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Hives Again... From My 1 And Only Pain Med...

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What a mess. :blink: I'm going to wallow for a minute here...

About 5 hours ago I realized I was in big trouble...started to itch everywhere, even the soles of my feet, and was disoriented. I am still itching like mad--but now breathing better and my blood pressure is approaching "my normal". My bp was insane high for me 218/120 for a good hour. Hey, on good note, my back pain and joint paint is pretty much nonexistent at this moment--I guess the combo of my pain meds and about 400 mg or benedryl, and 300mg of zantac did the trick. (sarcasm) :blink: However, long time members will recall that pain meds are problematic for me b/c for some reason they make me HYPER HYPER HYPER

Side note: this much benedryl makes me have some weird hallucination-ish stuff when I made a good girl-scout effort to trying get to sleep sleep--it's like I'm dreaming but am wide awake. Creepy stuff. All sorts of disjointed images--some of which were pretty disturbing. B)

It drives me nuts with something like this happens... I take a med I've used on and off for years and then BAM, I'm having a major reaction. I'm worried about how I'm going to function this week. With my body in freak-out-mode, it's going to be dizzy days ahead and my dad's surgery is Weds and in order to take off that day, I have tomorrow and Tues filled with loads of work. I did get to spend some time with my dad today. He and his wife made a pit stop here on their way up to NY for his preop workup in the morning. I guess I should tell myself that my issues could always be worse and my dad is a prime example of that--he's got a tough road ahead.

Well, back to go slather on some more Sarna lotion and drink some more water to try to flush out my system with the hope that I might have a shot at falling asleep before the sun comes up. Rant over.


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I am so sorry. I too have this happen. Won't even try to suggest any meds options. How about a luke warm, cool bath ? Oatmeal bath. Ice bags armpits, groin, neck? Hugs. Don't cha just wish ya could have a shot of hooch..................... Prayer hat on for your dad. Candle is burning. Miriam

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I'm sorry, Nina! I remember giving morphine to patients and it commonly causes a histamine release even in folks who aren't "allergic." It would give them mild hives and vasodilate them too. Any drug that's derived from morphine can have the same effect (oxycodone, hydrocodone, etc.). But I would have thought that with that much benadryl (holy cow!) you wouldn't have this problem!

If I take more than 1/2 a vicodin for nighttime pain, I'll lie awake for 3-4 hours. My mom has this side effect too, and she has neuropathy like me. Wierd because most people are snowed on opioids. I either have to decide if I want to be awake because of pain or awake because of drugs.

I hope you find a solution! :blink:


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I am so sorry your SOOO sick! I haven't been able to take pain meds since I started with POTS either. Makes my BP go way up along with my HR. I do know that you can "become" intolerant of meds even after taking them for some time. Have you thought of doing a complete medication re-evaluation? Maybe you can eliminate some or replace some.

I wish I had more advice but, I am so new and I am having a REALLY bad day too. So dizzy now I have to sign off :blink:

Take Care

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Hi again all, the culprit was oxycontin, which I rarely take, but the pain was really getting to me last night and I was hoping to have some relief even if I didn't get to sleep--oh well. I can still use toradol aka ultram, but it doesn't work very well for me :( All the nsaids are out b/c of my gi issues.

Still itchy but not nearly as bad as last night! (thank goodness!) :)

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Oh, goodness, that all sounds awful! I am glad things are getting better. It all sounds so complicated to juggle what to or not to take... But, it is hard to not take anything for severe pain! :(


I thought that was interesting about the histamine reaction with morphine. I bet that is what happened to me post-op. So, does that go in line with MCAD (mast cell disorder)?


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