you, you may want to run it by your doctor to see if you need a chest x-ray or another test (possibly allergy/asthma) performed. I've gotten to the point where I can't it speak more than a sentence or two for the first couple hours in the morning without having to stop to catch my breath.

Good luck, and let us know what you find out. I always think it's smart to check out a new symptom, especially a serious one, instead of assuming it's 'just POTS'.



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For the past few days I feel very short of breath, almost like a tightness in my chest..I'm very dizzy too (Hopefully not TMI but it is 'that time of the month' and my symptoms always get a LOT worse around this time). The breathing thing kind of freaks me out though. It feels like I can't get a full breath at times, or like I have to force a yawn in order to breathe comfortably. This comes and goes..but at times it get so bad where I literally just have to lay down..even if I sit up, my chest feels like it's getting tighter. I'm hoping it's just a bad time and it will pass soon..but I'm just curious if anyone else gets like this too.

Hi Nikki-

Yes, you describe what I experience (without meds) very well. I've had extreme PAIN in my chest from the tightness, where I do the same thing you do- lie down & go to sleep as I was powerless to do anything else. And, YES, lightheadedness & a fast HR is a big part of this too. Double YES, that time of the month makes it worse.

I had oodles of allergy & asthma testing done- all negative. The asthma testing showed lung obstruction, but it was not reversed by albuterol- hence the negative DX.

I have since been DXed with Mast Cell Activation Disorder (MCAD) and take a daily singulair for this symptom and use a nebulizer with atrovent during a bad bout. (I tried many meds before one helped.)

See a doc WHEN you feel the tightness to document the obstruction. Even if you test negative for asthma, you deserve to have your symptoms treated,

My other symptoms were tightness in my throat, bone pain, chronic hives, GI issues, etc. I even had anaphylaxis a few times.

Hope you get relief soon-


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Chest tightness as you describe it is probably similar to what I describe in myself as chest heaviness and discomfort, and I also feel sometimes like I cannot get enough air. Sometimes it passes for me if I lay down, sometimes I end up taking an Ativan. I think for me it is the POTS causing the symptoms, and while Ativan is used for anxiety, I wonder if it helps relax something(including me) and helps relieve the chest heaviness. I had not noticed a connection between "that time of the month" and symptoms being worse at first, but after paying more attention, I definitely have more symptoms and feel worse the week before. Wish I could tell you something else to help, because I know how uncomfortable and frustrating it feels.

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