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Urine Smelling Like Amonia

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HI all...

i was wondering if any of your expereince your urine smelling like amonia? I noticed it a few months back.. and actually thought that one of my b/f's cat peed on my pj bottoms.. until i peed and realized it was me! :):blink:

Uhm it comes and goes and is not a constant "odor" I dont have any infection that im aware of... I've noticed that this gets worse a few days before my paralysis spellls get really really bad...

My urine will some times be normal or sometimes will be very dark amber looking color.. im conerned about this and talked to my dr but i ddint get far...

just wondering if anybody gets this?

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Ask your doctor to be tested for porphyria - a rare blood disorder - which is tested through urine. Although it's unlikely to be the cause, it's good to rule it out, nevertheless. Other possibilities include vitamins and medications that are eliminated through urine and cause discoloration and odor. Lastly, metabolic problems - liver or kidney disease - can also cause this, so talk to your primary care doctor about it.

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doctorguest~thank you for the tip....uhm quick question for you.. for about the past 8 yrs or so my lab work as far as my liver function goes has been coming back abnormal.. sometimes the with lab values high then normal other times not as high.. as my gallbladder has had flares of abnormal stuff there too..

the liver stuff has yet to be figured out... no explaintion for it really...

i do not take vitamins.. and for medications im not on any new ones and havent started new meds in some time...

anyways thank you!

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I don't have any real useful input, it sounds like you got quite a few good tips. Hopefully you can talk to the dr and they will help you. The one thing I thought of although it is weird- does other people smell the same smell or may it be just you? I ask, because I think migraine auras etc. could present like this and you said it tends to happen around times that you have it around the time of your paralysis spells. Do you know the cause of your paralysis spells?

I hope that you are feeling better and that today is a better day! :)

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