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Caught Off Guard Today---pots Taking A Bad Turn--still Fighting Virus


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Wow, did I get caught off guard. I have been having worse POTS symptoms, but this morning was really bad. I had not gotten my shower yet, and was finishing up some Christmas cards---I only had 5 more to do, but had to do address searches, and a couple other things. I had cards, stamps, envelopes, addess book ect. all aroundme with the blanket on my lap. I was talking with my Dad's girlfriend and I started to feel light headed. Sometimes it's stress keeping a light fluffy conversation when your still weak from a viurs. I started to feel it....so I though I better get my shower quickly, as I didn't want to me a mess and have to go to the ER that way. I'm one of those people who won't let anyone see my "bed head".

Actually I took my bath late last night----so it wasn't a full shower. I didn't want to get fully undressed because I felt so weak and shakey. I didn't want to bee seen undressed if I passed out. I stripped to my camisole to wash my hair first, I was weak and lightheaded, and managed that, but as soon as I stood back up putting the towel on my head my heart started thumping like it was wild, and the tachycardia was real fast, and my adrenaline was running at full speed. this got worse as I washed up a bit, and I thought I would need to go to the ER because I felt so light headed. I hate this, because it happens so fast, it's hard to explain it----it's pretty difficult to be "in the moment" when this happens. Anway, soon after I could feel my heart rate slowing on it's own. I was slugging down some water right after I washed my heair, but it was too late, I could already feel the adrenaline surging.

I have been so wek with this virus. It's so weird because we feel stuffy, but not a lot of mucus, mostly in the back part of sinuses. I started to feel the virus coming on Wednesday and Thursday, but wasn't sure it was from just overdoing it----or it was really mild. I went to get my teeth cleaned, but depated if I should first. I was worried that getting my teeth cleaned with a virus could be bad....but when I asked the hygenist, she said it's not big deal.

The only fever I had was slight....................99.0-----and brief. I normally have temps of 97.6, but my temps have been running around 98.6---98.4 which is higher then my normal.

What do you do when you have spells like this? It's so disturbing. Can't go to the ER------they're useless.

I'm going to my PCP tomorrow. Anyone have any tips on what I should ask him about blood work? I feel like I have mono-----and that thing on the right side of my neck is still swelled near clavicle------too far over for thyroid. My spine feels like there's a furniture clamp on it getting tighter and tighter. I usually gets breaks on an off from the pain----mu usual stuff, but this is bayond that. I'm wondering if my thyroid is acting up?

I just saw Dr. Grubb a couple weeks ago, but can't rmemeber much about the appt. We can't do much as far as raising BP toher then salt, fluids, and compression. I can't afford spike in BP due to the vertebral artery issue, and risk for possible stroke. He suggested green tea as another fairly mild thing because the caffiene dose os lower, and might be more tolerable for me. I told him when I sip my husband's coke it makes me feel better and helps with cognitive more. However I get palpitations if I drink more then a few sips. My heart is overly sensitive, and my body over reacts to my adrenaline. I'm so sick of this............................

Maxine :0)

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I'm trying----started with water, V-8, salted pretzels, more water, more water...........................................................................



Laying low, and asking for some blood work tomorrow when I see my PCP.

I'm having bad spasms in deep neck tendons. I can't even muster up a belch without major spasm in my inner neck between ears and throat---it's terrible. I have no idea what's causing this.

Everything around my cervical/cranial area is a mess.

My EDS doc is faxing his report fo my PCP and the Docs at the Cleveland Clinic.

Maxine :0)

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Do you have POTS bjt22? Or do you have some other kind of ANS dysfunction? Do you have EDS and spine instability? My POTS is secondary to the EDS and spine compression. Apparently I have learned to live with this all my life---now age 50. However, I crashed badly in late 2000/early 2001. One of the only things that I can absolutely NOT deal with is a sudden extreme fast heart rate, and a huge surge of adrenaline. I would like an explanation behind this. So far I'm assuming it's my body's reaction to possible low BP, but when I usually get this my BP is high. So unless I had real low BPs all morning, and this whole thing kicked in because of that, I didn't catch it. This morning I took my BP, and it was 87/70 sitting.

I went to wash my hair again and felt it coming on, so I asked my husband to help me. Normally he's not home, but he's home with the same virus I have, and it's kicking his rear end. I just don't think I have very good tracking of my ANS symptoms, and it's my own fault, as I'm usually trying to get docs to help me with my other problems with spine instability, and other joint instability----along with the other fun things that go along with that.

Thanks for your support and understanding.

Maxine :0)

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I wish I knew what to tell you to give you the answers so that you could feel better! You have a lot of nasty things going on with your body - and the virus on top of things must make you miserable. I hope you find some information at the doctor's today. Good luck with your appointment, and let us know what you find out. I'm sending positive energy and a nice, gentle hug your way.



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Maxine - I hope your Dr. visit was helpful to you. I do understand what you're going through - my thing is hydration, hydration, hydration. My bp goes high often with tachy but I still get the blackouts and lightheadedness. I did want to say that I had to chuckle at your post though. I am just like you.....I worry about passing out in the nude, etc. Once, when the paramedics came to the house because of a heart issue, I was half coherent and lying on the floor and they were hooking me up to all kinds of stuff and I said, "I'm sorry, I didn't shave my legs!" The guy laughed and said, "that's ok ma'am, we'll still treat you." Later, I thought - wow, that was really a stupid thing to think of during that crisis. Guess I'm vainer than I thought! :)

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Thanks for the advice and support--- :)

I guess it caught me off guard, as my POTs is secondary to the EDS and blood pooling. I can't figure out how it happened so quickly. There I was on my couch---I was relaxed, but weak. As I said I was just talking on the phone, and the next think I know I feel this aura, and t was a clue for me to get going with cleaning up, and getting dressed. My hair was sticking to my head like Jermaine Jackson----not that he's a bad looking guy, but his hair is just strange.

visual aid;jermaine_jackson_march_07_2008_2.jpg

I have days when it's like this; bedhead-1.jpg

Just for fun---this is really strange.... dorthywigonpomeranian.jpg

I know....I'm weird, but I need to have a sense of humor or I'll crumble. I have more then you know going on right now----stress----unbelievable stress.

The hair thing is a big fear of mine to be caught with bed head. It would be terrible to have to go to the ER this way. I know it's the last thing I should think about, but my hair is so fine, and I use hair products to fluff it up before I blow dry. Unfortunately whatever position I sleep in my hair will show it because of the product. That's it------------------- I'm buying some hats...................

My PCP ordered some blood work today, and tomorrow morning I'll get it done, and we'll take it from there.

MY virus seems to be getting better, knock on wood. However, my husband and I took a long nap today, as he's of work sick with the same thing, and we went to my grandaughter's Christmas program at school. We were dodging virus bullets there------praying I don't get another virus---I can't take it.

Maxine :0)

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