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Midodrine Question

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Quick Midodrine question - I just started taking it again today and I've noticed that my standing blood pressure is higher than it is when I'm sitting. Is this normal? I'm not exactly sure what I should be looking for except that it should keep my blood pressure up. Normally my sitting BP is around 115/80 and today it's 128/81 sitting and 137/89 standing. Just wanted to see if this is a normal response.

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From what I understand, this is a more 'short-acting' medicine (someone correct me if I'm wrong). It lasts 3-4 hours. To me, it seems during peak times it will do this to me (when the drug is most potent). I need the 'boost' standing up, especially in the morning. That's when I take my largest dose. I take it, lie down a half hour, then start my day.

And Endocrinologist I once saw said POTS patients take it for different reasons than most and I shouldn't worry about supine high blood pressure with it. I've tested it (lying down for a half hour to an hour) and my BP was OK.

Also, I was told BP varies so much don't get too worried about a few results. You can take it over time and talk to your doctor about it. If you're feeling better, which I hope, then that's always a good sign!

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As far as I know Midodrine raises blood pressure in general rather than specifically when standing. I would expect your BP to be higher when both sitting and standing.

You should also be aware that some people get supine hypertension when taking midodrine (very high BP whilst lying down with midodrine in your system). Most people take their last dose of midodrine at least 4 hours before going to bed so that it is out of your system before lying down for the night. My cardiologist had me check my BP lying down and I didn't have a problem so I was prescribed a bedtime dose of midodrine (supposed to help prevent me fainting when going to the bathroom at night).


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I know with me my doctors like to keep me on the high side when standing, so I don't drop and fall or faint. Midodrine, like florinef pushes the blood pressure up most of the time. This past week florinef has been giving me a problem and my BP was not going up high enough and we may have to add in midodrine at night. I don't want to though : ( It makes me feel yucky.

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My cardio told me not to take Midodrine close to bedtime, too, to leave about 4 hours between taking the drug and going to bed. She seemed to think that it was best to avoid any supine hypertension that might occur. I only take it during the morning and once in a while the afternoon hours, anyway.



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It's different for each person. I was the one of the rare few that had to take it early evening and bedtime and I was laying down at both times as night times was my worst time for passing out.


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I'm only taking 5 mg twice a day - once at 8:30 a.m. and once at 1:30 p.m.

Today I tested my blood pressure and it was 123/79 sitting and 129/90 standing. I contacted my doctor to see if this is something I need to watch, since Florinef also raises my blood pressure (I take .05 daily).

Thanks for all of your words of wisdom - hopefully I'll get this figured out.

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