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Low Igg, Borderline Iga


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My blood work's showing all sorts of problems suddenly. My allergist called today and told me that my IgG was pretty low, 125 and my IgA is 10 points below normal. Also one of the IgG subclasses (?) is also very low. This issue has shown up for me over the past year or so, but it's getting much worse. He says to com back in FOUR months and we can re-do it. Dr. Castells in Boston/Mast cell doctor asked HIM to re-do it because it was low there in July. Now it's 50 points lower. Does this seem right? Anyone else ever dealt with this? Any ideas?


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Thanks everybody for your help. Amy, I think you're right. I will call Dr. Castell's and share these new numbers with her. I think normal is 700-1000, so 525 is starting to get pretty low and definately trending downwards over the period of a year.

When trying to research this stuff on my own, I noted that high cortisol is known to lower your immune system (IgG), so it's all related as far as I'm concerned, but the endo and allergist insist these are two different issues. Grrrr.

Whooa, Maxine- I looked up high IgG and it's just as bad as low. We dsyautonomiacs are certainly a puzzle.

Vallialli, I think IgE, another imunoglobulin, is more likely to be related to my mast cell stuff. Although, most allergists are also immunologists and they deal with all of this stuff. And, yes, the rosecea is related to the mast cell stuff and the infectious cysts that I sometimes get may certainly be related to my impaired immune system.

This is so above my pay grade, but I can't find anyone interested in putting it all together. I know you all know what I mean!



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Let's see... I'm wicked bad at immunology

IgG: Secondary Antibody response, how your body remembers what you've been sick with

IgM: Primary Antibody response - what happens when you get an invader (bacteria/virus etc)

IgA: Mucosal Immunity - Digestive tract, respiratory tract, etc (First line of defense)

IgE: Allergic response antibody

Hope that helps (and that my POTS brain isn't wrong tonight, it's a little hyper) I so wish the letters corresponded with what they did.


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Very interesting, Sara! So my IgG has alzheimer's? And I might get sick with the same virus twice? Doesn't sound too bad. Dr. Castell's was pleased that I showed some antibodies to pneumonia. I'd never had the immunization so I obviously had it without knowing it in the past year. (I know when!!!) She thought the fact that I was making antibodies was good. Thanks for the info. We have VERY smart members here. You explained that much better than my allergist, formerly from Mayo!


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I have been reading information on Celiac disease which is gluten sensitvity. Here is a passage of one of the websites. My daughter is avoiding all wheat to see if she feels better.


Diagnosing celiac disease is difficult. The usual approach is to order tests for gliadin and tissue transglutaminase (formerly known as endomysial) antibodies and serum IgA levels. However, many physicians fail to order tests for serum IgA levels. Because patients with gluten sensitivity often have low immunoglobulin levels, various antibody tests for IgA autoantibodies will be negative. For this reason, the presence of IgG gliadin antibodies alone in someone with a low IgA level (less than 10) should be referred to a gastroenterologist for further evaluation including intestinal biopsy if indicated. On biopsy, intestinal changes are often seen in people with gluten sensitivity, even when symptoms are mild. The ultimate confirmation for gluten sensitivity, however, is the absence of symptoms after following a gluten-free diet.

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