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How Quickly Should A Dr Call You Back?


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I saw one of my drs a couple of weeks ago and she told me to follow up with a particular specialist. I needed to get her some old test results, which I faxed her. I also called the specialist and found out he doesn't accept insurance. I can pay and get reimbursed in part by my insurance. She told me this might happen and to call her so she can work out a lower fee with the specialist for me. I have called her three times in the past 10 days, but haven't heard back. I understand drs are busy and might not be able to get back to us right away, but I think 10 days is a bit much. Is it just me?

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No! It's one of my pet peeves. Doctors should call you back in a reasonable time period. I've always been told that a doctor, being a professional in a business (yes, they are in business) should call you back that day or the following one, unless he's out of town or there's another extenuating circumstance. Errrr. I'll growl for you!

Hope you receive a call soon,


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