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Hello, I am new here, but have suffered of vasovagal syncopes while sleeping since about 6 or 7 years, of course have diagnosed with lots of illness... since panic attacks to carcinoid tumors!! until a cardiologist wich I saw after have experienced tachicardia over 220 bpm... he diagnosed dysautonomia, prescribing me bisoprolol and I was already taking effexor for the "panic attacks", he lowed the dose to half (37 mg now).

I used to excercise for about 2 or 3 hours every day.... used to be a really active person.... but day by day this energie I had has been dissapearing... now I feel always tired, and I even have gained 10 kgs to my weight.... from having a really nice and marked body, now I am a chubby person..... that make me feel really bad...... and sad. So this is what makes me wonder if there are something that give me energie to make excercise again!!!!! is there anything to make me feel less tired??? have you found some tip or something that helps?????

Thank you!!

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Firstly, I wouldn't worry unduly about the weight gain - it will be worth it if you feel better.

Cracking the exercise issue requires a lot of patience. There is no one solution for everyone, so it's a case of trial and error. I am, of course, making the assumption you are well enough to be exercising in the first place. My general rule is start slow, keep it low intensity and for a relatively short amount of time. Little and often. Compare what you can manage now to doing nothing rather than the 2 hours you could do before you were ill.

Maybe walk more or do a few chores around the house before embarking on formal exercise. This will test whether you are ready for exercise. Do you feel better for doing this and a bit more energised? I hope so, but if not, it's probably too early to be exercising and I would take professional advice on rehabilitation.

Even during a good patch of health, I usually feel tired and lacking energy. Sometimes I am still able to exercise like this and will feel better afterwards. Sometimes exercising makes me feel much worse. I wish I knew when it was best to exercise and when to take it easy! Whereas in the past, when I tried to start exercising I tended to go a bit mad in the gym, or try an hour's aerobics class and make myself ill for months, the only thing I have learned is that it is best to err on the side of caution. And if you start feeling worse when exercising or a lot more tired afterwards, my advice is stop and recoup.

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I know how you feel! I was an athelete before all this happened and I really miss working out. I have a recumbent stationary bike I use at home. I also have a YMCA membershp and I go swimming. I really can't do anything standing up so those are my two options. I haven't done a lot in about 2 weeks now bc i've been so sick. I find, that if i'm just completely worn out, exercising will not do me any good. It will just make things worse. I try to find those days where i'm tired (always) but not exhausted, then do as much as I feel is enough. Even if that's only 2 or 3 laps. Hope this helps! Hang in there :)

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i too use to be a thin person until diagnosed and put on a beta blocker and lexapro, i am unhappy with the weight gain too, and have no energy to work out, i went from sleeping 5 to 8 hours a day to sleeping 10 to 16 hours a day, funny thing is, i eat healthy, no sweets, or fast foods, I feel to sick to eat most of the time, so I don't know why I gained weight in the first place

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Welcome Ana,

I am completely exercise intolerant. I can't even get physical therapists to work with me! If I do any exercise, I do it in bed, so if anything happens, I won't hurt myself. I have come to terms with my weight and don't worry about it any more. it's not worth it, so it's at the bottom of my things to worry about list. Check with your doctor and see what he/she recommends for you. That may be the best way to go. Good luck! morgan

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Hi Ana,

I too used to be in fantastic shape. I miss my old body so much! Even when I was in the best shape of my life, I still had POTS, I just did not know it! Now that I am in the worst shape of my life, I have to try to climb that long, long ladder back up into some level of fitness. I figure that my level of commitment will be greater if I have to 1. pay for it (money) and 2. do it with a friend. There will be days (most) where I don't want to do it at all, but the knowledge of what it will cost me and having a friend motivate me just might get me into low gear. We have signed up for personal pilates. She has MS, so at the moment we are evenly matched physically. So far, just walking causes worsened headache, dizziness, swelling hands and feet and tingling/shocks up my legs, so hopefully less aerobic activity and more strength/core training will be easier to do. As for the energy to do it? I'll have to settle for sheer will power and a small dose of caffeine. Good luck and let us know your progress.


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