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Posts posted by Becia

  1. I can't have my hands and arms above my head for anything without passing out. I would pass out in the shower, but we didn't realize how bad this was until I passed out trying to put my hair up in a ponytail one time. A few weeks later, chopped it all off. It's okay, I prefer long hair, but I cover my hair for religious reasons, so it's not so big a deal.

    I also used to interpret for the deaf at my church, and having my arms and hands out and up in front of me, bothers me too.

  2. *hugs* I'm kinda in the same boat. Still trying to recover from thanksgiving, my birthday, and a busy weekend on top of two very long and busy days. On top if that, I think I'm coming down with something, because I'm coughing and stuffy along with absolutely no energy.

    I am laying here in bed thinking of all I need to do, like school stuff (taking transcription classes at home), or cleaning, or cooking, and literally can't make myself do it, no matter how much fluids I'm drinking. As much as I need it, I don't even feel like drinking. Roommates are probably gonna have to start forcing Gatorade down my throat, lol.

    I normally have insomnia, so when my body decides it's not gonna be awake, I tend to go with it. Only problem is meds. Midodrine doesn't let me lay down, so I've been skipping a couple doses the past few days to allow my body to rest.

  3. Can't help ya, but I can say I'm just as spacey and fuzzy feeling today, and we have the same snowstorm coming our way too. Right now I'm chalking it up to be flat out exhausted from Sunday, and schoolwork today, the change of weather, and the upcoming holiday energy. I don't do well in loud or busy areas, and I haven't been to my parents house in several months, so thanksgiving is going to be a experience that I'm scared for.

    I'm hoping the two quizzes I submitted to school today are decent grades, because I got through one, and literally looked at it for an hour praying I read the instructions right, lol. Just not there at all.

  4. Anytime they give me compazine for nausea, my hr shoots up to over 200. And if I recall correctly, same thing happened when I got reglan too. I have both of these drugs on a listing of allergies now for those reasons alone. I have tachy issues anyways, I do not need anything else to make it worse.

  5. I'm an out and unaware person too for procedures, except for my last heart ablation, they didn't knock me out, and it was horrible. The first time I had an ablation, they ended up knocking me out because they found four places misfiring, but the second time they didn't think about doing that, but they did give me some versed to try to relax. I was okay until my doctor said he was having issues finding the place misfiring, and I started crying. He ended up doing a different tracing to locate the area, and started killing it before they got me out, so I felt everything, and you wanna talk about pain, I thought I was dying.

    I take drugs and knocking me out any day, I'm a big chicken when it comes to stuff like this. Of course, I end up waking up crying and freaking out, and feel like heck afterwards, but oh well.

  6. You know, I ask myself this everyday. How am I going to cope with how I'm feeling compared to what I have to do, to who I'm going to be around, where I'm going to be going. And my answer is, I don't know. There are days I have no clue how I have made it without passing out into the double digits, how I managed to not throw up because of the screaming migraine, how I managed to not hurt myself when having a seizure on the stairs trying to crawl into the house. I don't know now I cope.

    I do know I cry a lot. I curl up in bed with panic at the thought of leaving my room. I journal my feelings. I cry in the shower. I listen to music that fits my mood, and sometimes those tunes are a bit rough around the edges, and sometimes they are all flowers.

    I have no advice, but just (hugs) for ya.

  7. I wear knee high stockings sometimes, I'm like Rachel's son and have sensitivity, so sometimes I can tolerate this, sometimes I cannot. I also use wheelchairs in my house and out, but mine are not power, nor recline. One doesn't have feet so I can work my legs a bit.

  8. I was diagnosed in the summer, and haven't done well with the heat, so right now is the first experience I have with cold weather and my pots. What I don't like is I already don't feel my extremities, the cold really makes this worse. I haven't felt my feet all day, but they are now swollen because of me having appointments and they've been down for a bit. The cold makes it hard for me to breathe too.

  9. I just know next time I'm taking my roommates with me. I was trying to explain to this guy I do not remember these seizures, I only know what I've been told by the people around me. Asked if I bit my tongue or anything, yes, I have realized I somehow ended up with cuts and sores from them. I have bruises I have no clue how I got them. I've woken up on floors and had no clue how I got there. I have a massive screaming headache that never goes away, I haven't slept in ages, and when my body does decide I need sleep, I'm down for the count for a week.

    But because I pass out so frequently, there's no way these are seizures, according to him. Yet, I'm wasting about 2,000 bucks doing testing that has shown I have some sort of abnormality, and you want further testing. And I couldn't understand him, he needed to look at me so I could read his lips somewhat, and he kept looking away and interrupting me while trying to explain what was happening.

    Oh, I am so mad. If I can get the energy, I need to bake something. Dinner is likely going to be a piece of bread and jam, and cake, lol.

  10. Bumping with an update... I just got back from the neurologist. MRI was clean, my EEG was slightly abnormal, so they are scheduling another longer EEG to be done soon. I got no answers from this guy. He was rude as well. I'm sorry I shake because of my meds, I'm sorry I'm nervous, because I don't like new doctors, and I feel horrible right now.

    I'm just not happy. I'm upset that I triggered myself so bad just to get to the appointment, just to not really get any answers. They wondered why I wasn't on any preventative.... Well, that's why I'm here, duh! So I guess I get to continue having these for a bit longer. And I'm going back on my stomach meds, even though they apparently can cause them too, it's not worth suffering so much with this.

    Becia needs chocolate. Or something. If I didn't just take my meds, I wouldn't be opposed to a beer even.

  11. I know when I worked in the hospital laboratory, I couldn't have water in the phleb pit, but I could at my desk. As for at the nursing station not allowing it, well ours had drinks everywhere, and some were closed, some were not.

    I'm curious to see what should happen. I don't know if it's Ada, but it could be I suppose. The rules seem to change every year for OSHA and Jcho.v

  12. I'm in a wheelchair because the moment I standup, my entire body tries to shut down, and I pass out extremely easily. Sitting up currently is a feat of strength for me. I don't feel heaviness or anything, I'm just very unsteady, and then the world is constantly spinning, then boom, ground. I try to do some yoga to keep my strength up, and such, but I miss the days I could ride a bike. I actually saw my bike for the first time in two months yesterday, and just about cried. I miss it. I hate what pots and dysautonmia has done to me.

  13. I haven't had any immune testing yet. My doctors are really not managing my pots well, and I'm struggling a lot with different things, and they are just now coming to the realization that there's more going on that we need to manage. I'm having seizures now because of the meds now, and we are just now working on getting those under control. Just a bunch of crazy.

    All I know is right now is the most comfortable I've been all day... I'm wearing a really super soft, super big shirt and a pair of really big shorts because I can't handle the feel of the elastic on me, curled under my sheets. And I feel wretched, been fighting a migraine all day, which makes me more sensitive, and whiny, lol.

  14. I have major issues with sensitivity to my clothing and such all the time, and am not on any special meds other than my pots meds. We asked the doctor about it one time, and he basically just brushed me off. There are times that my clothes just feel super constricting to me, and it's all I have in me to just keep my clothes on, and it's the same with bedding. This is why sometimes I sleep naked even, because I cannot tolerate my pjs on me, but the sheets some how soothe my skin and nerves. I haven't been wearing my compression stockings lately either, because it seems they just hit me at the right point of insanity, lol. Just can't take it, and I claw my legs once I manage to get them off.

    It's a pain to live with. Hope you figure out an answer soon.

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