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Posts posted by kalamazoo

  1. Half of me wants to cry, half of me wants to rejoice. what will I do with my free time now?

    But on a serious note I was diagnosed yesterday after being testing for every single thing in the book. But I'm still worried because it was by a doctor who doesn't actually know a lot about pots patients and has only seen two prior to me in his 20 years of practice. Well, he didn't really diagnose the sub categories or anything but now I feel like I'm at square one. I feel like I have to change everything, even though I already have. But now I'm moving to Washington to search for more experienced doctors for my treatment, but I do know I will be getting something on the 7th as far as medicine wise. I need a beta blocker, anxiety, and who else knows. I'm not sure where this post is really going but I knew you would all understand.

    But I do have some questions, has anyone seen any doctors on the west coast that are knowledgable or has grubb worked with anyone else's doctors? Any advice would be appreciated. Really anything at all, from diet, medications, doctors, or books. I would really appreciate it.

    - Kala.

  2. I have the swelling In my veins. It's very very scary and I actually could have erythromelalgia. My veins swell in my hands legs and knees and I can feel the fullness. They get heavy and elevating helps almost immediately. But I also get red burning tingling sensations so its kind of hard to explain. I also have severe heat intolerance. If I get too hot my body goes into a panic. I flush rwally bad and my skin gets blotchy. My face gets red and so do my hands and feet. Then my veins bulge and hurt. Its really weird and confuses doctors. Ive seen several doctors who all seem baffled but they suspect erythromelalgia and POTS combined. So sorry about your veins, its a horrible pain.

  3. Can you explain the specifics of your diagnosis? As far as the ttt if you had it? Like your resting heart rate, when your HR peaked, blood pressure fluctuations and so forth? I think I have hyper pots but don't understand the diagnostic criteria.

    And southbel, let me know what your results are!

  4. Wow, that makes mr worried about my test. I believe ill come up positive because I already have high cortisol levels and I have the symptoms of hyper pots. Since you have hyper pots in interested in how your heart rate works when your laying to standing and how long It maintains the high heart rate. I always go at least 30 bpm from a down position to an upright one but my heart rate levels off in about 5/6 minutes. Upon standing it throbs so bad I can dee my heart rate in my vision and my head pounds.

  5. I know exactly how you feel. If I even try to go to the er they always give me xanax, klonopin or ativan. I do have a question about that artucle. I read the criteria but it says that the tachycardia has to be within the fiesta 5-30 minutes but my heart went crazy immediately and went down within 5 minutes. I'm a little confused?

  6. Thank you so much for that article I will definitely show him this. And it is sad that I was immediately diagnosed with a panic disorder without any further testing, that was ten years ago. Now I'm in substantial debt and always want the doctors to find something. It's sad that It has to get to that point but I feel like in so close with diagnosis now, so hopefully I can get freaking diagnosed officially!

  7. Has any one else been tested for this? My doctor is testing me for this and Addison's disease and then will diagnose me with POTS if these come back negative, I just hadn't heard of this tumor but apparently it's almost the same as POTS but also greatly affects your blood sugar.

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