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Everything posted by RecipeForDisaster

  1. I am pretty hesitant to consent to things in general. I always want to be sure it’s necessary and safe - I don’t do well with so many things. But in this case, I’ve waited months for the appointment, and if the mole might be bad, I do want to get rid of it. I just hope it isn’t super painful!
  2. Ohh I made a silly assumption because of what forum this is! That doesn’t sound fun, either. Multiple passes are miserable! Funny you should say that - I have to see a dermatologist for a mole in a couple of weeks, and I think they’ll want to biopsy or take it off on the spot, too. I bet I won’t have good anesthesia there, either.
  3. That stinks! I was super shaky, too. Thank God my friend drove me. Didn’t it feel like it took forever? I thought punch would mean one quick action. I ee many people saying it was totally painless. I guess their local anesthesia worked! My results didn’t come back for maybe 6 weeks. I can’t believe you have yours already! Even worse that it was inconclusive. My first one was, many years before, but they didn’t offer to redo it. They didn’t get a sweat gland in one of those samples. I know exactly what you mean about kind of permanently setting back your nervous system. I get so mad when I’m unnecessarily startled or something - it feels like I don’t ever totally recover.
  4. I kind of remember this happening from my last one. I think I couldn’t stand for a while afterwards. I was amazed at how painful it was, and was told to just push through. I don’t know if local anesthesia doesn’t work well on me (I guess this goes with some of our issues), but I don’t think lidocaine could give you a problem much later, as it is gone from your system relatively quickly. I think that going through that trauma might be enough to explain it.
  5. They had me slather the skin underneath the pads with steroid cream. It helped. I got really sensitive to the hypoallergenic pads over that long month I wore the monitor.
  6. Sorry for the confusion - I did IVIG for a year and a half, and then the pharmacy caused me to miss 2 infusions from January to now. So not quite as bad as 2 years (but bad enough, as my infusion reactions were worse than ever after the gap). Wouldn’t that be a great legacy? I’d open a one stop shopping clinic where you could leave with a diagnosis and treatment plan, equipment, education, and meds. Imagine that?!
  7. Unfortunately, I was told it might take 2 years for me to know if my autonomic symptoms would be helped by IVIG. Then the pharmacy error caused me to miss 2 infusions, so I just restarted and only got a year and a half before a break from January-April. So far, it hasn’t helped those symptoms, but we are hopeful. People do occasionally get SC fluids, but not 2L a day like I need. I have less loose skin than most people, too. A lot of people get immune globulin SC, but I can’t even do that. We need those studies so badly! A better way to treat postprandial symptoms would be super. I just need blood flow!
  8. I’ve talked with some of my doctors about it, and got no one on board. Same for octreotide, unfortunately. I do well with IV fluids (they even help my appetite and they relieve my after eating issues), but only for a few days afterwards. At least I have IVIG for the autoimmunity again.
  9. Good luck! I really want to try a vasodilator for my HYCH, but my BP is so low that no one wants me to try it. I don’t have a particular time of day that is worse, but I sleep very poorly.
  10. My renin is always high. The rest are within normal limits. I’m told that is because of my low BP - the renin is trying to compensate?
  11. Yes, I feel awful after eating even a small amount. It makes me dread eating. Not much helps, other than IV fluids, which make me want to eat.
  12. Having diagnoses is very nice, although I am still missing a lot of explanations for what is wrong with me. And, HYCH isn't even known by most doctors, and the diagnoses I have would not be considered a big deal by most people. Yet I’m in really bad shape overall. I completely agree that for the most part, there is not really a lot to see, and we could be seen via telemedicine for most visits. It stinks to spend half a day traveling to Boston (with help) for no good reason Yes, they are the inflation cuffs that go all the way up your legs. They improve my circulation and BP. I have put together ear clips and a TENS device for my tVNS. I haven’t been using it, but I should. It was an hour per night. I stopped because I was not sure I was getting much benefit, but it definitely wasn’t hurting anything.
  13. I can’t have a PICC or port, either. I get a new IV every time, although I can usually keep it for 3-4 days. It stinks, but I’m glad I can do it myself at home.
  14. I heard that Dr Blair Grubb may be doing televisits again. I’d try for that for sure. My neuromuscular specialist at home orders my IVIG, because it’s technically for autoimmune SFN, which he diagnosed. I do like that I don’t have to reach him in Boston. It would be so great if everyone could see Dr Novak easily - he really is a pioneer. Even getting a weird diagnosis of HYCH was something other than repeatedly being told I don’t have POTS: I knew! Don’t give up - there are so many options out there! I have a whole room of devices like sequential compression, transdermal vagal stimulation, lots of compression gear… plus a giant box of meds, some for every day, and some to bail me out at bad times.
  15. My bet is you had less effects from IV fluids because they ran too fast(ant a normal rate like over 3-4 hours )and/or you didn’t get enough. I need 2 liters run very slowly. I have it at 80mL per hour right now.
  16. I don’t feel perfect when I lay down, either. I feel awful when I’m trying to sleep, and when I have eaten, and sometimes I don’t get better when I lay down during a crash. I can still have BPs in the low 70s while flat.
  17. Nope, he has theories and has diagnosed me with HYCH, but it hasn’t changed my management. He isn’t the one who ordered IVIG nor IV fluids. He has tried plenty of other meds - some of which have been helpful. I still have hope that he will figure me out. He does a battery of autonomic testing, including SFN biopsies, QSART, TTT, and cranial Doppler, plus Washington University lab panels.
  18. I see Dr. Novak. He doesn’t see patients remotely outside Massachusetts - and very rarely even then. I also think he said he was not taking new patients. He diagnoses this with cerebral Doppler.
  19. That is the type of specialist I see for my IVIG. He’s pretty good. He doesn’t really manage my hypotension, but I have so many other doctors. If I just had him, he probably would.
  20. That is so great! I hope many others get to try it. It didn’t help me, but that was about 8 years ago. I tried all different dosages.
  21. I’m glad I am not doing further damage to my nerves. But this one was not in my top 10 problems, and the IVIG isn’t fun. I don’t feel like I have a choice, though. I’m too young to have this kind of progressive nerve damage.
  22. Positive ANAs in 2 different ways wasn’t enough for me to qualify for IVIG. My autonomic issues and HYCH didn’t help, either. I had to have a positive SFN biopsy, and I think my abnormal FGFR3 result also helped. I was never offered any kind of DMARD or other biologic, but then I could not find a reasonably helpful rheumatologist, either. It took years to get started, and it’s expensive and not enjoyable, but at least it’s helping my neuropathy.
  23. I haven’t used it in a while, but I need to try again because there are good studies. The big city neurologist said I’m too sick for it to help me at this point. any TENS machine will work. Here are the earclips. https://www.tenspros.com/black-ear-clip-electrodes-EAE01.html?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiA1rSsBhDHARIsANB4EJb-x0IbovkQ1B5VDCEI8Si8Xv3Z_P9Rtd60OD91a5ut6hisAtE_TxYaAsVCEALw_wcB
  24. I don’t have POTS, and am on 2 different beta blockers (day vs. night), so my HR is rarely that out of whack. I’m glad they aren’t using that for a metric - I once routinely got to a HR of 180 walking, but not now that I’m stabilized on meds. I’m 43, and I don’t have much weight cushion, either. I was really thin until I had to start meds for trigeminal neuralgia, which put 20lbs back on me, and I’m almost a good weight again. I’ve been sick for about 15-20 years, but had some of this all my life - I just thought it was how everyone felt, and believed that everyone passed out sometimes.
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