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Posts posted by McBlonde

  1. well, I don't know if I figured it out, but it's the only thing that was different and I can breath deep again. I wonder if it's wheat or glutten or just some additive? I had potato soup out of the can that didn't bother me a bit. So hard to know anything.

    I was thinking earlier, when a remission or flare for that matter hits, we go through our minds and think what did I do.... I back track over all the exact steps and yet sometimes, the answers is "I really didn't do anything. It just happen. Again. For the upteenth time.

    How are YOU feeling?

  2. Oh Rich... so sorry you are going through this. Just a couple of thoughts to add.. When I was needing to file my disability, because of my medical background I kept thinking in terms of diagnosis, symptoms and prognosis. It was very hard for me to let that go... because that is not how the claims are judge but rather it's by how the illness limits you on a daily basis. (Activities of daily living) I ended up not getting a lawyer, not filing online, but rather applying over the phone, the rep filled out the application for me as I answered the questions. I gave them permission to contact my last employer. That helps if any of those last 3 employers you are talking about saw your symptoms and can express how you couldn't do the job.... I'll try to think of anything else that comes to mind. Wishing you the best!!

  3. I got awful headaches from Midodrine and none of the benefits. I was sure hoping that it was going to work for you. It seems like we used to hear a lot of success stories from Midodrine, but I wasn't one of those.

    Do you take Licorice Root with it?

  4. It started Thursday... I felt really bad that day so I had 2 large glasses of V8 putting an extra tsp of salt in each

    All that V8 caused me to have diarrhea

    So I drank many bottles of Gatorade

    I took an Epson salt bath

    Friday afternoon I was in a deep sleep when a loud noise woke me with a start

    I had continual palpatations and tachycardia

    I finally dug out a bottle of my old 5 mg bystollic

    Saturday when I woke up I felt great

    Feels like high vs low

    I can take DEEP breaths which I had only been able to do before if I was at the ocean in high humidity

    That heaviness on my chest was completely gone

    Have adrenaline surges that causes peeing and hot flashes but I check my HR and it's normal

    The heat covers me in a thin layer of sweat


    teary eyes

    CLEAR thought

    Like a saline high

    The only medicines I am on is Levoxyl and Florinef in the AM and a baby dose of Trazadone at night

    I am very realistic. I know that any day I will wake up and it will be gone, but oh my goodness how good it feels to feel "normal" if only for a few days!

    Crazy story isn't it? It's never happened before like this since 2003...

    I have no idea why.

  5. It is Issie! For the second day in a row, my mind is absolutely clear (I know it won't last) but while it's clear, I hope to research the above more. Until y'all posted the areas you were researching, I had always thought of the issue in terms of damage (malfunction) to the hypothalmus sending (or not sending) out messages to the receptors......

  6. Beyond frustrated.. I should have known this would happen. I got a report in the mail from cardiologist saying my holter showed in significant abnormalities so no need for further testing or medication changes. But yet I can't even carry my nine month old because of the fluctuations in my hr. It will go from 40-80 while sitting without any strain and then drop back down to 40. And on standing will spike 40-60 bpm and seems to be getting worse. Does anyone know of a doctor experienced or even sympathetic with dysautonomia. Anyone in the area of ms, this has been 18 years. And I just want to be able to play with my kids, and to just at least have treatment for symptoms but they just give up.

    I don't know what area of Mississippi you are in, but Dr. Thompson is in Pensacola.

  7. my aldostrone was low, that is OK I was told. my thyroid is low, my IGF-1 is 175 which is in the range but the range is wrong, 50 for an IGF-1 at 33 is wrong and the starts the range! I read online it should be 200-300 ideally.

    I did see a pituitary doc but from his comments I am scratching my head as it doesn't even make sense if you read their own guidelines!

    I've been to neuro, one said 100% autonomic and thought 2nd to mito wanted biopsy, sent me to another neuo who said well right now your BP is 90/50 which is fine and you can squat 10 times (I struggled) so he declared me healthy just nuts

    Oh gosh. I am so sorry! When your pituitary fails, it nearly always goes in a certain order....first you loose your growth hormone, next LH & FSH, then TSH (thyroid) and usually the last one lost is ACTH, which of course controls adrenal function..

    A non-functioning pituitary tumor can cause hypopituitarism.. A whiplash ..... A concussion ... OR as it appears in my case, the messages from the hypothalamus to the pituitary go haywire for some unknown reason.

    I know most of the good pituitary doctors across the country if you want to PM me. They are few and far between. I spent a few years a 10s of thousands of dollars before I figured out saying you were a pituitary endo and actually being one were 2 different things. The good news is that if this is part of your problem.... you can get on the correct replacement hormones and will feel a lot better regarding your endocrine issues. Let me know if I can help!

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