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Posts posted by McBlonde

  1. It's the craziest disease I've ever heard of..... Same here. I had been doing great. Yesterday I woke up with the "hit by a truck fatigue"... All I can think is "What did I do to bring it on?" and answer is who knows? It could be anything or nothing.... it's just how POTS manifests itself. So frustrating! Today the fatigue is much better. Loss of control ( preventing a flare) is SO frustrating!

  2. I remembered something. The part of the brain responsible for these feelings of depersonalization or derealaization is the amygdala. Guess what the amygdala also controls?

    Autonomic Responses to Fear

    Emotional Responses


    Hormonal Response

    Guess this is just another over-active POTsie response

  3. I have low cortisol - but it's Secondary (or Central) Adrenal Insufficiency (caused by pituitary issues) and not Addison's. I agree about getting the ACTH test but be aware that it can give false results in POTS patients - my endocrinologist is very knowledgeable about pots and has found this in several of his patients. He did an Insulin Tolerance Test to determine my adrenal insufficiency. Apparently there is a population of pots pts who have this issue. It's great that you're looking into this tho as you may find you need stress dose steroids when you're sick or injured.


    Your endocrinologist sounds like a keeper! Good ones are few and far between!

  4. Lemons...exactly! Yesterday, I was walking the track and all of a sudden, out of the blue, I had that feeling of "is this real? Am I really here on earth sorta feeling." Sounds crazy after I typed it, lol, but it's exactly how I felt.

    Edited to add.... I don't know how they tell the difference between anxiety and a POTS episode. They feel the sae to me.

  5. Before I had POTS, I had

    neurally mediated syncope. In 1990, I was at Six Flags with my family. I had a LOT of coffee that morning, sugar from pancakes, went up a tall tower and came down in a very fast elevator. Went into a nearby store to cool off..thought I was having a panic attack, then collapsed in front of my husband with a full seizure. Very scary, but it was my the one and only one I ever had.

  6. I'm so sorry you have suffered a relapse! I've been there. It's a hard way to live ....always looking over your shoulder wondering what it's going to be this time that triggers a relapse. I realized on my last relapse that I was not pumping in enough fluids and salt. I thought I was, but I wasn't. Like you, my BP was low. I added 6-8 bottles of G2 + 8 oz of spicy V8 to my daily salt and water and that seemed to do the trick for me on getting my BP up and feeling better. It's a guessing game, though. Maybe it was just coincidence, but objectively, the BP #s did increase. Hope you feel better soon!

  7. In August it will be 3 years since I have driven. Actually, driving home from work is when my symptoms changed and got worse. I started getting very nauseated and then a headache would set in. Sitting is one of my worst problems. I think my symptoms from sitting might have to do with stomach pooling, but I'm not sure. I would love to figure that one out!

  8. Ovarian cysts are very very common. I've had lots of endocrine/hormone issues which I now think were not actual problems with the pituitary, but rather start in the hypothalmus which is responsible for activities of the autonomic nervous system.

    The hypothalmus links the nervous system to the endocrine system via the pituitary. If your hypothalmus or pituitary is screwed up, your whole body is screwed up.

  9. "get up, work, sleep. get up, work, sleep" wow... that describes perfectly the last 3 years that I worked.... I had to go straight to bed when I walked in the door in order to get up and go to work again the next day. After the 3rd year, I became symptomatic while driving and had to stop.

    I have been wondering if Provigil would help me, too, after re-watching "Changes". I have lost so much of my concentration that I can't even read a book anymore. Oh, how I would love to have that ability back! I tried Dexedrine. but it knock me out like a sleeping pill for goodness sake, lol!

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