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Going Into Hospital For A Fentanyl Allergy Test


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Recently after seeng pain managment specialists they decided that for my pain they will try an injection of a painkiller called Fentanyl on me under supervision in hospital. They have decided to try fentanyl after I experinced adverse reactions to all the other pain killers, I was also very keen on trying the particular painkiller after it was used on me during surgery without incidence.

I have POTS along with a chemical sensitivity, although i wanted to try fentanyl to see if i could use it without adverse reactions but now that the hospital has asked me to come in this Friday I dont feel so sure. I feel scared for my wellbeing, what if I have a severe fatal allergic reaction, am i making a mistake? but I need to do this because I am in a lot of pain. They have told me that they will use a dose suited for my age, weight, height but what about the fact that i have a chemical sennsitivity and im not as healthy as the avarage person my age due to POTS?

They've said that if I have an adverse reaction they can reverse it using other chemicals like "naloxene" but Im concerned if it came down to that I could even have an adverse reaction to the 'naloxene" itself. I dont trust my body as it has let me down so many times in the past. I feel confused and I dont know what i want right now, if I dont take this option I dont know what else I can do as I have tried so many other avenues already and if I do take the risk and nothing bad happens then this fentanyl could imrove my life and give me an option i could use in the case of an accident or emergency as there is none at the moment due to adverse reactions to all the other opiods. On the other hand what if it all goes wrong and I dont make it beyond this Friday.

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I know how frightened you must be because I have the same problem. If you've already had Fentanyl & didn't have a problem with it, why do they think you would have a problem with it the next time? Altho sometimes I've been ok with something the first time & then the next time had a reaction to it.

I always like to try a low dose of a drug the first time. Being sensitive to drugs I have never been able to take over 1/2 of the dosage prescribed for me. If they gave me the dose of any drug for a "normal" person of my age & wt it would be a disaster for me.

Maybe they need to test you for naloxene first to see how you react to it. They will monitor you closely & will have other things they can use if you have a reaction. The stress you are feeling will probably be the worst part. I have a procedure scheduled where they give Versed, Fentanyl & Valium & one of those alone is enough to kill me. I may cancel.

Is your pain so severe you have to use this strong a drug or does nothing else help the pain? I don't like to take meds because they usually make me feel worse so I suffer a lot.

Good luck!

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Hi Alicia, thats a great suggestion, I will aslo ask them to test me for naloxene first so they dont rely on that too much. Yes Fentanyl is an opiod and im not sure if its specified anywhere that its not suitable for patients with POTS but there a few others on this forum who have dysautonomia and are still able to use it.

My pain is very severe and getting worse so I think I am out of options as Ive tried every other alternative suggested to me.

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Endure, It is the drug used most commonly for any type of conscious sedation, so if you've had a gastro, colonoscopy, or anything where they put you in a "twilight" sleep, you've probably had it.

I am sensitive to everything under the sun, I swear, and I get this drug every 8 weeks for my esophageal dilations. I have never had any problems with it. I got it for my ablation and my pace maker too.

It sounds like they are taking every precaution to ensure that you are well taken care of. I couldn't even imagine a doctor being willing to do this for me. If I thought there was a chance it could improve the quality of my life, I would go for it. They will have all kinds of things at the ready and they will not give you a large dose and I'm sure they will give it in a way that it wears off the quickest.

Almost every pain med is a scheduled drug or opiate. But given in the right doses, if needed, can greatly improve the quality of your life. I don't know why you need pain meds, but the patches seem to be very effective for people with chronic pain.

I certainly do understand your trepidation, believe me, but if my docs were willing to go to these lengths, I would try anything I thought would help. But that's just me, remember! Good luck with whatever you decide, sweetie! morgan

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Thanks Morgan you have hoenstly put my mind at ease and made me feel so much better about going through with this, if you hadnt shared your experience on how well youve tolerated fentanyl i would have worried myself silly going into the hospital.

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