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Severe Fatigue

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I'm not stranger to butt kicking fatigue.. as im sure many of you on here are too.. As I stated in my last post I've been having crazy neuro symptoms assoicated and not assoicated with faiting.. well.. while having been going thru this, My fatigue which is normally badb enough to keep me down... has increased.

Looking for pointers in getting thru this hump... as i dont know what casuing thing to stirr... but some idea's to combat this crippling fatigue would be helpful!


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Hi dizzygirl, there must be something in the water because it seems so many of us are having worsening fatigue and symptoms right now. I though my issue was pollen and allergies, and zyrtec has helped. But I still feel like I'm walking in quicksand most days. I'm trying to stay really diligent about fluids, salt, compression and rest with the hope that "this too will pass". Anyone else have any ideas?

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My B12 shot that I get monthly gives me a feeling like I can do anything, add hydration as a boost and I'm good for a maybe getting the pile of dishes finally caught up, doing some laundry, but i just wanna have fun! then I crash.

I want to dance, be silly, go out and play. I wanna live life to the fullest out of bed, when I can get out of bed!

when I go out my bag is so heavy because i have so many drinks in it, meds, and i need a battery operated fan to add to the bag. also i bring small snacks, to eat, smalls meal many times a day are better for us. use a back pack, pace yourself and tell anyone who is with you.

when someone offers to do something tell them what would really help you.

i working on trying to simplify my life and that's a big deal for me. I'm a pack rat! :(

i try to get all my meds for 3 months at a time to save time and money at the drugstore.

i should be doing this one now, as i love it voice to text software, you speak and it spells and adds punctuation.

the best program is dragon. my hands are so swollen and sore. from the salt. i recently had a problem with vista crashing and took it off

and changed some things i should add it tomorrow. what a difference it makes when you are so tired.

i hope these help, i'm a little under the weather myself this evening. :huh: been a long, long day.

good luck :blink:

hope we can all learn something new to help.

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I'll chalk it up to the weather as well. We went from the 100's to the 50's and now back to the 90's today. That just wrecks havoc with even a good ANS.

I've decided not to fight it and try to give in to the fatigue as best I can. I am doing less (unimaginable but true) going to bed earlier, asking for more help to fix meals and drinking extra water. I also started taking in more vitamin C. Strange thing is (not unusual for me) I feel half way normal be evening time. Which I hear is also common for a histamine cycle.

Hang in there, it's bound to turn again!


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I have also been feeling much more fatigued as usual for the past couple of months. My mornings used to be bad, but now I can barely drag myself out of bed. On a good day, I can get out for a short walk or force myself to get to a doctor's appointment. Isn't that ironic? We're all so horribly fatigued, and yet we have to get ourselves to so many doctor's appointments...I can't add anything new to the suggestions, except I take an hour nap in the afternoon during these 'down' times. Sometimes that helps. It certainly gives me something to look forward to after lunch.

I'm sending positive thoughts and energy your way!



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~EM.. yes i do notice that by about 7-8pm i feel alittle less cruddy... and by about 11pm Im ready to go to bed...I'm pretty useless during the day.. i try to push but that doesnt accomplish much other then making things worse!

My niece's 2nd birthday party is on saturday.. and aside from what i ordered online i havent been able to get out to the store to buy anything! I hope there is a break in the fatigue clouds saturday for atleast an hour...

thanks all for the tips and understanding :0) I do think there is some change of season/weather component to things....hopefully it will pass soon

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Guest tearose

Add me to the list of wiped out pots people.

I try everything mentioned and keep hoping that the fatigue will lift. It is especially hard for me when the weather changes. I do have some trouble in the 1-2 weeks of predictable July heat but the winter is horrific for me. I think our fatigue is the body shutting down after all the energy used to keep us functioning.

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