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E pots

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Posts posted by E pots

  1. On 3/1/2009 at 11:18 PM, cvincent said:

    Hi bizbiz, what you have described is EXACTLY what I go through. Right after I close my eyes when I go to bed I start dreaming even though I'm still awake. I always have extremely vivid dreams/nightmares and have them constantly untill I awake in the morning. Also, even when I'm awake in the morning before I get out of bed I dream. I'm always tired during the day and fall asleep easily if I happen to be sitting down or laying on my bed to rest and when I do take a nap which is almost every day, I usually end up sleeping for 2-5 hours. I had an overnight sleep study and a daytime sleep study done about two weeks ago. I have an appointment on wednesday to find out the results. I'm pretty sure it all goes along with the dysautonomia, but hopefully when I get the results I will have some more anwers.


    I used to take Benadryl to sleep but I do not anymore it used to give me very the dreams period I took it a couple years ago when in a very bad flare and it helped initially but then made it way worse I think.  I wonder if there's any connection.. Benadryl blocks the neurotransmitter acetylcholine which whereas mestinon enhances it. I seem to have a rebound adrenergic release or dump after having taken it

  2. I read in a post from someone else that their Mild flavors come last few weeks and the bad ones a couple of months. The way that they deal is to have no stimulation. No TV.  Reducing stimulation even putting on sunglasses and noise cancelling headphones. Someone else referred to it as trying to get a big ship to stop and turn around once the adrenalin gets going

  3. On 3/18/2021 at 5:18 PM, Abe said:

    The last few weeks with this phenomenon have made my life so miserable.  I don't know what to do anymore.  I am close to passing out right now than I ever was since diagnosed with POTS.  Anyone found a relief?  My medication doesn't seem to be helping.

    Do you get any relief from drinking large amounts of fluids?

  4. On 2/13/2020 at 6:45 AM, Pistol said:

    @Clueingforlooks - sorry for the delayed response.  In times that my adrenaline dumps and the hyperadrenergic symptoms exaggerate I avoid stimulation or exercise, I rest and drink plenty of fluids ( in my case I get extra IV fluids, since I have a port and can do it at home myself ). The more you force yourself to function the worse the resulting fatigue will be and the worse the adrenaline rushes will be. 

    I take a lot of medications that help with the rushes as well and recently I started Wellbutrin, which is very effective in helping to keep me from having these adrenergic surges.  Be well!

    I was taking Prozac but it makes my hair fall out and I wanted to keep my hair.  Does welbutrin make your hair fall out?

  5. On 3/19/2021 at 6:48 AM, Pistol said:

    @Jyoti @Abe @Clueingforlooks - whenever the seasons change our symptoms seem to get worse, happens to me every year in the spring and fall. I believe that is due to changes in barometric pressure, which affects the ANS. Unfortunately there is nothing to be done about it  other than ride it out and keep positive, b/c eventually you will learn that each flare is followed by going back to "normal". Hang in there and don't despair!!!! 😘

    This helps.  So hard when you're on a flare and your mind is so foggy I can't remember feeling normal Thank you

  6. Oh..and I would recommend keeping your stress down as much as possible. That includes reduce noise light no stressful movies no exciting movies no talking to anyone that will make you angry or You have to keep your adrenaline down right now. 

    And actually on the fence here as far as whether or not to exercise.  In the past I felt like I was dying but I read exercise helped so I forced myself to lose excruciating but it did help for a short period of time.  I'm not sure if it helps get rid of some of the adrenaline. I have read from some comments that people will say exercise can help but do not do anything to stressful or vigorous.  Looking back I was obviously hyperagic things settled down after about five months but I was under tremendous stress during those five months.  This time I'm hoping that my realization that it is adrenaline will help me get out of this flare soon.  Was hard two years I have not had one this bad since the first

  7. On 4/19/2021 at 5:13 PM, Abe said:

    Thanks @jyoti.  I am supposed to go back in, in 5 days.  Not sure I have any strength to talk to anyone talk less of going anywhere but we'll see.  I already called my Primary Care Physician to let him know about the new prescription.  Thanks for suggesting the breathing exercise.  I did that all through my stay at the hospital and it really helped lower my blood pressure.


    Thanks @E potsYes I have POTS and this thus seem like a bad flare but I am mostly scared because I have never seen it this bad.

    Gosh everything you're just grading sounds like the exact flair that I'm having right now.  On day 12.  Evenings are much better but mornings afternoons and early evening horrendous.  Can I ask you what you're taking? How long have you had pots? My first flare was like this.  It was the first time I ever went to the doctor. Prior to that I knew something was wrong but I knew that they would just tell me I was crazy So I waited until I thought I was dying My heart was beating a radically my chest felt like it was being crushed and I was going to faint and I was having diarrhea all of the time and then they still told me I was mentally ill and then the cardiologist told me I was mentally ill and then I went back for more testing when he gave me a referral to a psychiatrist. 

    So the adrenaline will have periodic moments where I can get some relief laying down but it takes a long time.  Any noise lights stimulation talking dog barking cranks the adrenaline backup. I laid in bed completely flat and put on noise canceling headphones only got up to go to the bathroom and drink water with salt.  Or 

  8. It's been 12 days now and I can barely get out of bed my chest was so tight I couldn't even explaining my symptoms because I felt so out of it but I think in hindsight that it's massive amounts of jonalyn I can't even get relief when I lay down and eventually usually in the evening I feel like I can breathe I feel like I can rest and then it all hits me like a ton of bricks in the morning when I wake up and it's diarrhea constant up and down shaking Tremors nauseous dizzy chest hurts I lay down as much as I can but it doesn't bring relief for a long time I have in the past tried to exercise through it it's excruciating and feel like I'm going to die but I think it helps dissipate some of the adrenaline but then I'm not sure if it doesn't come back stronger and even worse I really don't know I'm looking for help to

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