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Posts posted by GingerA

  1. Please excuse any mistakes. I am having a very bad morning.

    I was just wondering who had been diagnosis of fibromyalgia. I was diagnosed with it a few weeks ago and given samples of cymbalta along with my POTS treatments. Honestly it was the best I have felt in years. I did not realize that I was in as much pain as I was until I didn't have the pain any more. the problem is now my insurance won't pay for the medicine and the doc tried something else. This morning (Saturday) I woke up in intense pain! and of course everybody is closed. I left a message with the serve but I haven't heard anything back yet.

    My question is how different is fibromyalgia and POTS? and what do you do for flair ups?

    I had a nerve test that was negative. Does that mean I really don't have fibromyalgia? HELP! I was getting used to feeling better.

  2. I have read so many posts about relationships going bad once a person gets sick but I am having the opposite problem. When I am sick my husband is great. He takes care of me like no other. The problem is that I am aggressively trying to get better and he acts like he doesn't want me to! Everything I meantion that may help he is opposed to! Worst of all I am feeling better and he acts like I am doing something wrong! Any ideas? I thought he would be happy!

  3. I know when my dad was with me after his heart attack the medicaid paid for his nurses and aids to come in. We had to have a doctor approve the care. Just like writing a prescription. Talk to the hospital where you are having the surgery. They should have a service that sets up things like that for patients. That is how we got it for my dad.

  4. I like to cook when I can and on bad days I watch movies. I am the only female in a house full of boys so when I can seek it I love British romances like Sense and Sensiblity and Pride and Prejudice. Netflix has a lot of them. I am trying to learn to crochet but I'm not very good. I keep making circles LOL.

  5. I am working very hard to learn to live in this new "normal" but I am having the hardest time keeping up with day to day things like paying bills and keeping the kids school work stuff together. I have just about worked out the household chores. Things that you can see like making the bed and doing the dishes (Ok well sometimes it just doesn't get done) but I am having a hard time focusing on the paperwork and appointment end of things.

    Any suggestions? I just feel like I can't even look at stuff like that sometimes because it hurts my eyes or I get so confused. Maybe if I can get some kind of system in place it will help me manage.

  6. My husband was the first to notice the difference in my veins. When I don't feel well or just before I have a crash my veins (esp. in my hands) look like they are swollen. My hands look very old at these times but when I am having good days they do not bulge like that. Does any one know why they do this?

  7. I actually have the opposite problem in that I have days when I am ravenous no matter what I eat but I agree that the answer is the same. We need natural food with as few chemicals as possible. All of these additives and chemicals are not good for people whose bodies function normally. Just imagine what happens to our bodies that don't function normally!

    If you can tolerate the texture of pudding then maybe you could start with some all natural smoothies or creamed veggies. As the good food gets in your system maybe your appetite will increase and you will take in more nutrients.

  8. This is something I've thought about from two angles. The patient (obviously), but also as a potential future doctor. I've gotten halfway through the application process - then decided it wasn't the right time - worked in medical research, and now I'm seriously considering applying to med school this year.

    Anyway. Because I read so many fantastic and thoughtful points made from the patient's side, I thought I'd step into the doctors shoes for a minute. And I find myself sympathizing with the docs a bit more than I expected to.

    Some are jerks, plain and simple. I had an experience with an EP that I posted about a few months ago. I still would like to slap him.

    But between insurance companies paying only a fraction of what they are billed and the threat of malpractice suits (where a doctor can be found anywhere from 1% to 100% guilty - but even 1% fault will have them red-flagged as having been convicted of malpractice), the doctors have to protect themselves. Unfortunately. If they could practice without that hanging over them, I think we'd have a better shot at finding docs willing to work with us. Because they wouldn't have to live in fear of us suing them if a drug we suggested they prescribe had some unpleasant side effects.

    Cardios and neuros are doing pretty well, financially, but primary care docs don't make a whole lot - not once you factor in malpractice insurance and the loans they're still paying off until they're 40.

    Anyway. My point is that the system makes it very difficult for a doctor to 'think outside the box'. Legally, their butts are covered if they follow the standard protocol for treating a specific symptom/disease. But if they stray too far from that and something goes wrong...they could lose everything.

    It's like that saying: Don't hate the player, hate the game.

    Except for 'players' like that EP I had. We're more than justified in hating doctors like them.

    I understand what you are saying but if a person goes into the medical field truly to help people, shouldn't they have the courage to do what is best for the patient? If doctors stood up to some of these companies then perhaps they could change the system. Their first allegiance should be to there patients not their pocketbooks.

  9. Frugalmama,

    Thanks for your tips. I understand about overheating too because I live in Central Georgia! I the summer we have temps in the 90's and often 100. I try to stay in when I can but if I get over heated the quickest way to cool down is to stick my hands in a bucket of ice water. I keep them in the water until i can start to feel my body cooling off. This helps enough for me to come to my senses and think of something else to do like sit down and wipe my face and neck with a cool wash cloth.

  10. If you wont to get some significant support for this idea try getting the yellow wiggle (Greg page) onboard as he has a large profile.

    Greg Page helped me out a lot. Not because I ever met him or anything like that but in Australia EVERYONE knows about Greg Page and his illness and how badly he was effected. So I just always say Ive got the same thing as the Yellow Wiggle and people go 'oh ok, that was pretty bad.'

    ive always noticed that if I talk to a GP about POTs and Ankylosing Spondylitis they always say 'poor thing' and 'that must be so terrible' about AS and dismiss POTS as being much milder. But I always make them know that AS is nothing compraed to POTS. LOL

    I wonder how you would contact him for something like that. He has helped people that I used to work with understand me too because I worked in childcare.

  11. I totally understand. The sad thing about it is that I thought once I got a diagnosis that was it! I would get some answers and some help but the opposite happened! My family doc told me I was "beyond her expertise" and other docs have just rolled their eyes. My thought is that if I can get on the internet and find out about POTS they can too! Wasn't there some oath that they took to help others?

  12. So sorry you are feeling bad Maiysa! I have had 2 bad days as well but it is so easy to fall into that trap when you are feeling better. I am terrible at over doing. I had a good friend point that out me just yesterday. Learning to pace myself even when I have a good day is one of my biggest challenges. Hope you feel better soon. PM me if you need to or if you just want to vent.

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