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Posts posted by DSM3KIDZ

  1. I'm going to the doctor to see if it is shingles. What is happening to my body? I thought you get shingles if your stressed and I haven't been.

    The rash showed up the same time my neck and back started hurting. I wonder if there is any correlation.

    Anyone else had shingles? I'm worried about permenant nerve damage since I already have nerve problems.........that's why I have Autonomic Neuropathy & POTS and Gastroparesis.

    I'll let you know what the doc says.


  2. I seem to be having neck/upper back pain that radiates to my shoulders down to my hands. It's been going on for a few days now but I didn't strain it or anything and I even went to my chiropractor with no relief.

    I'm really nervous because I don't want another chronic symptom. Does Fibro hit overnight?

    I'm probally stressing out because I always do when new sx pop up. Do you guys freak out everytime a new sx arises?

    I see alot of you have pain issues I was just wondering if this sounds familiar.


  3. Well i took my daughter school shopping today and was in the stores over my limit and all of a sudden it felt like the noise of people taking was a million miles away and I started getting nauseated and felt really flush I knew I had to sit down right there and then.

    What a scary feeling specially being with my daughter. I'm so sorry that some of you have to go through that on a daily basis my heart truly goes out to you.

    I will not push my limits like that EVER again!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hope everyone's having a tolerable night

    Dayna :)

  4. I'm so sorry to hear all that is going on with you and your job. Maybe unemployment would give you a nice break to help with your recovery. Full-time is ALOT to expect with this condition.

    I got fired when I was 21 basically because I had a child (long story) and I was upset for a while but since I didn't do anything wrong I got over it.

    Take it easy and do what you have to do. Please TRY not to worry about the future.....just TRY to take things one day at a time or you will be totally overwhelmed.

    Hang in there I hope everything works out for you


  5. As I've wrote in other posts my doc is really not helping or even caring if I'm alive. She was great at diagnostic but horrible at treatment. She belittles me everytime I have a side effect from a med. This illness is all about finding the right combo of meds for the individual and she sees us as a group and what works on one works on "all". I literally panic the night before my appointment because she is so cold. she recently make another of my POTsy friend cry. My point here is she is the only specialist in my insurance and there is one other out of network but I can't get approval.

    so does anyone just see a general doc like internal medicine or family doctor for their POTS treatments? and if so how do they know how to treat you if they don't know about POTS? I can only imagine a dotor telling me to go take a hike if I asked them to use their "valuable" time to learn about my illness.

    I have the autonomic neuropathy causing all my problems (Gastroparesis, POTS & Migraines) so I don't know if just seeing a cardiologist would be the answer? Maybe?

    I'm sure their are great docs out there but I really believe to find one that has a little compassion is like searching for a needle in a haystack.

    Does anyone have any advise on this topic?

    Thanks in advance


  6. Thanks guys. I'm just hoping the side effects wear off since it's helping the migraines. I just upped my Wellbutrin to see if they counteract eachother since wellbutrin helps with depression and energy.

    Keep your fingers crossed for me.

    Maggee- Thanks for your imput. Right now my doctor is a****** and is not working with me so this is the only script she will write for me until next month.

    Rebecca- sorry to hear about your experience. I've turned into a real ****** since taking this drug. I hope you find something soon that helps you. It's a good sign that BB made you feel alittle better physically because than maybe when you find a new doc it will just be a matter of finding the right one.


  7. Well I had my doctor follow up and she told me to give BB one more month to see if the side effects taper off. Has anyone ever had success with side effects tapering off after a few months on BB?

    I wanted to at least try another one even like Toprol because I don't want to get all depressed which I'm having major mood swings and 0 desire to do anything. But she said which I don't think is true that they all basically have the same side effect so I'm going to feel the same on all of them.

    So anyone ever adjust to them ? I'm really trying to give this my all and hang in there because it's helping with my migrianes.


  8. I had a horrible experience with a LLMD and he was also very egitistical. He said I didn't have lyme but didn't run any tests either. He said I'm sick because of the fillings in my teeth. He said I had mercury poisoning. Well I have my personal opinions on that so I never went back to see him. But he wanted to put me on IV Chletion (?) and when I got home I did some research on that and I read about 500 horrible stries on how people were sick but after they were 100% worse and never recovered.

    sorry to hear about your appointment I'm sure the bill will piss you off as it did me.


  9. I just had a CT of my abdominal (bladder) and I finished about an 2 hrs ago and my heart is still really crazy. When they first injected it I got the hot feeling and then a sensation that made my chest have alot of pressure..........felt like I couldn't breathe. Now just sitting my hr is 120's and I'm all shaky. My usual sitting hr is 60-70 (betablocker).

    So anyways do any of you have crazy side effects to the contract they inject for CT scans?


  10. cardiatec thanks for the response I see where your coming from but for me a 9-5 job would be harder. Even a desk job because I feel more comfortable in my own home. I can treat my symptoms better.

    anyways my husband said he will be up in the morning and I can keep my normal routine which is good. I explained to the family that my husband will be doing most of the care and they are fine with that. It's his family so they trust him and always sees him caring for our kids.

    So after thinking it all through I guess everything will work out!


  11. Since I can't go out and work a normal job due to the inconsistancey of this illness and we desperately need more income a friend of mine asked if I would be interested in watching her 3yr old (who is a handful). I said yes and now I am feeling real nervous about it. It's from 7am to 4. I have 3 kids of my own and I take care of them (1 will be in school full time) so adding another one might not be that bad.

    My husband is home M-F and says he will help me.

    I just don't want to cheat this little girl because I don't feel good ALOT!

    Me and my husband will do this as a team and hopefully everything will work out fine. I explained to the mother that I have an illness and when I'm feeling really sick my husband (her cousin) will be taking over and that he is now the main provider for our children. Was that honest enough?

    Does anyone else do daycare?

    I'm trying not to get to stressed about it because that will just make me sicker I'm just scared I'll take her and my illness will worsen and they will be stuck without childcare.

    Dayna :unsure:

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