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Posts posted by enko

  1. Therefore, when patients complain of somatic symptoms like light-headedness or fatigue during standing (without showing POTS), physicians should consider that such individuals may suffer from psychiatric illnesses, especially depression.

    I don't have any official diagnosis yet and I have to admit that I'm not too happy with this line of text. I wasn't even given TTT and was declared anxious and sent to psychiatrist to determine am I depressed :( How the heck is a person supposed to feel when every doctor is ignoring her for years?! :(

  2. I would describe it like this:

    imagine a little bottle named "life energy". It's only one quarter full. On good days I can use that little that is left, getting some back by having naps through the day. On bad days I feel like that someone opened the bottle and poured it all out in matter of minutes.. In that case sleeping through day doesn't really help.

  3. I've somewhere read that masto can have effects on nervous system so I guess they might go hand by hand.

    I'm soooo glad that you've found a great doc! That's.. well.. WONDERFUL! I really mean that! When I've found a new ophthalmologist that actually cares that I'm not in terrible pain with my eyes and cares to save the only eye left I was indescribably happy :D For some time I thought that I'm sleeping and that I'm going to wake up :lol: I LOVE MY OPHTHALMOLOGIST :wub:

    I'm also going to have brain MRI in two months.. I'll post an update.

    When I see how people here are supportive a smile pops up on my face :D

    Keep us posted on results and that wonderful doc :D

  4. Unfortunately for me, in our country (I'm not from US) all the diagnostics go very, veeeery slow.. and that is if the docs even have a clue what to look for.. if you stand out from the "normal everyday diseases" they don't know what to do, say it's nothing, it's normal, you're under conditioned, you're lazy, just seeking for attention, it's all in your head.. After painful and stressful seven months of diagnostics and convincing me that "I'm just like that, it can't be helped", my neuro prescribed me some SSRI's because it might help stabilizing ANS/CNS (she refused to write any official diagnosis!) and then based on that record my GP refused to give me the med and sent me to a psychiatrist :blink: I was really pissed :angry: and didn't go so now I'm not taking that therapy. At the moment only my dermatologist is taking me seriously, started me on H1-blocker and said to return in 3 months. Two more months to go. I'll try to talk to her about EDS.. and maybe with my neuro when I'll see her.. but unfortunately she's not too useful :( I think that my problem is probably some ANS dysfunction combined with mastocytosis.. At least H1-blocker is helping some, so I will probably first try to resolve things with my dermo (she at least listens) and then with my neuro. My only official diagnosis is urticaria.

    I've forgotten to write: my legs tend to move, sort of a kick, a twitch. Also sometimes I get twitching in my muscles, virtually it can be anywhere. I've tried to talk about it with most of my docs but they tend to act as they didn't hear it :(

    Sorry for whining, they are making me sad :(

  5. Thank God that it's gone, it was making me crazy :lol:

    I do get random strange feeling (something between being numb and having needles) on my back and hands. It usually goes away in days time. Headaches are also often for me :(

    What do you mean under pain? My right knee hurts for weeks now.. like that I've hit it into a wall or something and I didn't.. I've tried a massage, stretching and strength exercises for legs, it didn't help. Also my feet are killing me with pain! It helps when I lift them up.. My lower back tends to hurt sometimes, but thankfully not so often :)

  6. This is maybe shooting in the dark, but did you try to see how do your pupils look when you have blurry vision? Do they adapt to the light accordingly? If they are widen that's probably the problem, and it can be if you have adrenalin rush or something (and autonomic dysfunction can do that too). Please someone correct me if I'm wrong.

  7. For years I was training martial arts and had to quit because more and more often on courses I would get SOB, rapidly exhausted and couldn't stand the tachy I'd get. For times I would just fell on the ground and choke, struggling to stay conscious. After I've quit, I've tried to stay in shape with jogging and other exercises for strength, but my tolerance time was on zero in very short period of time. Now I try to walk everywhere I go, and there are days when I can walk for an hour or so, but on some other days I'm so tired and confused that I don't know what am I doing and can't walk for even five mins. And my docs say: "YOU'RE JUST OUT OF SHAPE!". Good for them. At least they don't need to worry about not telling me that I need to exercise. I really would like to, when I WOULDN'T START CHOKING WHILE DOING IT! :angry: Not to say what tachy does to me..

    Sorry all, docs tend to make me angry at times :angry: And very disappointed (most of the time) :(

  8. Lovebug,

    you've said that you feel eye pain - what else do you feel? Is that pain that is of the eye ball, behind it, around it? Does the pain spread from the eye to the head? Do you get nausea? Does the eye that hurts turn red? If answers to these or most of them are yes, you should talk to your ophthalmologist again. I have had a long history of glaucoma (elevated eye pressure) and after using eye drops for it for about ten years, it was calm for some time without any drops. Then I've started having headaches that involved my eyes and made me nauseous. My ophthalmologist prescribed me eye pressure control drops and drops that are eye pain killers and I use them as needed (not daily). It helps in 95% of cases when I feel that pain spreads from the eyes. Obviously now I have variable eye pressure and it might be hard for the doctor to catch it. Also you should ask your doc to check your fundus of the eyes (looks behind the eye to check it's background) if he/she didn't yet. Don't worry, it doesn't hurt :D I've had signs of retinopathy and docs stopped it while they could. Both glaucoma and retinopathy can cause loss of eye sight.

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