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Update On Daughter's Heart Issue And My Gall Bladder


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Okay, I thought I'd update everything in one note :P

I took my daughter back to the cardiologist this week for her monitor results. Her echo and bloodwork came back find (no big surprise there). She is having PACs and PVCs (also no big surprise) but not too frequently and they are benign. Her heartrate is fast at times and the monitor picked up on that. He does not want to medicate her at this time because of her age it really doesn't seem to be causing her symptoms. Now that her anxiety issues are pretty much controlled, she doesn't seem to have trouble with the fast heartrate. She doesn't get sick or faint or anything, although once in awhile she will get a big short of breath. Having said that, an autonomic issue hasn't been ruled out...she does have an increase upon standing (although not every time) and we are doing the typical things for autonomic dysfunction like salt loading, drinking Propel and lots of fluids, no caffeine, little sugar, etc. If she starts having symptoms that worsen, we will re-address things. She had a HUGE growth spurt over the summer and he thinks the orthostatic heartrate issues may be due to that (her legs are now to her neck!) because it takes longer for her heart to pump the blood around her body and he believes that will adjust and resolve in time. He never told her that the fast heartrate is caused by anxiety (fortunately, he knows it's not) but did tell her that anxiety can make it so much worse....she has been better since she heard that from him and not me. But, again, he made it clear that if she starts developing symptoms due to this, we will change our strategy. So, overall, I am happy with that.....very happy that she has stablized with things and I can breathe a little again....

As for the gall bladder, I went to see the GI Dr. this week too. He said they didn't mention that I had that one bout of pain during the hida scan w/CCK. He said (after saying the test was normal) that the 17% ejection fraction along with the pain and my other symptoms means the gall bladder should come out. Vindication! I am confused by the mixed signals but don't really care as long as I can get this thing taken care of. Problem is, my heart arrythmias (not POTS related) have increased and are acting up (I went into afib for a half hour after the hida scan) so they are concerned about surgery - fortunately he is making sure I get to the best surgeon in the area. Waiting for their call and then I guess we'll schedule it......

So, after almost two months of confusion and frustration, I am finally getting answers. Thank you all for your support!!! :(

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Good news all around!!! I'm not surprised your autonomic stuff is acting up- so did mine when my gallbladder was really bad. I think our autonomic nervous system is almost a barometer of our overall health. When that is acting up- what else is going on?

Sounds like you've laid the groundwork for future help for your daughter. My son's autonomic issues first flared after a huge growth spurt so that makes sense.

Let us know when your surgery will be. I hope soon so you can start eating again!


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Hey, just a word of caution--given your heart issues, make CERTAIN your gall bladder surgery is done at a hospital with a heart unit and NOT at a surgery center. That way if there's any problem, you've got the right people and the right equipment on site.

Vindication is a nice feeling isn't it??? I know that I was laughing myself silly when the doctor told me my gall bladder needed to come out--I think he thought I'd lost my mind, but then I explained to him that after 6 years of gall bladder attacks, I was laughing out of relief and vindication that really *was NOT* all in my head. :(


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might mouse is right, and make sure you have a doctor anesthesiologist.i never knew there was anything but dr.'s. my cardio makes sure i'm at the best heart and surgical setting in our area for surgery. before i knew i had pots, after my gall bladder came out nothing wanted to work right again... now it all makes sense, but what a nightmare going home with a catheter in for days and other issues i won't put out here...

good luck to both of you!


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