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Early Morning Nausea And Head Spinning


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My partner got up at 3am this morning for an early morning flight, he's done this before, and every time I wake up (he puts the lights on, gets in the shower etc) I get really strong nausea and dizziness exactly like having been in a car too long and being terribly travel sick. Even though he turns the lights off and all goes silent when he leaves, I lie there practically clinging to the bed trying not to throw up. Obviously this has only happpened since getting POTS, so it must be something to do with it. And if I manage to sleep the night through, I won't get it. It takes up to three or four hours to go away even if I manage to drift in and out of sleep after it's started. What is this? Does anyone else get it? And what do you think are the mechanisms involved? Maybe if I know these I might be able to stop it happening>


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Sometimes I'll feel this way if I get woken up or wake up without enough sleep. Really sick, feeling like I can barely move, and very nauseous. Is it possible for your partner to not turn on the light and take a shower in the same bedroom/bathroom that you're in? Just my personal opinion, but it sounds rather rude. When my partner gets up early, he goes into the guest room bathroom, where he's put out his clothes for the day, and showers and gets ready in there. I guess I'm lucky!

Take care, and the Meclizine/Dramamine is a great idea.



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