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  1. I can REALLY relate to that. I have dealt with it my whole life and even when you try to appear normal it doesn't come across that way to others. Instead, you get the label anyway, which only reinforces those behaviors you are trying not to show. It's a no win! I do remember reading that there are studies linking Mitochondrial dysfunction to Autism. Maybe that explains some of this.
  2. Kelly, One thing I didn't mention that you noted, is the pain from the base of my neck that radiates down between my shoulder blades. I have this constantly, only in variable degrees, sometimes a dull ache, sometimes more sharp, but always there. I only sleep about four to five hours a night before waking to my neck pain. Most of the time I just toss and turn until morning. This is about my only real pain, but that, fatigue and dizziness are daily at some level, even without a crash.
  3. Hi Kelly, I have some experiences similar to yours during my crash days. I don't really have much body ache or pain but the fatigue is overwhelming. Everthing still functions but in "slow motion". I move as though I were sleepwalking. I don't speak much because it is too much effort to draw enough breath to be heard. I stare ahead because it is an effort to even move my eyes to look around. Oddly though, I am not at all sleepy during this. Brain fog gets so bad sometimes that it is almost like having been drugged. I get completely "zoned out". Sensory overstimulation may be the worst, especially sound. Normal noises can be as invasive as a sound that might wake you from a deep sleep. I need to be alone with no noise and dim lighting. Even motion is overstimulating. I have a fly buzzing around one day that was enraging (but I didn't have the energy to deal with it). I still don't know what triggers these crash episodes. They come and go randomly during an almost cyclical pattern that lasts for weeks at a time with some days on and some off. The cycles are mostly during the summer months so maybe it has to do with the heat or allergens.
  4. Hi Rachel, This is my first posting on this forum. Interestingly, I have an appointment with the Mayo Clinic in Arizona next month and I am suspicious that my symptoms may be related to a mitochondrial dysfunction. I don't know much about them but it is a starting place for me. I have been to three Neurologists locally over the past four years. The last referred me to Mayo. My symptoms first presented in an episodic fashion with dizziness and brain fog leading up to extreme lethargy which usually lasts for the rest of the day. It is like being in an altered state of consciousness. From what I have read about mitochondrial dysfunction it seems to fit. I hope Mayo can sort it out. I am curious if anyone else has experienced anything like this.
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