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Need Advice On Getting Out Of A Crash


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In a major POT hole at the moment. All my meds are making me worse rather than better - im on ergotamine at the moment and today it basically did nothing.

Ive been drinking water like a fish, but im thirstier than ever. I cant eat much at the moment - infact i dont feel like eating at all! Autonomic surges for four days but they seemed to have settled for now - just got the dizziness and a fatigue like you wouldnt believe now and i felt so dizzy today that i was even feeling like i was going to pass out lying flat in bed for hours...

In the past the only thing that has worked for me is some licorice lollies and just trying to ignore it away but at the moment i cant. Ive been off work all week and the way things are going i cant see myself even being able to manage the train ride in at the moment.

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I find Gatorade or Sport Drinks help more than water because of the electrolytes and salt. Also, while sometimes I understand you can't help but lie down, try to move around a bit so you don't get too deconditioned if you can stand it. And eating is essential. I know how hard it is to eat if you don't feel like it, but you need food. When I skip meals I notice I get very, very dizzy.

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