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Football In Hd Makes Me Sick, Vertigo


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Tried to watch SUPERBOWL in the HD tv in LR...I know it was brought up about these new tv's before...it is not refresh rate or a strobe.

But as soon as they get a wide shot of the end of the field, before there is much football player movement, I feel if I look at the center of the screen, the way I did in a small plane some years ago (headache that leads to severe motion sickness nausea) Pulling of the eyes, and feeling of falling out of the recliner. Yikes.

I have watched a few minutes of normal tv shows on this TV with HD...but never a game with movement. No can do.

I know over the years watching car races ON OLD STYLE 4:3 ratio tv, mainly NASCAR, the widescreen or zoomy camera work would do the SAME thing to me if a horrible director was running the cameras. I have to be careful watching races and the special stupid zoomy graphics sometimes used.

I am finding the same thing only constantly with this football game...I am not into it but wanted to experience the HD. Well they can keep it.

I wish I had the nerve to take BP and HR while this is happening but afraid I will vomit. But my HR was racing the whole time as my head felt worse so I stopped lookin' at the tv. There is a normal tv next to the HD and I am FINE looking on that tv as it's cropped for less stuff in the background.

For the record, I EASILY get dizziness from movment and visual stimuli and have had brief bouts of vertigo that last just hours or few days. (years ago I saw a girl play guitar on stage the moved in a bizarre diagonal pattern with her body to sway to the beat and SHE made me sick, too!!!)

Be interested if anybody else is having this side effect. Note it's not the TV strobe effect...but the "wide HD kinda fish-eye lens look but not really" that's triggering this. I noticed when Chris Collingsworth was talking on the preshow I had to avert my eyes and my room mate even said "there is excess camera movement making it look like the world behind Chris was moving"...sigh.

My eyes over react to visual stimuli and movement (Duh and some specialist after tests that made me sick as a dog claimed I did not have Meniere's diseas) but I was sick for hours after the test and told this was "normal". ok...so how do you react if you have Meniere's? You feel SWELL after these tests??

Anyway, my eyes have ALWAYS been sensitive to camera work..and just had to post about this.

I am having trouble focusing and typing...sorry if I am repeating...will come back to edit better, later.

head hurts. I hope they keep making CRT...i detest widescreen on computers too! have old 4:3 ratio laptop.

Still slightly spinning, headachy Sophia

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Oh yeah! I know exactly what you mean. For me it is like a migraine aura, the picture and colors are just TOOOOOOoooo clear and brilliant, just like a migraine. I get extreme hypersensitivity to light, color, smells, motion, sound, everything and HD is a migraine in a box for me. Movies are hard too, especially car chases and action. Disco-type lights and police/fire engine lights do the same. We aren't getting a new TV because of this. Sorry, I'm right there with you.


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I get migraine auras once in a while w/o migrain too. YES! similar sensation.

thanks...I haven't been to a movie theater in 14 years because of noise and visuals. Yes, smells, lights and all that set me off too. Blinking christmas tree lights on a street or YIKES following ambulance or tow truck with STROBE lights...should be illegal.

Ugh...need to go eat..and get off this laptop.

I should have KNOWN since old tv camera work made me ill this new HD stuff would make worse.

but still feeling green . . .

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I have the same problem!!!! Computer, Tv....lights, loud noises. I sometimes get the headache and sometimes I don't! But, I get the crazy vertigo feeling. It was really bad for a while where I couldn't even be on the computer! I know what your feeling!

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thanks Dino.

I know many get dizzy at times.

What I am speaking "specifically" to is the new HD Televisions triggering this..or more likely there is something in the WIDE SHOT cameras ..ugh. I could watch the halftime just fine with the panel speaking and Bruce Springsteen.

But the moving cameras and players on the field. whew boy. The movement on this tv is clear but the wide angles are indeed, instant 'vertigo' sensation.

Then again, cable cameras always made me sick as the cameras move and shimmy a bit. Some soap opera tried 'robotic cameras' years ago to save money and many got sick from it and I HAD to stop watching. ( ALL MY CHILDREN)

So some camera lens combined with HD is my deal......trying to move from side to side and take in the "Wide screen effect", it's downright dizzying.

But I had no strobe light or pixel effect as mention here a couple weeks ago. thanks

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I just came back to my room to watch a 31 inch "OLD FASHIONED" TV and all was well. :-)

I can't wear sunglasses due to poor vision..the darker it is the less ambient light helps my eyes correct my vision, so sunglasses are not helpful.

I have an old scrip of sunglasses for driving in bright light and eyeglasses are very pricey and I can't do bifocals either..they make me motion sick (even the old fashioned kind with lines)

the new no line bifocals made me lose balance....so it's a visual stimuli for me for sure.

thanks for the feedback.

Yes the game was EXCITING and the best superbowl ever...aside from some offensive commercials...but I digress * sigh *

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And arizona lost!

I work on a computer and every morning when i go in within twenty minutes of reading I feel nausea, dizzy and my eyes ache. I also this from some big screen tvs sometimes, when i play playstation, When i feel POTSIE i also cannot handle watching cars drive passed me as when i track them it feels weird, and I find some rooms with neon lighting and no natural light really weird and I have trouble focusing, they make me feel very migrainey.

Ive heard that only SOME pots patients get this, others dont get it at all. it may turn out to be something that relates to higher NE levels but im only guessing.

I also get tunnel vision from the computer quite often - pre migraine stuff too.

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Interesting. I've had this when ans stuff and migraines are very flared. Before my sleep apnea was treated, it was all the time. It still happens, but is a lot better. I have used an anti- glare cover on my computer monitor, and sometimes watch tv with my sunglasses and/or colors muted.

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