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What Do You Do With Migraine Crisis


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I had a hemiplegic migraine on November 30. Long story short, I couldn't get a Doc to give me a strong enough med to kill it in time, and now, my head is still sore almost a month later.

I get a few days where the pain isn't bad, but the ringing in the ears and visual snow seems to persist.

Today it's flared up again- no hemiplegia, but 10/10 pain, and nausea and vomiting.

I've never had so many headaches in such a short time like this. The Docs I've seen have all been useless. No one has even performed a scan of my head. I guess they think because I have a history of migraine, there's no need to worry about anything.

These migraines are the worst I've ever had in my whole entire life.

Has anyone else had similar? What works?

Triptan is contra-indicated for hemilegic aura migraines, and I am also intolerant to calcium channel blockers which are a second line treatment. Tramadol, codeine and anti inflammatories also do not help. If anything,anti-fs make my stomach so much worse. I can't tolerate them.

I am also unable to take most anti emetics: cyclizine and metaclopromide cause me to have an oculogyric crisis!

This is one big fat medical DISASTER.

And I don't mean to be dramatic, but with EDS in the family, and 5 other relatives who have all had aneurysms or haemorrhages, including my uncle at 37, I just don't think anyone is taking this seriously enough.

I got seen by a neurologist who sent me home with such bad tachycardia and hypotension and pain in my head that I COULD NOT WALK. A nurse whad to wheel me to the cab and lift me into it! The attitude of everyone seems to be, if it was an aneurysm it would have happened by now.

I don't know what else to do. DEMENTED!

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When my son has a migraine, there is usually no stopping it with oral medications. His neurologist sends us to the emergency room and he calls ahead with instructions. They give my son an IV of Toredol, Reglan and Benedryl. He falls asleep due to the Benedryl and 4 or 5 hours later we go home- migraine all gone. Nothing else seems to work. His prescribed migraine medication is Tramadol. If we give him this for a headache it works, but not for migraines.


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"And I don't mean to be dramatic, but with EDS in the family, and 5 other relatives who have all had aneurysms or haemorrhages, including my uncle at 37, I just don't think anyone is taking this seriously enough."

Oh my dear, I would try and push for a scan I realise you probably don't feel up to a fight but given the EDS and aneurysms etc. it would only seem reasonable that you are given a scan, are the Dr's a tad daft even more so given your history.

I get migraines with aura's some of the neuro. stuff goes on for weeks, but over the last 3 years or so I have been getting bouts of migraines I'll get 2+ a day for a couple of week's, all with the visual snow, tinnitus, numbness in tongue, arms legs and now with blindness in one or both eyes that last from 10 min to well over an hour. I have a feeling it might be hormone linked! I have not found any migraine med help, but I do take a calcium channel blocker for my high BP, and have found if I do not take them I get even more migraines! Have you tried Cinnarizine, for the nausea? my kids were prescribed this for dizziness and nausea.

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Sorry to hear of all your constant pain. Have you had your heart checked throughly there is a condition PFO I believe its called that cause severe migraines like your speaking of, and that might go along with the EDS might be something worth checking into. Online for the PFO does not speak of all the symptoms but I remember seeing a story of a lady on Televison having disabling migraines that would last for weeks sometimes months .... Best Wishes


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A patent foramen ovale and your welcome. hope you get the right answers and I would also demand the head scan just for your own safety and u can get that done right at the ER and just tell the doctor your worried and you are holding them responsible if they refuse to do it. The PFO you'd see your cardiologist and see if they could do the testing for that or have to refer you to a Congenital heart specialist.


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Since August I started having headaches that sound do much like yours. I also have trigeminal neuralgia and the docs seem to think they are related to that.

I am on Tegretol and that should help the headaches but doesn't seem to work at all. Went to the ER one time and got reglan, phenergan, and morphine--cut the pain to a 4/10.

I have a headache right now and just took pheneragan, vicoprofen, indocin, and xanax to help relax me. The doc did talk about putting me on baclofen. Will talk more about it when I see her Monday.

These are the worst headaches I ever had in my life, hitting a 10/10 with severe vomiting, dizziness, and pain behind my eyes and in the back of my head--surprised my brain has not exploded before this.

HUGS--it is so frustrating when nothing works--you want to scream and punch walls to try and relieve it. I hope your doctors can find an answer for you. No one should suffer like that.



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Thanks Pat. Joined some on facebook, but thought it was worth asking here too because migraine is an issue for so many of us.

I just can't get any medical professionals to help me right now.

Do any of you get ppins and needles in BOTH legs with migraine? I have very different sensation from my norm this time.

I do! also both arms, tongue, it always makes me wander if I have put my neck out and it has triggered a migraine as often, if I look up, full head up, I will get the visual snow, bad tinnitus, and then more often than not a migraine headache.

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could you be having cluster headhaches? They are a severe variant of migraine. Like the name implies, they come in "clusters"....I'll have a "cluster period" that last anywhere from three to nine months every few years. They also spike up and become worse about the same time every day or evening...and since you described your pain as being a "10" it made me wonder...cluster headaches are considered to be one of the most painful experiences one can endure. I've had totally natural childbirth several times, and believe me, doesn't come near to what one cluster headache can be like. When I'm in cluster mode, I often feel as you feel...beat up and sore all over even when I'm not in active headaches. I also experience angina attacks at the same time as cluster attacks. A lot of neuro stuff goes on at the time as well.

One treatment of clusters is inhaled, high flow oxygen. Your doctor can write you a prescription for the equipment you need and at the onset, spending about 15-20 minutes on the oxygen turned nearly as high as it can go can help. If I wait until the headaches if too firmly established, it doesn't help as much and I tend to have it return as soon as I get off of the oxygen.

Cluster headaches are believed to be caused by an imbalance between sympathetic and parasympathetic messages going out...surprise, surprise, huh?

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Hi Persephone ... have you look into the possibility of it being food related ? .. I find that certain foods like eggs and cheese / chocolate will trigger a migraine headache I can guarantee getting one if I eat any of these thing more so the eggs and cheese ... odd because I do like these foods but I tend to leave them alone because of this ... just a theory ..

Treatments ? have you tried massage and warmth .. I know this sounds abit twee but I get pain in the right hand side of my spine due to an injury long time ago and it is persistent inflammation in this area ..... what I have to do is gentle stretches and I get my h to massage in-between my shoulder blades ... this does help to relieve some of the tension and helps me through the migraine ...

I get migraine headaches I get at least four times a month to varying degrees and the worst being the visual disturbance and nausea and then the long lasting heavy neck and head which will last for weeks ... like you described ..... this makes my spine and neck worse hence the massage ... it may be worth tying if you have not already done so ..... but the laying down in a darkened room and quite is a must ... I get little relief from meds ...... I hope you get over it soon ....

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