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Posts posted by misstraci

  1. What causes adrenaline surges and what do they feel like?

    Sometimes right before I feel like I'm going to pass out, I feel this feeling throughout my whole body but mostly in my chest that feels like it feels when you get scared, is that an adrenaline surge? Kind of like "heart dropping"

  2. I'm happy for your good 3 weeks and sorry you've become not well again. I hate this disease as well and hope this is just a small bump and you go back to feeling good!! I always feel a big emotional crash after having a good period even if it's a day or two and then when I go back to feeling crappy, I am so bummed and depressed, etc. Fingers crossed, you feel better again really soon!

  3. Hi and welcome! sorry you're sick and having to be here; me too. I can't find a doctor who cares, listens, or understands POTS so I understand. I went to the ER about 5-6 times in a 3 months period because I honestly thought I was dying. No one ever made me feel less scared, they only made me feel "crazy" by trying to tell me that i had an anxiety disorder. If only I had a dollar for everytime I've heard that!! Anyways, I can't answer any of your questions, sorry about that, just wanted to say Hi, welcome, and that I understand some of the things you have experienced and are going through.

    Good luck and feel better! smile

  4. The only one I normally think of is the not enough blood flow. It could possibly be some chemicals out of whack or something. I'm not sure but I'd also like to know why. Not to use the word "retarded" in a deragatory way at all just descriptive. I often feel as though I am retarded. I feel "off", I can't think straight, I can't remember, I'm sidetracked, I don't feel comfortable in my mind set and I feel out of control.

  5. I marked my "trigger" as pregnancy because it's very ironic that it just came on right afterwards and after my complicated delivery. The other ladies who have POTS/dysautonomia as their trigger. Did you have complicated deliveries, large blood loss, etc?

    Thanks, I was just curious about your situations and was wondering if it was anything like my own!

  6. Vent away! Anytime.

    I think it's perfectly normal to feel this way, I know I do. It's just irritating that we live day in, day out with such debilitating symptoms yet some people have no idea, they don't get it, or we just don't complain and talk it about all the time. When someone around me has the sniffles/head cold or something like that and they are acting like such a baby about it, I feel like slapping them sometimes :) seriously. waaa waaaa waaa you poor thing!!!! But I totally understand your frustration and why you feel the way you do and also, no offense to pregnant people (been there, done that also) some are really annoying and thats all they talk about, I am so happy for you and your new adventure but I don't need to hear about it every single day, blah.

    Dani, I hope you are feeling better today!

  7. Hello guys.

    I just wanted to say that the past four or so days for me have been great! I have felt almost like my normal self (almost). It was such a wonderful feeling to be able to think clearly, stand in the grocery store without swaying/being dizzy/lightheaded, play with my kids, etc etc. It's so funny, it's the little details of a person's daily life that are taken for granted and I was just so thankful for "normalacy" that most feel on a daily basis and think nothing of it. This morning I woke up and felt not so great but it always gives me hope when I have good days :)

    Hope you all are doing well also.

  8. Hi, I really enjoy yoga as well but haven't been able to find the time or energy for it here recently. On a good day, I can do about 45 minutes. About two weeks ago I did a yoga video for the first time in forever. It felt so good and peaceful, however, it was a very laid back routine. Not very strenuous whatsoever. I felt good afterwards but haven't done it since. I've never been to a class but have done several DVDs. I don't have a super awesome to suggest to you though, just wanted to say that I enjoy it and can do a good 30-45 minutes.

    Good luck with your handstand, you can do! I think that sensation that happened is normal, maybe from all the blood rushing to your head, i get weird feelings like that if i just bend over ,so, hopefully its normal because I get that too.

  9. Hey Liz.

    I'm not going to go up there to his office but just calling to talk on the phone about the results. I'll definitely be letting you know what I find out. And yes and no, I told him about me having dysautonomia but I didn't say POTS specifically, he was like "oh", and then continued talking, i didn't push the subject because I could tell he either didn't know or wasn't interested. I can't believe Emory doesn't have an autonomic center of some kind, they are top dawg, they need something like that, right?! And I need to go back and refer to the link, thanks again.


  10. Oh man, I'm sorry, I hope you get to feeling better!

    He did some blood work and an ultrasound which he said looked mostly normal. Said nothing was obviously super enlarged looking but that doesn't mean anything so the blood will confirm whether or not somehting is going on. I'm glad I went even if just to rule out one more thing and actually meet a NICE DR for a change :)

  11. that is funny you write this because i've been really down and sad today but on top of that, i've been angry. i'm mad because i don't want to live like this anymore. everyday is such a struggle for me and besides my immediate family and few others, no one has any idea. its kind of like i'm living a lie or something. they see "me" but they don't know me, they have no idea that i struggle just to stand up, to walk around, to breathe, etc etc. Everyone around me is planning their careers and families and such and I am just taking one moment at a time praying that I can make it through, wishing that I felt even half way human. I am sick of POTS and I haven't had it half as long as most of you. I want my life back :( I hate walking around feeling like i'm going to pass out 24/7, its not normal.

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