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Everything posted by porque

  1. Hi again Does anyone know if cardiac ablations hinder your progression with POTS? For example if your nevers were damaged by a virus, but you were mistaked to have IST and had an ablation, do you still have a chance of recovering? Or does the ablation make it so you cant recover? I since the ablation has nothing to do with the nervous system, I wouldnt think it would but ya never know. I had one done last Febuary, and it didnt help nor hinder me currently. My EP ablated very little as this is his way of avoid ablating too much. Thanks. Tasha
  2. I am really scared of SSRIs as I took one just 3 days after on sudden onset and had the worst reaction of my life to them. My doc told me to take Zoloft cuz she tought I this whole thing was caused by anxiety (which I knew it wasent but thought the SSRI would help me calm down about my rapid heart rate a bit). She told me to start on 75mg which I learned was wayyyyyy to much to start on. That night about an hour after taking them I had the sweats..diarreha...sleepiness...and muscle cramps. It was the worst feeling. Like a major epsiode of the flu or something. I always wondered if this made my problems worse off. Is that possible? To get worse symptoms cuz of too much zoloft?
  3. Happy Birthday...ditto on the beleated thing.
  4. My temp is always right around 98.6...guess I am the queen of normal here! Yep just took it as I type...98.6. Although when I've been out in the snow for a while it can go lower like 97.8ish...but that is normal.
  5. Merry Chirstmas everyone, As I reflect upon this day about the past year and my illness and how last year at this time I was running to the gym at 1 AM to play a late night game of pick up basketball with the guys...(yes I played with the big boys...lol...and they were shirtless which was a perk for me!) Now this Chirstmas...I'll walk my dog...maybe rollerblade...but I am so far away from being the spaz I was last year. I mena wow its almost been a year...I dont feel any better now...but that got me to thinkg...I was never bad off anyway. I mean the day after my sudden onset (wow and I really mean sudden) I went back to school and stayed up that night until 2 am like I always have. I HAVE NEVER BEEN BEDRIDDEN...or even close to it. It's just a nusience...I mean sometimes I feel tired or whatnot...but I never feel like I have to just stop and put my feet up for a while...I can 99% of the time stand and work or whatever with no problem at all. This got me to thinking that if I have any damage it should be mild and in time I should heal completly just because there was so little damage to begin with. But I'm not sure if that is how this disesase works...does ones level of normalacy correlate with the amount of damage done? Anyone hear any information on this? I think I had an autoimmune reaction to the Campylobacter jejuni bacteria commonly found in undercooked meat which can cause a autoimmune reaction and is also asscioated with Gullian Barr Syndrome...which is asscoitated with POTS right? Anyway I was wondering how many people on here have been bedridden at some point of this strange illness? It seems like almost everyone has? Take care. Tasha
  6. I think many people with POTS have an underlying cause...I read an article somwhere that said that like 90% of people that have POTS...dont really have it...they have an underlying disorder wrecking havioc on their nervous system. I think I have something going on causing my body to act strange, cuz I've never had any signs of POTS unitl all of the sudden one day. I guess it just takes a long time to force doctors to due so many tests on us. Keep searching and never give up. Keep us posted.
  7. I always had a stuffy nose...hardly ever runny except for in the winter. I salavate normally and dont have night sweats and feel I sweat a lot during exercise...but I always have...probably cuz I worked out harder than anyone else in the gym. I used to use the elicpital trainer for 45 minutes and I was going around 180-200 rotations per minute....thats unheard of...and the funny thing was, my heart still would not go up very high...only like 140-160s. Not too bad when my max HR was like 200-205...at my spead of exercise I should have been there. (Oh I cant wait until I can do that again...I'll be overjoyed.) My eyes have become dry since obtaining these issues...but it took a while for them to become this way...6 months. Check to see if your legs are sweating in paticular...the same nerves that control the tightness of your lower peripheral veins are the ones that make your legs sweat. Also check hair growth. Retarded hair growth of the distal legs is a sign of a mild peripheral neurorapthy. My legs sweat fine but seem to have slow hair regrowth...so go figure!! oh ya...I have had the ANA test done...very negative!!
  8. Hi again, I am posting here for my best friend. I think she might have some autonomic issues going on but I'm not 100% sure. Way back in high school, when she was 16...she started having seizures...and fainting/blackouts, which resulted in her loosing her lisence for a year. Meds didnt seem to help too much but in a little over a year they went away. A cause was never found, after vials of blood and tons of MRIs. Now they are back with a vengance. Meds not helping hardly at all. She seems to have problems when she is in heat...like a shower or outside in the summer...(she lives in Arizona). I told her to check her HR and BP laying down then standing and also when she starts to feel lightheaded. I told her about the mechinisms of POTS. She had no idea what POTS was (and she is studying to be a nurse!) I never tell people that I am sick because I lead a very near normal life...I mean POTS never hit me heard at all...I was never beadridden or even close to it...I guess thats lucky for me cuz I will most likely recover completely...but I am scared for her. What sould I do to help her? Could she be experiencing autonomic dysfunction?
  9. Butterfly I wondered about the fair/skin thing too cuz I am different...very dark...and not flexiable at all. I found a poll of pots and nationality...check it out.
  10. Hello, Today I saw a friend that I havent seen for a long time when I was at the park walking my dog. I stood still for about an hour chatting with her when suddenly I felt very dizzy...I quickly walked home and found to my surprise that my BP was like 140/95...I was under the impression that low BP caused dizziness...not high. (yes high BP can cause dizziness but not at those levels) Then I started thinking that maybe my BP was high cuz I wasent getting blood to the brain and the bodies response to that is to raise the HR (which is blocked by beta blockers) and squeeze veins tighter...increasing BP. Does this make sense? But if my veins are tightening then how could blood be pooling...woudnt that make your BP drop like a rock? I have never seen pooling in my legs and they never feel heavy. I'm begining to think that I have some kind of neuroraphy because I dont have much hair growth on my distal legs (lower legs) that can be a major sign of neurorapthy. I'm just very scared and confused over here. Please some validation is greaty needed over here! Tasha
  11. I was at the eye doctor today and was telling his nurse about my problems...and to my surprise she said she has a niece that had something similar to that. Her niece felt kind of funny like she had the flu for a few days...about a week after that she had rapid heart rate, high blood pressure, and dizziness. She was nurse and had to not work for a year due to the lightheadedness. Never had a DX. Then one morning she woke up about a year and half later and was fine...just like that. She has been fine for a few years now, but still is paranoid about her HR and BP. I wonder if this was post viral POTS? Hummm.
  12. sorry I didnt mention my meds: propranolol 20mgs 2X/day yasmin birth control
  13. Good afternoon, I have lurked around here for a while but decided gain enough nerve to ask a few questions now...but frist here is my story: I am a 21 year old college student who was very atheletic and never sick hardly a day in my life until one day last Febuary. I came home from school, went and got an oil change for my car and then ate dinner and started to watch TV when I had the sudden urge to "go" (bowls were moving) following by dizziness and a rapid heartrate. Went to ER and doc said anxiety...of course I'm a young woman...I cant possibly have a disease. He tried to give my Avitan but I insisted on recieving a beta blocker...I'm pre med afterall and want to be a caridologist, so I am very well versed on matters of the heart. I thought I was just having probelems with my thyroid, because when I was aneroxic in the past, I went hypothyroid. Normal TSH, T4, T3 and antibodies. Basic CBC normal....catecholamine levels (urine) normal...cort stim test normal but overall cortisol was high...doc said it was due to stress...urine sodium normal...ANA test normal...CT scan of head and sinuses head normal sinuses showed slight infection...cleared up with zithromax. EP doc decided I had IST...underwent sinus node ablation...no changes in HR still high at rest and with standing/activity. Had tilt table test...it was inconclusive...abnormal but not really POTS no fainting no real BP changes no bracycardia. HR went from 145 to 160. So I have had the full work up. Nobody really knows whats wrong. I've been to 5 neuros, and EP, a caridologist, the best endo in san diego county, gyno, GP docs, opthomologist. One of the neuros is from the Mayo clinic...said it didnt really seem like POTS because I dont really feel any symptoms when I'm in the upright posistion. I still work, go to school and even manage to play softball...but it is hard. I get lightheaded spells, rapid HR, headaches in the bifrontal region, sometimes loose stools,high blood pressure spikes...espically when standing 140-120/90-100...occasionaly low BP 100/60, usually at night and when supine, but these come on in any posistion, not just standing...actually I feel better standing sometimes...its just depends. In addition to that I have develpoed dry eyes and skin and my fingertips get really wrinkled at times (I searched a post on this and nobody really responded.) Anyway I dont really know what could be causing and or caused this. The only thing I can think of is something I ate becaue all of this stuff started two weeks after I got food poisioning...there is a certain kind of rare food poisioning that can cause strange things like this to happen, becasue the bactieria looks a lot like one of your nerves and the body may attack them instead of the bacteria...I forget what this is called...will have to get back to you on this. Anyway my docs liked this theory and said I will probably get better but the nerves take a long time to heal. He also said that usually you start to heal from things like POTS and neuroraphies after the 1 year mark...do you find this to be true? I am so scared of the blood pressure spikes however, that I just want to lay in bed and do nothing in fear of stroking out. I think my BP is going high due to low blood volume in an attempt to get blood back to my head. Also I exhibit the ever so famous "White coat syndrome." My BP in the docs office will be 140/95 but be 118/78 at home an hour later. Does anyone else experience this? Any commnets or concers woudl be greatly appriciated. Take care. Veryblue and rqt9191 your cases sound similar please contact me! Tasha
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