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Posts posted by BEE

  1. Dayna..I don't think it would hurt yo to see an allergist as for a waste of time..no at least oyu would know if there is something specific going on that is making oyu worse. Or maybe you actually got your mind off pOTS a little bit and and it helped your symptoms..

    I know that being less focused as much as I can has helped me tremendously of course there are those days that you can't help it :) .

    At any rate I hope your son is okay and sorry to hear about him...

    Take care..Belinda

    P.s. A certain doc told me recently that I DO have allergies and what a tremendous effect is has on the ANS system..like when one part is out of whack the whole thing goes out of whack..

  2. I have also had this on and off for the last year..seems like it is part of this thing called POTS.

    I deep breathe and try and fall asleep soon..It is esactly how you described it that is how I describe my presyncopal spells.

    Like being on a rocking boat..weird isn't it? :blink:

    Take care..Belinda

  3. Well i have been taking a break from the POTS stuff not necessarily the symptoms just trying to give my mind time to relax.

    My symtoms are pretty mch the same still fluctuating from the nose and chest pain..

    Such fun..I have changed my account with Dinet so those of you whom I PM with now this my my new account.

    I have had all kinds of troubles with my allergies and I am sure others have too.. :blink:.

    Hope this finds all my pots buddies surviving and doing well..

    Take care and BIG hugs to all of you :D


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