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Question About Pounding Heart When Changing Positions


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Hi again

I just have a a "little question, which I hope some of you can answer. I wonder, what is it that makes my heart pound out of my chest when just stretching, change position (not talking about standing, as I know blood pools in my legs, and thats the reason why I get symptoms when standing) I am talking about about the small movements, and my body/heart reacts as if its the hardest thing to do...while walking for example is ok (except when I stop and stand still for a while)

Is it:

- blood pooling in legs/limbs, and that switching positions creates a change in blood flow, and therefore more symptoms

- a hyperactive/oversensitive ANS (I notice it much more when stressed, little sleep, anxiety is worse)

- low bloodpressure ?

- low blood volume?

this is definately the symptoms that are the most beothering to me...especially waking up is a nightmare...often accompanied by severe panic....I feel like I am about to die, get short og breath etc..other times Im fine.

I suspect the betablockers to cause my muslceweakness, weak feeling in my chest, but the pounding heart thing is the most annoying and frigtening one..

Hoe you are coping well. I can also add that a certain level of activity and moderate exercise (even if its hard sometimes) is the best for reducing symptoms in the long term. I have definately benefit from it.


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I?ve experienced this as well. For me it happened mostly in the morning too. When rolling over in bed (in my sleep or upon just waking up) my HR would jump up dramatically and it felt as though my heart would pound out of my chest. Then came a hot-flashy-type sensation throughout my body and/or crazy anxiety. My POTS doc said ?that?s what puts the ?P? in POTS? ? a change of position and your body goes crazy. Could be any one (or a combination) of the causes you mention. One starts it and then its just a chain reaction.

I went thru a bunch of different med changes to try and find one to alleviate that. For me, there was no ?miracle drug?. It just slowly subsided (as most of my other symptoms did) over the course of time (years!) At the time I had to learn to sleep with one eye open and gently ease myself out of bed as to not make my heart go crazy. It wasn?t great but anything?s better than having one of those events to wake me up or to start my day with.

Hope you find some relief soon.

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Back at the beginning just after I got my diagnosis and was really, really freaked out, I would have horrible anxiety and tachycardia in the morning just as you described. What made it worse is I would sit right up and check my heart rate, see that it was crazy, of course, and get all the more anxious, which would make the heart rate worse and.......you get the drift.

I don't have the morning anxiety as much anymore, I think because I've gotten "used to" the diagnosis, and realize that it really stinks, but it's not something to get immediately anxious over the way I was.

I'm not saying this is what's happening to you, I'm just sharing that when my anxiety wasn't so bad, my heart rate wasn't so bad. Until, of course, I sat or stood up...that still happens.

Also, your thing about palpitations made me want to add one thing, ask a question:

At any given time, not just when I'm in tachycardia, but also when my heart rate is "normal," I'll be just sitting around, resting my fingers on my temple, my hand on my neck, crossing my arms, tucking my hand under my leg, and I can feel my pulse pounding through my skin. Also, when I look at my belly or my...er...well, my breast, I can see it jumping with my pulse pounding. I've sat reading with a book propped on my belly, and I can see the book jumping with my pulse. Again, it does this even when my pulse is at a normal rate, like 60 - 90 bpm.

What's that about???


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thanks you guys! Helps to know there are others who has suffered with this as well (andhas gotten better;) I dont know if its such a good idea for me to buy a heartratemonitor.then I would be more obsessed with my heartrate than I already am. Maybe when my anxiety over this lessens...but then Imight not need it...hehe.

I will try to be more careful when changing positions. SometimesItend to forget about the whole thing, and then BOOM, the POTS symptoms remind me of that when I f ex change a position.

Amber, I also have the pounding/pulsing sensation thing....about everywhere in my body. Very annoying...I guess we arejust oversensitive or something.

thanks again. Your comments are really appreaciated

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