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Back From Holiday - Brain Fog Descends...


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It seems that everytime i go on holiday my symptoms pretty much resolve to about 80 or 90% - i can even handle caffiene and alcohol which i normally do not tolerate that well.

But when i return home it always happens - i get symptoms within four days - spaced out, dizzy, feel like im going to faint, weekness, 'pin-pointed' vision, visual snow etc.

In the past ive tried to stop drinking the water when i get home or even got a filter for the shower incase its the chlorine or something causing my symptoms to return. I cant work it out.

My friend thought it might be stress, but when im home im actually LESS stressed than when we were travelling from place to place backpacking.

its very strange...

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I always feel better when I'm moving. I have OH and NCS no POTS. The moving keeps the blood moving. As soon as I sit or stand still I feel less well.

I am on Norpace. Before I was on this I felt unwell unless I was working hard.

Backpacking qualifies as working hard.

Just my 2 cents..........

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About 10 years ago, I was very sick, but I felt 100% better when I moved out of my house and lived with my best friend. We had professional air testing done at home, and it turned out that our house had hidden toxic mold growing in the drywall. The dangerous neurotoxins from this mold were recirculated in our forced air system and made me sick. After this exposure, I subsequently became ill in areas that had been treated with pesticides. My symptoms primarily manifested themselves as severe fatigue, dizziness, and brain fog, along with other flu-like symptoms that would resolve when I changed my environment.

I encourage everyone who notices a distinct and dependable pattern of improvement in symptoms upon leaving home to investigate possible environmental triggers. Certain (often overlooked) factors such as water damage or common chemicals can often affect our health without us even realizing it.

I'd say go with your gut and continue to investigate what you do differently at home-- diet, water, exercise, air-- anything that changes. If nothing else, maybe see if another extended vacation improves your health!

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About 10 years ago, I was very sick, but I felt 100% better when I moved out of my house and lived with my best friend. We had professional air testing done at home, and it turned out that our house had hidden toxic mold growing in the drywall. The dangerous neurotoxins from this mold were recirculated in our forced air system and made me sick. After this exposure, I subsequently became ill in areas that had been treated with pesticides. My symptoms primarily manifested themselves as severe fatigue, dizziness, and brain fog, along with other flu-like symptoms that would resolve when I changed my environment.

I encourage everyone who notices a distinct and dependable pattern of improvement in symptoms upon leaving home to investigate possible environmental triggers. Certain (often overlooked) factors such as water damage or common chemicals can often affect our health without us even realizing it.

I'd say go with your gut and continue to investigate what you do differently at home-- diet, water, exercise, air-- anything that changes. If nothing else, maybe see if another extended vacation improves your health!

I wish I could say it was the same house, but its happened 4 times in the past 5 years. I came down with POTS symptoms in 2003 but after about a year they improved quite a lot. Now days I only suffer mild symptoms most of the time, but when I go away on holiday they nearly always improve completely, then I return to Melb and the symptoms return to square one - exactly how I feel at my worst and that requires a massive dosage of licorice extract to get me back to feeling just human.

Ive lived in four different places when I have returned from these holidays so Im guessing perhaos its something to do with melbourne itself. Allergies? Water? Air quality.

On my trip I also had a few episodes but only in cities (sinagpore and san fran) otherwise I was totally fine. its very strange.

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It sounds like you've identified a clear pattern. Is it possible that there is pesticide/herbicide spraying in your area for agricultural reasons?

When I was diagnosed by a specialist in environmental medicine, it really helped me to manage my life. I was able to go to college and function well by avoiding problem areas. Unfortunately, my city began widespread spraying of pesticides for West Nile Virus around 2002, so that was unavoidable.

Are you tied to the area at all? Have you tried staying with a friend or relative out of town for any extended period of time?

It might be worth your while to seek out an environmental medicine specialist to see what they have to say. They can do specialized blood tests and possibly give you some more clues to help you solve this mystery.

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I didnt realise there were specialists out there that could test for that kind of thing. Ill definately be following that up! My doctor thinks it might just be burn out from the end of travelling - the elevated adrenalin and activity suddenly stopping when i return home and relax.

Still it doesnt seem to fit - it doesnt come on straight away sometimes - it can take 5 days to descend on me.

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