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Fatigue Has Been Worse Lately - Tips? Medicines? And...why?

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My 'normal' POTS symptoms have been the same...no fun, but 'normal' except my fatigue has been worse this week.

I just feel like I have some type of lead weight holding me down, and sometimes feel like molasses. Some days I'm better than others (right now I'm trying to force myself to do a couple errands but had to take a nap first)...and this isn't something I'm used to.

I went to see my EP today and told him things are about the same but fatigue so he wants me to start Mestinon tomorrow. 60mg at three times a day (he said people take much higher doses than that, so it's a start). Sometimes it's all POTS people need. He thinks this can help fatigue.

Have any of you had luck with Mestinon helping fatigue? Anything else?

This has to be one of the worst things I've experienced. I wonder what causes it to flare-up this bad when it hasn't before? My only changes have been some added stress. I don't know how much longer I can keep working with this level but my EP said to give Mestinon a month before figuring out something else to try.

Any help would be appreciated. I'm really freaking out about this. I hope I'm not developing something new! I've had positive ANAs before so I've been told to watch for Lupus. Ugh.

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HUGS to you ~!

I FEEL for you as I am going through the same. Do you work? Its so bad that while I was waiting at my PCP (great lady) I could not stay awake. She comes in and apologizes and I say thanks... I needed a nap!!

ANd they are about to test me for narcolepsy..she still waiting to talk to the auto nomic neuro to see what he wants..but he too suspects narcolepsy.

No matter what.. this IS deblitaing.. I could nap 2-3 times a day !!

I tRY to excerise.. and do not get a 2nd wind either. I can only stay on my gisele machine 2-5 mins.

I just wanted you to know I FEEL what you do. Again.. are you working? Have a family?

When is the last time you folks dusted..vacuumed?? I think its amazing I get a load or two of laundry done. And the stairs.. say no more!!


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I do work. I was working full time until last fall when FMLA kicked in. Since then it's been about 70% time, I'd guess...3-4 days a week (I have to take time off for doctor visits, treatment, flare-ups, etc). What's scary, at this point I can't imagine going back to full-time and I only have a few months left of FMLA. It won't get me through the year. When I have to work a full week I am EXHAUSTED.

The fatigue is the worst thing, so I'm glad you understand. It's so hard to deal with!

I am married with a cat, there's no way I could handle a child. I don't know how people do it!

I somehow do the laundry, occasional dusting, cat stuff and keep the kitchen and bathroom clean enough to be tolerable. I could NOT do this if I had to work 40-50 hours a week, though.

My spouse is a pack-rat so clutter doesn't bother him much, thank goodness.

I just have to see how the next month or two goes and go from there. It's so stressful. My grandparents keep telling me I have to do what's best to get well. I do have a tendency to be stubborn and over do things!

Do you work? Have kids?

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I know the feeling...

A few things I use:

1. caffiene in modes i can handle it. Mild coffee or just coca cola even though i know its bad

2. licorice extract can give me sudden bursts of energy

3. a quick sleep

4. ive got a suspicion that turmeric might help you as well. worth a try as its a harmless antioxidant.

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Yes I work. I recently told my supervisor that I was "thinking" about cutting down a day..which would help me and helpout the agency who is cutting back drastically. I dont quite trust this bunch though. I think tkhey were trying to build a case to let me go end of last year when the census was low..called me on the carpet about stupid little stuff said from other folks. Then they lost another social worker and I am a hard working person.. so suddenly I was really needed and they were all nicey nice.

I cannot get through a 5 day week but it doesnt matter how many days..as ever 3 weeks I work 6 days. But after 1-2 days I can feel awful. This vision problem is nearly daily now. Even when I have a "good day".. it can change in a few hours.

NO..I do not have a family to care for anymore. My kids are grown and my husband died. So I dont have any pressure to clean etc and can rest when I want to. I pace myself.

But my sleepiness is supposedly related to narcolepsy..which I will be having a daytime study soon.

I HAVE to made a decision soon on working 4 days a week..but can I afford it??

Takc care


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