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Pots And Genetics

POTS and genetics  

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To answer this, think back through your grandparents and extended families to "where" they came from originally. Many of us have a dominance of a certain area in our genetic makeup since world travel is still a relatively young phenomenon.

Just wondering WHERE on earth this came from; I guess I'm looking for "Eve." Most of the literature and studies state that POTS is a mostly Caucasian disorder, but is there a more common denominator (location?) Are there other disorders that also hit this population (if there is one?)

Just wondering...

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Genealogy is actually a hobby of mine. I've done pretty extensive family research, and so far, every line that I've traced back goes back to the British Isles, excepting one Native American great-great-great grandmother. All of my ancestors came over early, too. The last to get here arrived in the 1780's. Other than that, they were all here by the late 1600's. In our family, we joke that we are "more British than the Queen"...which really isn't a joke as she's much more German than British herself.

This is definitely something that seems to be genetic in my family. I am quite certain that my grandmother on my father's side had this. My dad had a mild version as well. My mother's side also presents some questionable traits. My paternal grandmother was the only one amongst her siblings that didn't die of sudden cardiac death. My mother's sister had some kind of unexplained seizures for years during childhood. My mother and all of her sisters developed hypertension by the time they were in their 30's...and these are not people you'd look at and think of as having early high blood pressure. All very slim, small women. Two of my children have mild NCS, and if they were actually tested, I'm sure the rest would prove to have it as well. Almost all of them have migraine.

At one point, it was speculated that in order to have a really severe case of autonomic dysfunction, it's likely that traits from both parents need to be passed on. That would explain why some people have very "mild" cases and others, like many of us here, are downright disabled by it. We got double whammies.

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Idon't think it lies in my heritage (Scottish). LAst I heard, there were 6 POTS patients there including me.

Your poll/question makes me think about MS- research suggests that the further away from the equator that a country is, the more people there are with MS. And for some reason, the highest concentration (per thousand or million, or whatever it is) is actually in the West of Scotland.

I'm worried about this at the moment because my Mum and Dad are from there, and my mum has ben having neurological symptoms for over a year. We have a consultation on Tuesday where I think they will tell us whether or not it's MS. The last MRI showed inflammation.

Wish us luck! We've had a hard enough time with my crappy health- we could do without my mum suffering too!


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In my family pots may be running down my mother's father side. No one was officially diagnosed with pots but my great grandfather had to wear rubber stockings. This side of the family is also famous for their headaches. I guess if they had stayed in Scotland you would have a little more company Persephone http://dinet.ipbhost.com/style_images/1/fo...icons/icon4.gif. However before they got to Scotland they were Vikings. I hope your parent's appointment goes well.

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My own family history is traced back through the 1700's to various parts of Germany (thanks to my Aunt's research!) But it is the Irish part of my family that has been symptomatic for anything that is similar to POTS. My Maternal Grandmother (all Irish and the the only non-German for as far back as I can find) fainted frequently as a young woman and my migraines come directly through that female bloodline.

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I thought I'd researched my Genealogy well then found out I was adopted (Laugh!). I was raised by my Grandparents (mother's side, long story) and am looking into my paternal father's family. Overall I'm primarily British (English/Scottish/ some Welsh?) and Irish.

My half-sister (Mother's daughter) is showing symptoms. They have my half-brother (Mother's son) on Lexapro has he was having weird dizziness and fatigue they can't work out. I've done the test on my half-sister (stand up/sit down) and she has a plus 30BPM raise.

We've not had this our whole lives, though, so are wondering if we're predisposed for it to kick in from stress, virus, etc as we've been through a lot these last few years.

My Mother has fatigue sometimes and a fast heart-rate at times. Makes me wonder but you can't get that woman to a doctor. :/

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Im all irish and scottish - Celts and their strange illnesses... No firm history of POTS in my family but some very weird unexplained symptom presentations on both sides to some degree. My cousin has CFS.

I think that hibernian people tend to be more likely to have autoimmune illnesses due to genetic factors - there was an articile in a newspaper in Australia about that.

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Just quickly jumping in here... haven't been on here for days and trying to catchup... Not sure if anyone has mentioned this, but similar polls have been done before on other forums/locations as well. I know that drs. or "the go to response" is that this is an equal opportunity disorder overall, but some do go as far as to say seen more in Caucasians than other ethnicities. And of course seen more in females... (I know, not an ethnicity :) ). But, I think that the Caucasian link that is sometimes described can be attributed to access to healthcare, and achieving a diagnosis.

Anyways... I am seriously ADHD at this moment, post Starbucks Venti Frappacino to get me through moving day!

On other forums it seemed like from the responses that were given that there was a VERY strong link to Germany/Poland area and the United Kingdom. BUT, at the same time I wonder how much of this is a language or healthcare barrier OR genetics? Who knows?

I always go back to wondering if it is anything like Familial Dysautonomia in its origins/predominance in the Ashkenazi Jewish population... I know they are not the same thing, but if at some point there was enough mutations of certain genes in these populations to create different, yet similar disorders???

Not sure that makes any sense... Personally I feel that for those that dysautonomia and related issues are genetic in nature that the majority would trace back to a few areas of the world/ethnicities over the other areas. I also think that other evolutionary type things come into play (i.e. survival of the fittest-> would any of us survive in the desert??? No, not for very long, we would either die or move to a climate that would accomodate us). Another thing that could shape something like this is, whatever that word is.... for over time a populations genes changing to accomodate for their environment. Like some populations have traits or defense type mechanisms to help them survive their environment. So, if in a really hot and humid environment, then over time the populations genetics could adjust to accomodate this. Or whatever... if I only had a functioning brain!!! :(

Makes you wonder if it is natures way of saying, Hey! You are trying to live in the wrong place! You are are genetically wired for... (insert desired location here)... Maybe that is why I just made my eighth move in my life of 25 years... Maybe we were not all supposed to have a migration free-for-all?

OR MAYBE I just have had too much caffeine and no sleep in 2-3 days??? :P

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