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Blood Pooling


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i get significant stomach/ abdominal distention but it's not so much from blood pooling as it is from intestinal & stomach bloating/ distention. just something to consider that might be what's going on in part or in full for some of you...

:) melissa

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i hadn't heard about pooling in stomach before, so i don't know anything about it. what i did notice is that my stomach is "growing"during the day (which i can't explain as i eat several times a day and just small portions). since i am wearing an abdominal compression thing (sorry brainfog can't think of how it's called right now) i've noticed not only that i have more standing and sitting time, my stomach stays "flat" as well. ah the little delights in life :)

hope this helped a bit,

corina :)

(sunfish, great to see your name pop up. you're in my thoughts always)

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I have to manage life with blood pooling. Legs and Abdomen.

I use compression garments. I eat smaller frequent snacks. Meals make me sleepy.

Most are aware of the problem in the legs. The "other" pooling is referred to as splanchnic pooling.

best regards,


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I get most of the pooling after I eat and about a week or two befor my cycle. I think I will go even smaller on my meals and the sugar really makes me pool along with rice and bread. Never tried the stomach garment will try those. Sometimes I try stroking or massaging my stomach for a couple of minutes not to firm it kind of work for me.

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Changes in heart rate and/or blood pressure may indicate blood pooling. Your legs and feet may turn a mottled purple color from pooling. I've also heard of some people having their calves and ankles measured before and during the ttt to show how much swelling is caused by the pooling.

If you want to see a picture of pooling, you can check out this link: http://www.nymc.edu/fhp/centers/syncope/ch...intolerance.htm

I hope your ttt goes well on Monday.


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It may not be typical for someone with POTS to have a very high heart rate while lying down, but I certainly don't think it is out of the realm of possibilities. My resting hr used to always be right around 120. For about a year my diagnosis included IST. IST stands for Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia, and it basically means that your hr is too high even while resting.

A common misconception (even among doctors) is that blood pressure must go down to have POTS, but that is not true. Some people have a rise in bp. According to Dr. Grubb, a leading autonomic specialist, the definition of POTS is "the presence of orthostatic intolerance symptoms associated with a heart rate increase of 30 beats/minute (or a rate that exceeds 120 beats/minute) within the first 10 minutes of standing or upright tilt.... It should be noted that many patients with orthostatic intolerance will not have orthostatic hypotension (a fall of >20/10 mmHg); rather there may be only a small drop in blood pressure, and no change or even a small increase in blood pressure upon assuming an upright posture." http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/522421_print

Did you receive a diagnosis after your ttt?


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I have started to notice more blood pooling for myself in legs and abdomen. I feel that between the blood pooling, water retention, and gastric issues my abdomen size changes frequently and that without all this going on, I wouldn't like others have said look pregnant or a lot more overweight than I am.

I have not used compression garmets etc. I am just trying to strengthen muscles etc. to help the pooling.

It was good you were able to get a TTT and that it sounds like you were symptomatic and that they test demonstrated that. Hopefully they will take the results and find the right diagnoses. It sounds like they have a good idea, but MAY be confused on BP going up rather than down. I echo Rachel, in that it can be either. If the drs. seem to not fully understand dysautonomia and the variety of symptoms etc., then maybe take them in some research that shows that BP can raise with TTT.

Hopefully you get more answers soon and some relief of symptoms!

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