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Wondering If Anyone Could Give Some Insight


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As I posted before my symptoms were mild for many years . But after I had my last baby last year the first Cardio said my heart was Weak EF was 45% and had a stress test and couldn't get heart rate over 138 I had to stop. But he said with that stress test and echo I had recovered but the symptoms persisted as you see thats why I'm here! Does this make any sense to anyone My heart rate now goes to 120-140 just from standing now could that cardiomyopathy been caused just from delivery, a virus, and this is just a result from that ? Could I still have a Virus and what kind of virus cause this . I have not been tested for any Viruses . Theres so many unanswered questions from the doctors I've seen I thought maybe you all may have some opinions ....

Thanks Mae

One other thing that is kinda personal since I had the baby I have been dealing with Bactria Vaginosis and can't take any antibiotics because I'm too sensitive to Meds any suggestions

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My problems developed just over a year ago after baby #4. I developed N/V and was hospitalized for a kidney infection. My HR dropped in the 20's to 30's during that visit. My echo showed an EF of 30% at that time. They also told me this was viral or pregnancy induced. I've now been dx with POTS after a TTT. About 4 months ago I started running fevers and severe fatigue. They finally figured out it was MONO. It made me wonder if it was the pregnancy that caused all this or if it was the EB virus that just wasn't diagnosed initially. I guess I'll never know but I'm hoping it's the virus that caused it because I think the chances of recovery are higher with that. Good luck and hope you start feeling better!!


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I was diagnosed soon after my last delivery as well. This was 14 years ago.

I had had symptoms going back for awhile. In fact, during the previous pregnancy, I had had a lot of problems including fluid on my lungs the entire time as well as horrible chronic migraines and very labile blood pressures and heart rates. A nurse midwife turned me over to an OB because she was sure I had something significant going on with my cardiovascular system. During the last pregnancy, the blood pressure and heart rate problems returned. It all went haywire about a month before I delivered when I caught an influenza virus. I did not recover well. The certified nurse midwife I was seeing was again sure I had some kind of cardiac thing going on. My primary care physician thought I had developed cardiomyopathy. I was sent to a specialist and diagnosed with little testing at than the holter monitor reading that prompted my PCP to send me on and then the tilt table test. Since I was glad to hear that I wasn't suffering from severe heart damage, I chose to accept the alternate diagnosis.

Over the years, I've questioned the wisdom of that decision. Maybe it wasn't one or the other, necessarily. Maybe there was subtle damage that lead to my autonomic problems coming into the forefront. I still have strange things going on, and to this day, I haven't really pursued any other diagnosis. I've had a stress test, which I failed. I still have fluid in my lungs that no one can really quite explain. This is not typical for POTS/dysautonomia patients. On the other hand, nothing is really standing out big time...and I'm being treated with medication in a manner consistent with patients who do indeed have some kind of heart damage. How much does it really matter in the long run? I'm not sure there would be more that we could actually DO at this time. It's not something that I've found any ready answers for in my researching, and at the risk of sounding pompous, if I can't figure it out, why would most medical doctors be able to? I've certainly got the edge on motivation to do so.

As to will you do better? Well, that's entirely possible. After about a year after my last delivery, most symptoms have reduced to a livable level. They were still there, but I was able to function fairly normally. Alas, this reprieve was not long lasting. After a couple of years, symptoms started getting worse again, and following a bout with a cold, they came back full force.

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My last baby boy was born 1/28/08. I have 2 boys and 2 girls now. My last E.F. was back to normal thank goodness!! Now I'm just trying to control the POTS symptoms. It's a challenge getting the right med combo. It's also been a challenge to get a doctor willing to take the time to figure out proper treatment options. I have 4 kids so it's difficult to find time to travel to see a specialist. When was your delivery date? Hope you get it all figured out! It's so hard to keep up with little ones when your not feeling well. I was actually thrilled to get the mono dx because at least that usually gets better!

Take care!


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Hi Mae,

I am sorry for what you are struggling with. I am sure it is frustrating and discouraging. I have a few thoughts that I wanted to share. Have you ever been tested for Epstein-Barr, Herpes, or CMV antibodies? Those might help determine what type of virus you had. Regarding the vaginitis... are you able to use topical (intravaginal) antibiotics? I can't tolerate oral meds, but have used both intravaginal Metrogel (Metronidazole) and Clindese (clindamycin) without any problems. I hope that helps. Good luck!

~ Broken_Shell :)

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Thanks Girls,

This has been difficult trying to get this sorted out in my MIND with the concentration problems and brain fog. I haven't been checked fro ANY viruses throughout all this! Which really upsets me!!!! I was checked for Herpes and All Hepatitis's which was a swab herpes test don't know how accurate that is ? It is kinda weird that a few of us have had the Heart weakness after delivery without a real explanation I will definitely bring this up with my new doc. I was DX with the Postpartum cardiomyopathy and was told another pregnancy would kill me, and I didn't want any more children anyway but I did want a better explanation that we don't know what caused it and now its better. And now I'm left with this which is still unexplainable . There has to be some link and with a cause would give me a better chance at treatment or recovery. No doctor has taken the time or done the research to even give me proper answers.

As for the meds for B.V I can not tolerate even the gel I have numbness and twitching that lasted a week just from using it twice along with other bizarre side-effects my heart raced even laying down it was bad! I use to be able to tolerate the Z-Pac but now that even makes me flush and had a hot rash on my face after a few uses. I have to avoid any infections thats for sure :o:(:rolleyes:

Well you all have gave me some good information , I'll see what else I can find out soon


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