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Posts posted by dancer65

  1. Yep me too hate confrontation and stressful situations . Sweat, shake, can’t sleep, heart rate soars in seconds and I usually  run away ! Sitting for too long can have exact same effect on me .

    Made the choice this year to remove all people who stress me out of my life, drastic I know but what a difference it has made .

    meditating daily has helped as I overthink things way too much . I also over react so learnt to control my emotions better . 

    Welcome by the way ! 

  2. I don’t take anything for my autoimmune diseases as they only work when taking them and I can only have short courses but they have made me feel better In myself , at the time I was undiagnosed with POTS and was labelled a hypochondriac, so when I said I felt better I was told it was just coincidence! 

    Sorry you are suffering again so frustrating, so not fair ! Hope you can get sorted with new meds soon and things improve 

  3. I smiled when I read you do passe releve whilst waiting for lunch , obviously you trained in ballet !  Due to an injury I can't dance properly at the moment it's  had a huge impact on my POTS. Can't wait to be able to put on my music and do barre in the studio, find the music so soothing as well always, feel calm afterwards

  4. Thanks random sympton man I used to get burning pain in my hands and feet now it's moved ! 

    Been easier today the burning sensation is bearable . 

    Its one of those symptoms I mention at  appointments thst gets brushed aside so obviously they don't know whars causing it . 

  5. Me too I hate shopping ! My husband does  most of the shopping these days but sometimes he's too busy with work.   I have passed out in tesco so many times at the check out they know my name ! I can go to customer services and they pack my shopping etc , so i can sit down , really excellent staff. 

     I notice the change in temperature in the store around the fridges,  then hot around the bakery area but it's the waiting in the queue that really sets me off . I too have low BP .

    I agree  lights are a problem especially florescent,. 

  6. Thanks Pistol, no I havent strained the muscles, been feeling really bad last two days , heart rate spiking to 140 in the night with night sweats .BP is low and high.

    Rhymatologist did think I had fibro but not sure if this is related. Feels as though the heat is coming from inside muscles. Have just used ice pack which has taken off the edge a bit but the itching is driving me insane ! Will try a Epsom bath cool of course just need to muster up the energy!  

  7. Hope you are still improving today. 

    It's great you have seen improvements and are able to do more it's very rewarding to be able to help the family . I am very fortunate that I have returned to work but it comes with a price tag , I really don't have any energy to socialise. 



  8. I use to go really dizzy when I bent over when I was at my worst. I used to sit on my bum and scoot around the floor! 

    I understand your frustration it's awful not being able to do what you want, it's even worse when someone else made the mess! I use to feel exhausted just getting up so seeing chores that needed doing use to make my heart sink. I am so grateful i am no longer like this most days . I really think it's hard for others to really appreciate how hard simple things can be for us. 

    Could you not make chores list for each child/ teenager . I use to reward mine for helping eg  pocket money,  choosing what we did at the weekend, choosing a movie .






  9. Hi Kim

    I am a ballet teacher so yes barre work is great as a work out and using your own body resistance can really tone .

    I don't know what your looking at buying but I would recommend Karen voight dvd around 20 dollars. She is a trained dancer, award winning fitness teacher.some of her dvds have been around for a long time but her programmes are effective and very clear instructions to help you exercise safely. She includes hard and  easy versions of many exercises and some of her workout are only 35 min's long . She has a ballet barre  and many sculpt dvd .



  10. Hi everyone 

    I have wanted to make this post for a long time but I didn't want to sound cheesy or that I was seeking sympathy   !  Recent posts about relationships have given me the courage to share. 

    I won't bore you with all the details but after taking in my elderly mother even though I was ill and no one else wanted to have any thing to do with her it ended up with my husband and myself accused of fraud stealing etc by my closest relatives. During this period we were bambarded with violent  threats, nasty e mails full of lies and of course my alopecia used to lower my self esteem and pots used as accusation of me always seeking attention and sympathy, sigh a story all too familiar to us all  .A suberb solicitor not only proved our  innocence   but saved us from substantial financial losses, this legal battle went on for 2 years and I almost fell apart.

    I felt so ashamed of what I was being accused of and the actions of my so called family, I  never reached out in this wonderful community with the facts, what I did do was post the symptons this stress was causing. Your kindness and replies brought me great comfort emotionally more than I can describe. It has made me very aware that there may be others here who may be dealing with difficult situations that are exesperating symptons .

    I am happy to share that whilst this has been the worst experience of my 54 old life it also has changed my perspective of how I wish to move forwards. I have forgiven myself for enabling their abuse , I have learnt I am stronger than I believe and that I am not responsible for other people's bad behaviour even if I did bring one of them up! Therapy has helped me understand a lot about myself and others around me . I have made many changes to my life .

    My life is now peaceful, no more dramas, (well for now!)  My husband,  youngest son and true friends  who stood by me are the ones worth my energy and time. Time is precious so I have to make the best of every day.

    So a big thank you to all those involved in this forum and those who give their time to help others .


  11. Yes especially if I get stressed upset or annoyed , I will either cry or have the flight response and leave wherever I am. There have been times where I am not aware of what my response is and I will find myself walking down the road! I feel as though my heart is in my pounding in my head . I really over react to stressful situations but mindfulness and meditation have really helped me control my responses .

  12. Thanks pistol I have never heard of the bracelet will will going online next to find it ! Really need it for when I'm outside darn things are everywhere at the moment . The downside of living in such beautiful green  countryside

    I never use to get bitten but since my hysterectomy they love me ! 

    Yeah totally allergic to in incense perfumes etc, drives me mad ! Thinking about planting some lemongrass around the place.

  13. Hi everyone hope you are doing ok 

    The hot damp weather here has left us with an abundance of mosquitos who decided to have a wonderful feast on me land my reaction to them hasn't been great even with hydrocortisone cream and antihistermines they are driving me insane itchy and really painful, sure some of you relate .

    Any suggestions to what natural repellents work, I tried a commercial one and immediatly my breathing became an issue.

    Thanks in advance 

  14. My pleasure I just hope it helps someone who maybe feels that it only happens to them .

    I can remember complaining  I miss the old me and he replied so do I but I still love the new you just as much. That day was a turning point in my approach to this illness, I realised he missed me as a friend and a lover and we needed to find new ways to enjoy each other ! 

  15. Hi Derek

    I am sorry you are having a difficult time. This illness puts a lot of strain on relationships even strong ones.I just wanted to share how we worked things out.

     When I was at my worst and couldn't even stand up I felt guilty, useless, scared it would never get better. My marriage felt strained so my hubby and I sat and talked honestly how we both felt. We agreed to listen and not interupt each other, the biggest heart to heart we have ever had ! We both learnt a lot about how each of us felt about the situation but the most important thing I learnt was how frustreated my husband felt, firstly   he felt annoyed at himself that he couldn't make me  feel better and secondly  he was angry  at the medical system. Two years I waited just for myTTT and then Almost a year for pots cadio.I misunderstood this frustrationn and worrying for my safety as him being snappy towards me  and I came to understand that I was way too oversensitive.  I had terrible brain fog and he would shout stop because he could see I wasn't concentrating, I would get upset he had shouted at me , get the picture ? Very trivual stuff but when it's happening daily it can cause strain in the relationship. 

    I spent most of my time trying to manage symptons and I felt overwhelmed,  what I didn't consider was how hard it was for hubby to see me in this state, fainting and hurting myself .

    It's hard looking after a postie, he had to work more due to my lack of income and then start on everything at home .We spent a weekend rearranging our house ( well hubby did I just supervised!) so I could do little chores. It made me feel less useless and every little thing I could do made one job less for him.

    Keeping the fun alive is so important.  I would sleep in the afternoon so when he came home  I had energy to talk to him, watch a film together and i often fell asleep! . Having a cuddle was difficult some days as my body was so painful so we held hands and we used pillows for me to lean against him.we had a marking system 1 to 10 for how I was feeling so I didnt feel like I was constantly moaning, he also knew from that what I could do that day. 

    I think we both have learnt so much. I do know we had got into the rut of blaming each other rather than working with the new life.   I also have ended any relationship that was causing me stress and I have to say it has made a hude difference to me. 

    POTS has changed our lives dramatically but now we are working with it as best as we can, it's been a hard journey but our marriage is stronger for it 

    I hope things improve in all aspects for you.




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