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Everything posted by lalalisa

  1. Hello again! My husband and I hope to have children sometime in the near future (after I get over this mono infection!) Have any of you gone through pregnancy with POTS? Any advice or words of wisdom? I am looking for any input concerning going off of meds, how you feel during/after pregnancy, etc. Thanks again! Lisa
  2. I was wondering how tired you guys are? I think having mono is my obvious cause of fatigue - but I guess once I get over it I was wondering how tired POTS makes you. Are you able to work, etc.? I am pretty much home-bound. Thanks again for your input! Lisa
  3. I've also been on Midodrine for 1 and 1/2 years. I started out with a lower dose but I'm up to 5mg Three times a Day. I had to go off of it for my Tilt Table Test and that was horrible - I definitely know it works! I was so dizzy I could barely walk and I blacked out when I stood up. The only side effects for me have been the "goose bumps" and tingling of the scalp - but I'd put up with this anyday not to pass out! I tried Florinef and it gave me bad headaches....midodrine has worked for me, Lisa
  4. Nina, Julia, and Genie, I appreciate all of your input! It is so encouraging to talk with others about this - it's so hard because I actually look really healthy (probably cause I sleep so much and drink lots of water =) ) Dr's don't know why my mono infection is lasting so long - it's a mystery to everyone! This is actually my 2nd time with mono and hopefully the last. Maybe I will set a record or something! =) Thanks again for all of your responses, I am so glad that i found this forum. Have a great day! Lisa
  5. I was diagnosed with POTS after having mono for about 3 months. I've had both now for 1 and 1/2 years. (I still have an active mono infection) Does anyone else have both of these conditions? (I sleep constantly - actually more than I'm awake!!) I've often wondered if my fatigue is mostly due to the mono or POTS. (I realize both cause fatigue but I can't stay awake!) What do you think? I appreciate any input!! Lisa
  6. I am new to this forum but was excited to see another person who also had EBV and POTS. For me, I had mono at age 21 and now again at age 23 and this led to POTS which has lasted for almost 2 years. I still have an active ebv infection after a year of resting. Thanks for your post! Lisa
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