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No More Driving


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Well, I temporarily got my driving privileges back and then a few days ago, I passed out while driving. My husband and my doctor said that is it!!!!! No more driving for me. I know I have no business driving, but it sure is hard. I always came and went as I pleased and I hate the feeling of being stranded.

The bad thing is that I had no warning. Usually I get a flushed feeling and have time to pull over. This time, I just faded out and ended up in the ditch. I didn't hurt me or my car...just kind of floated off the road in slow speed I think. When someone stopped to help, the car was still in drive and running. I had no idea where I was or what happened. Thankfully, the man who stopped was very nice and had the good sense to look on my cell phone and get my home number. He called my husband and stayed with me until he came.

I have thanked God for keeping me safe and even though I am sad about losing the ability to drive I know it is best. Are most of you unable to drive? Just curious.

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Sara hasnt driven since she was 21. She had a similar experience as yours, except she rammed a handicapped sign at the Mall. Luckily she wasnt driving fast either. After that she continued to drive for a while. Then she drive herself to the doctor one day, and her b/p was so low, the doctor said she was NOT going to drive herself home. ( He had been her doctor for a long time and treated her like family ) He made her call me to come get her. He took her driving privileges away after that. Good thing he did, actually, because we found out after all that, she had been passing out all along while she was driving back and forth to college. Just get the "feeling" and pull off the side of the interstate, pass out, come to, and go on her merry way!!!! Needless to say, I was not a happy camper....... Anyway. I know you are disturbed to lose your driving privileges, but try to adjust the best you can, I'm so glad you weren't hurt, and very, very, glad you had a guardian angel to stop to help you. Susan

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Driving with syncope is a very difficult subject. In the UK anyone who has an unexplained loss of consciousness must surrender their driving licence immediately. For a one-off simple faint (e.g. standing in a hot crowded place after eating) if the doctor thinks nothing is wrong then you can drive again after 1 month. If you have more than one black-out or there are any risk factors for it happening again (like having POTS) then you loose your licence and have to get special permission to drive again.

When I first became ill with POTS I was having a lot of blackouts so stopped driving immediately. After about 5 months my med combination was such that I got a warning and could sit down when unwell and didn't have any more actual faints for a long time. After a year I got my licence back. When I started having faints again I had to submit medical evidence to the DVLA (driver and vehicle licensing agency). Luckily my neurologist could provide evidence that I am only at risk of blackouts when standing up (I have never had a blackout or near faint whilst sitting down). As I don't blackout when sitting I was eventually given my licence back again. A lot of doctors are still unhappy that I do drive, but I know I don't get symptoms whilst sitting and I would never drive if I wasn't feeling my best. i.e tummy upset or dehydration = no driving for me.

I've talked to others who know that they shouldn't be driving but still do drive. I always think that it is important to think that a car is a deadly weapon, you have to remember other road users and pedestrians who could be endangered if a driver were to have a blackout whilst behind the wheel.

I'm sorry that you have lost the independence of driving but I am glad that you escaped with a minor incident and no injury to yourself or anyone else. That sort of a scare can really shake you up so just take some time out to relax and look after yourself.


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I am so glad to hear that you are safe and sound!!! How scary!!!

I don't drive any longer. I kept my car for a few months after I stopped driving in case it was going to be a temporary thing, but once we realized this wasn't just going to pass quickly, my mom took my car so I wouldn't have the burden of paying insurance etc. Admittedly, I have lost quite a bit of freedom in not being able to drive, but I willingly surrendered my license because I couldn't stand the thought of being responsible for hurting or killing an innocent person. On the bright side, there are programs out there to help transportation needs for people who can't drive due to disability. Finding even one of these programs that you can qualify for can take some of the strain off.

I'm sorry to hear that happened to you, but so happy to know that you are safe and didn't get hurt!!

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I was 4 years without a license so I understand somewhat. Regardless of the hassle try to remember how much worse it would have been if you hit another car head on. The truth is, this is far superior.

I want to add that I am driving now and thanks to an effective med I live a normal life. Things could change for you too. Try to tackle one day at a time.

good luck!..............

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I haven't driven for about 6 years now. Just not willing to take out anyone else. This has been a really touchy subject, but I used to say I didn't pass out till I did. It's just not worth it. I did grieve the loss of that independence, just like I grieved the loss of my nursing license and many of the things I've had to give up, but would rather grieve that, than feel like I would if I hurt or even killed someone. Pretty much a no brainer to me. morgan

p.s. I'm really glad you are okay and didn't hurt yourself!

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