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Posts posted by Jacquie802

  1. Scopolamine may be effective in reducing the high vagal tone that occurs during syncopal episodes (Raviele, Themistoclakis & Gasparini, 1996, p. 115).

    What does that mean?? I found it on the DINET page and my neuro was going to put me on scopolamine patch and I am just wondering what that info above means...? THanks :)

  2. Hi, so I have officially drained my savings :) . I have about 5 days left to take my Toprol then I am all out. Should I just take half the amt. I am supposed to? I don't know what to do, because when I am not on it my heart rate shoots up and I ALWAYS end up in the ER. I have no insurance and no more money left. I have borrowed enough money already as it is, so I don't really know what to do. I have some metoprolol left but I think it is going to affect my bp worse, since it is not time released. Anyone have any advice?

  3. That would be a good idea. Also a chat would be cool too for everyone to check in with each other. On one of the other boards I see they have a scheduled chat on Wed. @ 6pm for ppl to catch up with each other. It would be alot more work for the moderators though, and they already do alot here for us (Thanks!!!!!).

  4. Hi, I too had to leave my job. It stinks since I am the only 21 year old I know who can't work. I have seen almost every tv show out there since I can't even get out of the house too much. The part I hate the most is borrowing money to pay my bills. I have applied for SSDI but it is a long process.

    I am good at art so the other day my sister bought me some acrylic paints and a canvas so I can start painting again. Too bad I can't make money off of that! Anyhow, I think it would be a good idea to find a hobby that you are interested in. Hope you find some stuff to keep you busy!!! Take care :D

  5. Hi Guys,

    For the past 2.5 years I have had near syncope episodes. I'm not sure what my bp is like during the episodes though. My question is whether or not the actual sycope could occur at some point, or just the near syncope symptoms. I figure since it has been a few years that I have had the symptoms and I have never fainted that it won't occur. What do you guys think?

    I do know that when I got the near syncope symptoms in the supermarket one day my bp wasn't too low. Thanks for your opinions!

  6. Hi, I just wanted to get everyone's opinions on this. When I first started having heart problems as well as the POTS symptoms (they didn't know it was POTS at the time) it was in 2003. After many visits to a local hospital and many visits from a cardio I was referred to an EP in Boston. I went there until Jan 2005 which is when I got my last ablation. I was fine for a few months, then out of no where I got alot worse. The first Cardio I saw, who refered me to the EP in Boston suggested I go to another doctor at a differ hospital for a second opinion. I went to this new EP for a few visits. I honestly wasn't crazy about him. He seemed to blow off my symptoms, etc. I had only seen this EP twice, because the other 2 apptmts. I had were always cancelled at the last minute. His assistant was very rude and I never got my Rx called into the pharmacy. The last straw was the disability form I had to have fill out, it's fine he rather my Cardio fill it out, but I had to call 3 times to see if he filled it out before I was told that he thought my cardio should fill it out...I wasn't informed about his opinion until 2 days before it was due. They had the form for at the very least a month and every timd I called they said that he would fill it out the next day, etc. Obviously he never did fill it out. So, I had sent a fax to them asking for his office to release my medical records (office visits, 3rd ablation info., etc.) to my old EP and made an apptmt with my old EP. I go into my old EP Monday. What should I say to him? Should I be honest and tell him my Cardio wanted me to get a 2nd opinion since I was suffering from more symptoms?? Should I not go back? I like this EP, because I feel as though he has done more for me than the 2nd guy. Also, if there was ever any problem he would call me back personally. I was lucky if the office help of the 2nd EP I saw called me back at any point...Thanks for your opinions!

  7. Hi, don't you hate it soo much when you are having a few good days, then that bad one comes out of nowhere?! My hr has been pretty much all over the place lately and I've been having major SOB off and on as well. I am currently on Toprol XL and my cardio also wrote a script out for plane old metoprolol, that is not time released like the Toprol XL. Basically he did that so I can take my Toprol XL everyday and if I have some worse days, I can take either a half or whole Metoprolol on those days in addition to the Toprol I take once a day. I'm not sure what to tell you to do about spacing the time between doses. I know when I have missed a dose because my hr shoots up and I get some other symptoms as well. Anyhow, I would just take the meds according to how your feeling. If it's an hour or too early/late and your feeling symptomatic then take the dose you are due for around that time. Sometimes I will wait out the symptoms and take my meds on the time(s) I am used to taking them. Hope this helps somewhat! Have a goodnight! :lol:

  8. Hi Vanessa, I have never smoked so I'm not sure what "works" to help smokers quit. Have you tried good old chewing gum instead of having a cigarette. Maybe some meditation. Also, I believe that there are some support groups out there, or you and a few friends (if you have any that smoke) could start one of your own. Do you just smoke during stressful times? If so, you could start a journal. Maybe not knowing what is exactly wrong right now will scare you enough that you won't want to have another cigarette. I hope the doctors take care of whatever it is that is going on inside your lung. I know you already have alot going on, it's not like you need anything else. Please keep us posted and we are here for you, so you don't have to deal with this alone.

  9. Hi Lisa, that is a very hard decision to make, but I am also wondering why you have to make it by Friday?? It's not like it's just you all by your self, you have a family also, so it's going to be hard to not get sick. I would seek at the least a second opinion if not more. Make sure you see a doc who is familiar with POTS. If you feel this is what you have to do then by all means do it. Just make a list of the pros and cons and see what you come up with. Whatever your decision good luck and keep us updated. :)

  10. Jan, I am also going to keep you and your husband in my prayers. How are you holding up through all of this? I also wish we were closer to you so we could help you out. I don't know how much help I'd be right about now, but I sure would try to help you and your husband. Please let your husband know we are continuing to keep the both of you in our thoughts and prayers. :)

  11. Hi Corina, I get very homesick, so in a sense I can relate to some of your feelings. If there is even the smallest chance it could help, then I would at the very least try it. If it isn't for you, you can leave. If it helps though, think about all the good changes that will be in store for you!! :) You would actually be able to do more things, not only for yourself but for your family too. Is the rehab center nearby?? Even if it isn't I'm sure your family would visit you as often as they can. As for not knowing anyone there, I'm sure you are going to make friends during your stay. I hope there is an internet there, because we sure will miss you! My advice is to do what is best for you! Keep us updated.

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