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Beta Blockers


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I am not necessarily on them prn but I am able to titrate them as needed because I struggle with controlling my heart rates (usually 90 sitting and upper 100s standing) with out them but my BPs have changed significantly over the past year (used to be always high now usually run pretty low) So, now I have a 10mg tab of inderal that I can split and take only 5mgs when my BP is running too low. I used to have to be on upwards of 300mg bid of toprol. I still don't get great HR control on this low dose, but it beats syncope and presyncope all the time. They are thinking right now my BPs may be a result of being very anemic, but no doc seems to want to take responsibility for treating it...grr...seeing neuro, GI, and PCP this week...someone is going to take this problem on!


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When I went to Vandy in July my doctor prescribed a beta blocker for me to be taken 45 minutes before exercising. I've only been able to go swimming once since then, so I can't say too well how it actually worked in comparison to times I have exercised without a bb. I did notice a difference after swimming, though, when I ate chocolate (my weakness!), which usually makes my heart pound harder and increases my hr. However, with the bb my heart didn't go as crazy.

I'm supposed to exercise at least 3 times a week if at all possible. I hope to work up to that after we're a little more settled in here in our new place. So if I'm able to go swimming that much I'd be taking a beta blocker about three times a week.

The doctor prescribed the beta blockers in this way because I've tried them in the past but the side effects made me too tired. He said that I may be able to tolerate them if taken just once in a while. He's hoping that the lower hr while exercising will enable me to exercise more and thus increase my strength more.

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I have been prescribed a low dose bb, as needed, by my cardiologist. However, I don't normally use it. I try other methods first to bring down my heart rate, have altered most of my activities, monitor my heart rate during exercise, and take it easy on the bad days, which seems to work for me. I also have a lot of problems with my heart rate if something in my system is off so I try to find the problem first before the bb. (I don't know if this is normal for most POTS and dysautonomia, but my heart rate and rhythm goes crazy when little things are off. For instance; an illness, or my blood potassium, magnesium, and calcium levels are low, or any other little thing (it seems) I throw a lot of PVCs and PACs, along with the tachycardia. -who knows, I am still learning what is related to POTS and what isn't...)

I have had lots of talks with my cardio to make sure using the bb prn (or not all) is right for me, my symptoms, and my body, and so far it is working. But there has been times I needed it, and although I don't really like the way it makes me feel, I don't seem to have a problem adjusting.

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I take a very tiny dosis of BB on a daily bases and plus needed. When i have big time flare ups (which happened 3 times in the past 10 years) when i was bedridden for a few weeks, i used to take them if needed. I always have one with me just in case. I found out, that even a tiny tiny dosis of BB makes my heart slow down. So i do break the tabletts in half . The past few months i didnt have to take an extra one.


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i never use it daily and sometimes go weeks without it, but yes, take 10 mg propranolol as needed A VERY SMALL DOSE!!

some days I use a low dose xanax instead before exercise or leaving the house...propranolol upsets my stomach...even at pediatric dose

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Hi Rachel,

I wonder why your cardiologist told you to take it before exercise. The BB prevents your heart to go fast enough when you exercise to a certain level. I am max out presently when I do cardio because my heart cannot pump fast enough all the blood I need for my muscles.

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