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Posts posted by Angela

  1. 23&me, they lowered the cost as they are trying to get 1million subjects and i think this will be permanent cost for awhile, also offerring refunds for those that bought at $500 or something like that since November fyi. One of biological aunts, and i am not name dropping but worked for apple and vp for Bgates did the test. and she is by far from dumb much smarter than me obviously. she coined the phrase "continuous partial attention" in 1998. also coined "email apnea" in 2008 which means "a temporary absence or suspension of breathing, or shallow breathing", while doing email and i know i do this. she is also into heartmath so you can google that.

  2. yeah, it's like I used to love horror flicks and now the make me super tachy with surges. I tried watching attack on darfur which is based off the events in Sudan I had to turn it off when they killed the baby, I was screaming and crying and shaking it was horrible. But, then I think about what those people are living/dying through I'd take POTS over that anyday.

  3. boymommy3, I suspect for the same reason as you they might be looking into this for you but I believe the protocol is to rule out ms for most all pots patients..... my big sister has MS so they really wanted to be sure that wasn't what's going on. Not all mri's will show ms. for example, my sister's mri didn't show the lesion, after 2 years of looking for answers she was dx'd by looking into eyes/brain via an ophthalmoscope! That is when they found the lesions. My 2nd neuro was also pushing for the lumbar but I didn't see the point after 2 negative mri's, one without contrast, one with and without, and the ophthalmoscope, and the negative ept.

  4. I meant EPT lol

    Evoked potential test
    This test measures electrical signals sent by your brain in response to stimuli. An evoked potential test may use visual stimuli or electrical stimuli in which short electrical impulses are applied to your legs or arms. This test can help detect lesions or nerve damage in your optic nerves, brainstem or spinal cord even when you don't have any symptoms of nerve damage

  5. right. adrenaline surges can come from good and bad stress, so gambling can be exciting/good stress and cause surges. Not sure about the temperature flux tho. That's what I would ask your cardio/doctor about. I remember my first cardio specifically had me keep track to make sure I didn't have unexplained fevers over 100. Sometimes my temp runs low tho too so idk why this would be except we have issues controlling our body temp already due to ans not regulating properly.

  6. right, i totally agree spinner, only thing is the memory loss which I just stumbled across albeit not that worried about as i already feel i have alzheimers lol. just i am a female who is not on birth control:) i don't think klonopin has worse side effects or withdrawal (I hope for me? but I have heard some weird stories) than bb's. same idea, about tapering off to some effect. I take 2 mg bad days and 1/2 mg others. yesterday, i managed to clean my whole house with a pulse of +150 and high bp on 1 mg. but i did it and felt proud.

  7. how weird, that is one of the first articles i read before getting tested. always been against vaccinations too, i find it interesting where they show the chart of countries and how many vaccines they must take per life. Bartonella (seizures) I hope I do not have but am still curious about, since my eeg's are weird. well, i know everyone views Indiana as the "armpit" of America but i would say it is much more beautiful than out here in the cracked earth.

  8. and still on cloz...don't want 2 get preg, no birth control as that always makes me off, condems only - howeveri think i am somewhat infertile.

    while on klonopin i know u cant get preg so i am scared of an "accident". have been thru late preg miscarraige way bfore POTS (maybe).. as far as I know he, my son/s r the love of my life i cannot thank god more 4 or less. my son i lost -i wasn't on anything: birth control, antidepressents or any pharm. drug.

    benzo's have helped me so much more than anything dx'd. i will ask my neuro next time i see him regarding long term side effects.

  9. i dont get headaches but i see colors & a zigzag type appearance line when I close my eyes sometimes. can't quite explain it correctly. like looking at a screeen that turns entirely orange and then you see a line that appears like a bunch of stars, misc. forms and connecting the dots, conselation type. it's weird. and the background and lines change colors at the same time.

  10. rise in hr can sometimes occur even when i am sitting without much movement, even riding passenger in a car, occassionally i have unexplained raise suppine.

    4 me, when laying down, suppine,usually goes lower. It's my bp that is more wacky and unpredictable. but i have had times where I have been laying down and hr is still 130 with feet raised after 3 hrs.

  11. i had weird blacking out episodes/seeing stars since over 10 yrs ago, developed a weird rash on my torso and forhead and the sensation that i forgot how to breathe... i had a generic bloodworkup done at the time but no answers, and it was all gone in a little over a month if I recall correctly. Summer 2010 had some gi issues and severe pain in my side at the same time, that lasted around 3 months, almost went in and got tested for why that was but it mysteriously went away. in early spring 2011 i did the hcg diet so I could lose weight (had my son in late 2009 and bf was injured via work, and couldn't help out much at all for a year) plus with a newborn and working a fulltime job I was not eating healthy and no time to do my yoga. I lost the 20 lbs I wanted to and was back to pre-baby weight however when doing the diet I started developing crazy symptoms, brain fog, rash on the top of my hands and feet, trouble forming words, abnormal brain waive slowing I suspect although didn't test at that time, and couldn't control my muscles properly, couldn't make a fist with my left (strongest hand) and tachycardia, gait issues, anxiety type feeling, plus blood sugar slightly high. I also had weird feeling in my head of a band of pressure going around my head and temples. That was when I had my 1st doc visit in years and suspected an electrolite issue due to the diet but tests came back ok. they referred me to my first neuro who naturally wanted to rule out parkinsons, ms, HIV, and other related possibilities of my symptoms. did a bunch of blood work and nothing showed anything and after 3 months I started feeling better so I forgot about it and started living life again. when I bought my first house in late fall 2011 (they say buying a home is the most stressful thing one can do, really?) POTS took the worst and longest flare, had another mri done, same neuro thought I perhaps sufferred from silent migraines or panic disorder, last resort simple complex siezure, around the time I was prescribed klonopin for my tremors and severe adrenal issues. Then my eeg with hr holter showed abnormal, for precaution sake I was put on keppra for possible siezures (now I am off) but that is when I discovered my hr was much higher in day then night during sleep, it was basically normal. referred to cardio, who did 2 wk hr holter, figured out hr only went up in day, got a 3read hr bp monitor and figured out what my body was doing laying/standing. To this day, I still have POTS via vitals and symptoms but much less severe than this time last year. I am only on klonopin and h1's and h2's and I take COQ10.

    so, long story short (ha ha) no idea what caused my POTS. it seems to be getting worse with every flare tho.

  12. i am lowfat vegan too tho don't notice much weight loss after over a month of this diet, maybe like a lb or 2. I am not comfortable in my body right now since I gained 20 lbs in the last year, and am used to being superskinny/toned, only exercise needed was 1/2 hr vinyasa yoga for toning not weight loss, but according to all diet sites I've looked up my weight is ideal with my height. I guess just not comfortable for me:) McDougall has recently changed his theories re: eating soy based products and tofu, if that is what you are referring to Batik

    am going to start yoga again as I havn't been practicing for some months and need to tone up abit. but here are the benefits of vinyasa:


    Much like Hatha, Vinyasa covers basic poses and breath-synchronized movement. This variety of Hatha yoga emphasizes on the Sun Salutation, a series of 12 poses where movement is matched to the breath.

    • Purpose: To link the breath with movement and to build lean muscle mass throughout the body
    • Benefits: Helps improve strength and flexibility, tones the abdominal muscles, and reduces the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes
    • Good for: Beginners and advanced yogis alike seeking to strengthen the body
  13. yeah issie, market is already going up and better go up again some more! bank says my house gained 10k equity in 1 yr and they don't even know about the improvements. but, in my opinion it's friggin unbearable june thru september unless you have access to a pool, cuz there arent many lakes. that was the hardest part of moving to az...no rain, no lakes, he*l, i had to pay to see a "lake" when I first moved to phx and that in itself astounded me....grew up in midwest where you only had to drive 20 minutes best to see water.

    on another note, the tingling and tenitus greatly improved for me with h1's and h'2 's too, but, as a granulater if you suspect mcas you need to take aspirin or another sort of degranulator. I am not sure of the physics of it but I take klonopin which is a mc degranulator however it is a benzo and status'd highly addictive and possibly may contribute to long term memory loss (not sure I mind the latter lol). it helps me with adrenal surges so, 241.

  14. yeah i would say from what i understand stay off all meds possible before ttt or it can alter the test results. I don't know how long ativan (lorazepam stays in your system, depending on your weight/size/dose but what I have read says that the half-life is 4 hours (which is minimal compared to some benzos much higher such as klonopin) and that means that it will decrease by half every four hours, i.e. hypothetically, and i am not sure where they get this from is that if you take 1 mg, you will have .5mg in your bloodstream after 4 hours, .25 after 8 hours, .125 mg after 12 hrs, and .06 mg after 16 hrs, .03 after 20 hrs, and .015mg after 24 hrs., blah blah blah so I read on the internet. but just like any drug a lot has to do with the person, body mass, and perhaps how there body harbors or disposes of them.

    don't know 2 much about lorazepam/ativan but i would ask your doc cuz stopping any benzo suddenly will increase your noroadreneric stuff which would most likely alter your true ttt results especially if you are examining NE levels, making it seem worse than just your normal body chemistry results due to withdraw. that being said, my cardio and my neuro dx'd me with hyper due to my symptoms, 2 week heart rate holter, what my blood perssure was doing, etc. I had autonomic testing done but I was on klonopin and all my test showed nothing 2 significant, but my cardio and my neuro confirmed it is hyperpots. prior to that I had to rule a bunch of stuff out which you probably have or will go thru. my dr's knew what i had based off of my notes and some experience and witnessing during consults...they thought the ttt out here (other than mayo which my insurance doesn't take) would be a waste of money.

  15. I was never on meds or benzos prior to pots. I only started klonopin generic after a really horrible flare last year when I was still undx'd but my primary thought I was possibly having simple complex siezures, whereas Klonopin is also used to treat siezures. I have had pots symptoms leading up to flares on and off for some years prior to klonopin. and I am certain I wouldn't be functioning at the level I am currently if I didn't take it.

    But, sorry for your friend who is going thru such aweful withdrawals.

  16. Principal Investigator: Philip Stewart

    Affiliation: Montana State University

    Country: USA

    Abstract: This project will address the hypothesis that poor healing of many chronic wounds is due to the formation of infectious microbial biofilms. Biofilms are known to form preferentially on dead or damaged tissue and contribute to peristence because microorganisms in biofilms evade killling by antibiotics and by the host defenses. A corollary of the hypothesis is that therapies that effectively target microbial biofilms will improve healing of these wounds. The goal of this project is to develop knowledge and techniques needed to evaluate the potential utility of anti-biofilm therapies in the context of wound healing. This will be accomplished by characterizing the presence, speciation, structure, arid oxygen availability in wound biofilms (Aim #1), developing a suite of in vitro and in vivo models of chronic wound biofilm infection that simulate diverse aspects of biofilms in wounds (Aim #2), and applying these models to evaluate the efficacy and safety of several potential anti-biofilm technologies (Aim #3). The models include polymicrobial biofilms grown in laboratory systems, a keratinocyte scratch model interfaced with bacterial biofilm, a rafted organ culture model, and mouse models of chronic wound infection. Success in this project depends on merging expertise from biofilm science and technology with expertise in wound healing and therefore requires a multidisciplinary team of biofilm microbiologists and engineers, dermatologists, cell biologists, and clinical collaborators. The project is innovative and high-risk in three important respects. This project involves investing in the biofilm concept by bringing in investigators who are outside the wound healing community. The marriage of microbial biofilm to tissue culture and animal wound models is innovative. And finally, some of the proposed anti-biofilm strategies are clearly high-risk. Wounds that fail to heal, such as diabetic foot ulcers, venous leg ulcers, and pressure ulcers are a major source of morbidity, mortality, and health care expenditure. Therapies that target biofilms may provide a significant improvement in the treatment of chronic wounds. Futhermore, the results of this research may impact the treatment of other biofilm-related diseases, such as osteomyelitis, endocarditis, prostatitis, otitis media, and sinusitis.

    Funding Period: 2006-09-01 - 2010-08-31

    more information: NIH RePORT

    Issie, didn't your foot take a long time to heal? Or maybe I misread.

  17. sorry nj, i was not trying to try to hijack but the only things i have to suggest are:

    1. listen to your child breathe....it is healing

    2. yoga

    3. practice coherant breathing ....i have the cd....its like breathe 4 counts out, 5 counts in, mississippi 1 etc. gd, hope i spelled mississippi correctly. coherant breathing my neuro got me the cd for free and mentioned it has been successful with correctining hypertension, pots.

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