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Ct Scan At 5 Today...nervous About Contast!!

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Hi All,

I have been experiencing a lot of G.I. issues and have been having stomach cramping for the past week on and off, but every day. I have also been having a pressure/pain sensation in my bladder AFTER I go to the bathroom. It is a very weird sensation as I cannot usually feel my bladder except after going to the bathroom, it feels very strained. I do not have a UTI and I know a lot people have G.I. issues with POTS, but I think they'd like to rule out anything more serious.

I got very sick this morning caused by/resulting in G.I. "issues," although this episode was accompanied by the usual teeth chattering, chills, hot flashes, racing heart, etc. I called my G.I. and he ordered a ct scan of my abdomen/pelvic area WITH CONTRAST, which I am having done tonight at 5.

First question...URGENT- Before my test at 5, I have to drink some sort of "contrast solution" 2 hours before the test. I have read that people with POTS sometimes have issues with contast and I am VERY nervous about drinking this solution later on today. What kind of symptoms does having contrast give people with POTS so I know what to look you for?

Second question, does anyone ever get sick before, during or right after having a bowel movement? I feel like I just ran a race during and afterwards. My heart will be pounding and I'll need to take deep breaths.

Thanks in advance!


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I've drunk enough of the stuff in my life that I should glow. I've never had a problem with the contrast, and i'm one of those who frequently has reactions to things and turns into a giant hive with respiratory problems. The only issue I have with the contrast is that it TASTES DISGUSTING. I never noticed any change in my POTS or NCS symptoms when given contrast to drink.


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Oh, and as for the bowel movement issue, that's actually a common problem--when you strain/push, you engage in what is called a "Valsalva maneuver". The following definition comes from MedicineNet :Valsalva maneuver: A maneuver in which a person tries to exhale forcibly with a closed glottis (the windpipe) so that no air exits through the mouth or nose as, for example, in strenuous coughing, straining during a bowel movement, or lifting a heavy weight. The Valsalva maneuver impedes the return of venous blood to the heart.

Named for Antonio Maria Valsalva, a renowned Italian anatomist, pathologist, physician, and surgeon (1666-1723) who first described the maneuver.

Additionally, bowel motility (the ability for you guts to move food along at a normal pace from eating to expelling) can be a major issue for many of us. Some people have little or no movement/motility (referred to as gastroparesis) and others have stuff shoot through them like a rollercoaster, causing very loose stools. A bowel/gi motility study can reveal these kinds of issues. A good gastro doctor might be someone you may want to see.

Also, the bladder can have motility problems too... if you search our site, you may be able to find old posts on neurogenic bladder, etc.


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I have drunk the contrast solution as well, and am med sensitive. It was no issue for me.

To add to what Nina said, YES very common to have symptoms for BM's or even emptying a bladder.

There is even a term for folks who faint doing either of these.

"Defecation syncope" and the other "Micturition syncope"

So relax (I know, easy for me to say) and I hope you get answers from your contrast.

Oh, and a small footstool to put your feet on when sitting on the toilet can help. or some object that is about 10 inches tall to support your feet....it's helped me a time or two when needed. I don't faint but have gotten terrible HR and dizziness.

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well my post may be a little late. It's only 3 where I am at. I have trouble with most things I try, and wasn't disapointed with the drinkable contrast. I got a rash head to toe. The lady doing the CT said she had never seen that before. No one has reactions to the drinkable dye. But she wouldn't give me the injectible either. But the next 2 times I took the drinkable dye I took a dose of benadryl before, and didn't have any problem. If you are concerned, you could ask if you could take that before hand. Hope this helps, and hope I'm not too late.


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Hi All...

Thank for your replys! The test went surprisingly well, although I HATED that "hot flash" feeling you get when they inject the contrast into your arm during the test! Yuck, talk about feeling like you're burning up!

Drinking all of the solution went well, I had to drink 45 oz. the hour before the test and chug another 12 when I arrived. It wasn't so bad because they gave me Crystal Light to camoflage the taste (nothing is worse than what they make you drink before a colonoscopy...yuck!) I did not have any allergic reactions which I am very happy about...and I think some good actually came out of it! Although I won't get the results for another 24 hours, I felt GREAT after my test yesterday evening! I'm not sure whether it is coincidence but I am convinced that drinking so much fluid did the trick. Anyway, the great feeling is wearing off this morning, and I've been pretty lightheaded since I got out of bed. I am going to try to chug fluids all day and keep the momentum up...wish me luck!


Michele :rolleyes:

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Glad you got through the test okay!! I had to drink in the AM for my test (when I feel my worst and thought I might be sick from drinking so much) I even called a tech to see if I threw up could i get the test and they said yes..and to just drink as much as possible...so I finished it in the car in the parking lot before going IN to the hospital.

Also I might be weird but I LOVED the hot sensations I got from the injection. :rolleyes: That's all I'm saying.

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Glad it went well. And glad you felt better too. I hope you can get that back with the fluids. Take care.


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