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Kidney Questions Again

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I'm stumped. My last round of "routine" lab work came back way out of whack. My serum Creatinine is high (1.25), my BUN is low (6) and my cholesterol is rising. My serum osmolality came back high, even on the dDAVP!

Has anybody ever had labs that look this way? Anyone on dDAVP have this happen? Anyone have kidney issues due to low perfusion (blood flow?)

I was supposed to see this really good nephrologist, but his first new patient appointment is at the end of August, at the rate all this is changing that might be too late. B)

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I have kidney issues due to low blood flow, and also lost my gallbladder due to this. I also have a lot of ischemic lesions on my brain due to lack of blood flow/oxygen. I know I wrote this on another thread, but my kidneys go in and out of stage 3 kidney disease. I go to a nephrologist, and we re-test every 3-6 months to see if it stays at a dangerous level or goes too low. Do you have lower back pain? Problems with urination? I'm currently in a 'wait and watch' situation. It'll be interesting to see what a nephrologist says.

Good thoughts and energy your way...


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Potsgirl, you did mention that you go in and out of stage 3 renal failure, but by what criteria? Serum creatinine? Protein or blood in the urine? How did they determine it was due to hypoperfusion? Do you have lots of urine or just a little? I am still in no man's land on the diabetes insipdus dx, but kidney failure has a polyuric phase and can decrease the kidney's concentration ability, so it would look like DI, but not be DI. If you go by serum creatinine and eGFR, I too go in and out of stage 3 renal failure. By overhydrating myself on dDAVP, that goes normal, but my electrolytes get all out of whack.

I HATE waiting to see, what, to see if my kidneys actually fail or my thyroid or my pituitary?

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Yes, this is based on serum creatinine and eGFR, and I think that my nephrologist determined it was due to blood/oxygen insufficiencies due to my past history of severe orthostatic intolerance. Does this help at all? I'd have to get out my tests (buried somewhere) but I know that my GFR in particular was really out of whack.


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I have a history of glomernymphritis (really don't know how to spell that.) in my family, and therefore have to be careful of my kidneys. I have had a lot of trouble with my kidney and liver function tests coming back abnormal. But my creatine is always low. But my billytot and billyubin have been very high. I also had very brown urine. I don't know which of these were related to my kidneys, but my doctors were worried about both my kidneys and liver at one point. All of these tests improved and returned to normal once I got off of the medication that was making me sick. Is there any you are on that might be effecting your kidneys? Just a thought. I hope this helps.


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Yes, my PCP is looking at my meds. He thinks it might be the dDAVP, but he also thinks it might be fibromuscular dysplasia creating renal artery narrowing, which is usually uncovered while trying to control hypertension with drugs. So it could be the Propranolol. The thing is, I've been steady at 1.2 for almost six years (which is NOT a normal level unless I was an olympic athlete) and was only within "normal" ranges when I was clinically OVER-hydrated as demonstrated by serum osmolality and electrolytes. It isn't making sense for anything. Part gets better if I take MORE meds, and part gets worse. :D

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Yes, my PCP is looking at my meds. He thinks it might be the dDAVP, but he also thinks it might be fibromuscular dysplasia creating renal artery narrowing, which is usually uncovered while trying to control hypertension with drugs. So it could be the Propranolol. The thing is, I've been steady at 1.2 for almost six years (which is NOT a normal level unless I was an olympic athlete) and was only within "normal" ranges when I was clinically OVER-hydrated as demonstrated by serum osmolality and electrolytes. It isn't making sense for anything. Part gets better if I take MORE meds, and part gets worse. :D

How do they check for renal stenosis? Isn't it a CT scan? You've got the high BP and labs. Do you really need to wait for the nephrologist? Wow- glad you're investigating the fibromuscular dysplasia. If that's it, you actually have a common presentation of a rare and little known disorder. Let us know what you find out!


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Nothing ever seems easy for us, as i told potsgirl the other night, "i often feel like damaged goods."

Sorry, for all of us, as when i went in for my last surgery to remove precancerous cells in my uterus,

the preop dr said, "do you have a kidney problem?" then he added. "usually we don't like to put people under

with the #'s so high." that was in november. i was a bit dazed and confused back then. i'm alwalys showing protien

in my urine now and my doc has some reason for me not to worry. i had two aunts who died from kidney diease.

sending a round of prayers and hugs to all~


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How do they check for renal stenosis? Isn't it a CT scan? You've got the high BP and labs. Do you really need to wait for the nephrologist? Wow- glad you're investigating the fibromuscular dysplasia. If that's it, you actually have a common presentation of a rare and little known disorder. Let us know what you find out!

Its an MRA or cath/scan. It would show up like a "string of pearls." It is a very specific test that no one would test for, unless the doctor suspected it.

It is one of the many conditions known to CAUSE dysautonomia, so I am somewhat hopeful...like it was when they thought it was a brain tumor. :D

At least both a brain tumor and FMD are both treatable. The not knowing is maddening!

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I hate that you have to wait for further testing. How long???

I want to learn more. I have studied fibromuscular dysplasia pretty extensively as one of my docs (who's Dxed with it) thinks it may be behind issues in my family. I've never seen it associated with dysautonomia, except anectdotally in a random patient. Where did you get that info?



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I hate that you have to wait for further testing. How long???

I want to learn more. I have studied fibromuscular dysplasia pretty extensively as one of my docs (who's Dxed with it) thinks it may be behind issues in my family. I've never seen it associated with dysautonomia, except anectdotally in a random patient. Where did you get that info?



No clue. Nobody's getting back with me.

As to the dysautonomia issue, I've been reading so much so fast, I'm not sure I remember where I saw it. It had something to do with carotid or vertibral artery stenosis causing lack of blood flow to the brain and creating ANS issues. Of course renal hypoperfusion would cause similar affects from the other end of the endocrine axis. I'll look again and see if I can't find the specific mention of it. What I find interesting is that ALL the symptoms of FMD are exactly the same as POTS.

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