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Numbness When Sleeping, And Fainting

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Hi everyone,

I had an a-ha! moment this morning. Since I became sick, when I sleep (in fact it was one of my first symptoms) I get this numbness, it varies from prickly pins and needle's, to dead heavy can't move at all, can't feel at all. Kinda like a mad dentist went nut's with the novocain! There is also the feeling like all my blood is at the bottom part (whichever way I am laying) of my body. Like if I am on my back it is all there. I get this on my whole body, but it varies how bad it is. It always includes my hands, arms, back, and chest. But it often includes my face, head, neck, stomach, pelvis, legs, ok...lets just say it involves my entire body, with the first part being the worst. So as I was laying there this morning waiting to get some feeling and be able to move it hit me....(blood pooling!) It feels like all my blood runs to the bottom most part of my body, and stays there. I also get the numbness when I faint, (which I seem to be on a happy streak of lately) and that is why I feel like I am still awake. Because I can't move, but I can hear. But my family has proven to me that I actually go out, and I wouldn't want them to go through laughing that hard at me again, so I won't go there :)! So does anyone else get this? Or am I just an odd duck? Thanks a lot.


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Hi Suzy,

I have the pooling you describe while lying down. It's actually pretty visible on me. If I'm lying on my right side, the whole right side of my body will be pink/mottled. Same if I'm on my back, stomach, etc. The part of my body that is lower also gets really warm, sometimes hot and uncomfortable, while the body parts that are elevated get really cold.

I'm sorry but I don't have the numb sensations like you describe. I have numb issues but they are pretty localized to my arms or legs and are due to compressed nerves. I don't get the "whole body" numbness. I do have a constant numbness in the palms of my hands and soles of my feet that the neuro says is due to small-fiber neuropathy. It feels like pins and needles there all the time.

Hope you get some answers! Janie

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Hello my dear one.

Wondered when I would hear from you again.

But..when you said you can't move but hear.. I got an A-HA moment!! Its either where I learned about cataplexy..related to Narcolepsy (which you know they think I have) cuz I can HEAR but not move my body..only I dont really know it..or do..then dont. I get numb arms..face sometimes.

I am still in limbo with mine..but google CATAPLEXY..and see the You tube videos of this. There is one of a woman whose husband took the video to show the doctors what his wife goes through..only she was paralyzed with numbness..only moaning..until it passes. So maybe not quite like yours.

But I have thought that you do have more than 1 thing going on here. My "episodes" as I call the so called cataplexy..ALWAYS always starts out with auto nomic symptoms that lead to this.

Its scary..disturbing.. and just plain annoying isn't it?


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I get semi-similar symptoms. While laying, sitting... whatever if I am in one position to long and blood flow is diminished to certain body part, I will get those symptoms. For me it is a cross between blood pooling and leaning/laying on etc... something the wrong way causing blood to have a difficult time getting to my arm/leg etc.

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Hi Janie, Thank you for sharing that. I get an icey feeling usually with it, but haven't noticed if it's only in certain spots. That is very reasuring, because it feels weird, and kind of scarey. I haven't noticed a color difference, but I usually am just coming out of a faint, or sleep, but I will start to pay attention. Sorry you have the pins and needles in your hands and feet all the time, I know it is a very annoying feeling. I do have a pinched nerve in my neck, but I have been told that wouldn't cause problems all over my body. Thanks for sharing, and the support.

Hi Jan, Thanks for telling me that. I did look up the videos, and there was a girl who looks like I feel sometimes. She just kind of loses her posture. But the one thing that doesn't seem to fit with me is they say it happens with extreme emotions. I certainly do have an increase in symptoms when I am emotional, but I can feel all kinds of emotions, and not faint. And vice versa, I can be feeling no certain emotion, and have it happen. So I am not real sure what to think of it, but I will definatly keep it in mind. I am sorry you don't have a definative diagnoses yet. Are you getting closer? Yes it is scarey..disturbing..and just plain anoying. I fainted in front of my neighbor, who is elderly, and all I could do was say I was sorry. I know it scared her. She said I hit the ground pretty hard. I think it scares me just a bit less then it used to. I think I am gettting used to it more, and before I always thought it was my heart, and I was dying. So at least I can reasure myself that I will be ok. But even so, it is still just a bit scarey at the moment it happens. Thanks for sharing, and the support.

Hi ana, thank you for sharing that. Glad to know I am not an odd duck.

Hi AJW, thank you for sharing that. I am glad to know I am not alone with the numbness. I used to think that maybe I was laying wrong too, but mine progressed to where it is all over my body, where I couldn't be laying on all of my body.

Thank you all for the replies,


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