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Wierd Throbbing Vein Pain


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Anyone get anything like this? it felt like my shoulder was squeezing to pump the blood like i felt a super strong pulse pushing through it kind of random too freaked me out. Anyone know what this is or experienced anything like this? felt liek artery in my arm was going to burst or something.

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As far as I know, that is not a POTS symptom. It sounds like you should go see your PCP about it. Is it still going on? How long does it last?

Take care,


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i do think you should see your doctor about it. perhaps they can do a stress test to figure out why that's happening. let us know what happens.

take good care,


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I have a few ideas. Is it always the same place or does this throbbing vein move around? If it's always in the same place, I worry about a possible weak spot in an artery or vein, like with vascular EDS. A CT scan is necessary to rule this out and it can be repaired with surgery. If it is presistant and you are worried, I'd probably check with my PCP promptly or even trot over to an urgent care facility. Till you can rule out something scary, keep your BP low so as not to overinflate the weak spot.

If the throbbing spot moves around, I suspect that you have low BP and your heart is pounding very hard to compensate. I really notice this after a hot tub. My heart pounds really hard. I also occasionally get muscle spasms in my thigh, eyelid or abdomen that sometimes feel vascular.

Best of luck. Let us know what you find out!


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