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Posts posted by prettyinpink

  1. I have this problem. I am a type 1 diabetic and my episode at the same time almost everyday is not dependent on my bloodsugar. But i usually end up with a low bloodsugar after the pots episodes starts. The only time i don't have an episode at 1-2pm is the days when i lay down with my feet up for most of the morning.

  2. yes i have this symptom too. My fiance got really scared because he said my face was turning very purple and he was worried. This is sometimes a symptom of high bloodpressure so i would check your pressure when this happens. My pressure is usually ok when I have this symptom but it is possible to have a high pressure.

  3. I found this in LifeExtension Magazine. I'm not saying its completly reliable although it does have references. I was just curious if anyone had heard of the Taurine being used to help block the SNS. It also just mentions ventricular tachycardia and i think POTS is typically sinus tachycardia so maybe this is all a moot point lol. I'm just tired of trying medicines that don't work or that have bad side effects.

    Q Do you know of any supplements that can help tachycardia?

    According to research, there are a few products that can be of benefit to those suffering from this disorder. German researchers reported success in treating ventricular tachycardia (rapid heart rate) and fibrillation with garlic. They also noted that the duration of arrhythmias was shortened [Arzneimittelforschung. 1993 Feb;43(2): 94-8]. The herb Hawthorn can help by increasing exercise tolerance and reducing the incidence of tachycardia and palpitations. It may take 4 to 8 weeks for improvement in subjective tolerance. Although Hawthorn is regarded as gentle and safe for chronic use, you should inform your physician of any supplements or advice you receive from the Foundation. Some types of premature ventricular contractions and arrhythmias respond to taurine because the amino acid tends to dampen activity in the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and the outpouring of epinephrine. As the SNS is quieted, the heart tends to beat less aggressively and blood pressure is lowered. Research also shows that the incidence of ventricular fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia were significantly reduced when taurine therapy was utilized [Arzneimittelforschung 1998 Apr;48 (4):360-4].

  4. I just started taking horse chestnut and butchers broom supplements(their are actual scientific studies demonstrating their ability to improve chronic venous insufficiency) and I've noticed a small improvement. I think it depends on how you're doing with the medications you're on. My medications are helping but not helping enough so i'm adding a few things to see if it helps. If my blood pressure gets high or my symptoms are worse i'll know i'm taking too much. Its sooooo challenging to make sure i'm getting the right supplement not all companies and products are created actual.

  5. I know I'm so sensitive to meds too. I guess I've decided that I have a doctor I trust and I want to get better so I need to try meds. I always start with the lowest possible dose, on a weekend when I won't be busy. For example, my doc wanted me to try propanolol. I started with 5mg which is 1/4 of the smallest table available lol. It affected by blood sugars too much to continue taking it but, because it was such a small dose I didn't get into a medical crisis. I like to research medicines before I take them to learn about the common side effects but, i don't suggest this if you think knowing the side effects beforehand might make you more anxious about starting or trick your brain into thinking you are having side effects if its really anxiety about the possiblities.

    If you are starting a new med that you are really worried about maybe you could hang out in your doctor's waiting room for a while after you take it?

    What medicines are being prescribed?

    I would also just start 1 med at a time.

    Has your doctor offered some other options for you try before meds? Like salt, water, exercise, compression hose?

  6. I HATE hearing this when i ask my doc how he long til he thinks (insert symptom) will improve and he always says he can't predict. While I hate hearing it, I've found it to be very true. Everyone with POTS is so different and is affected differently by medicines, exercise, diet changes, etc thats it impossible to know if or how much a symptom will improve. I've learned that it doesn't mean to give up hope that my symptoms will improve but rather to enjoy life as best as I can at the level I'm at because I don't want to waste my life waiting for an improvement that may never come. I still exercise and try new meds all the time but, I try not to lay around thinking once my fatigue is better then I'll call my friend because i don't want life to pass me by. It doesn't mean I can do everything but i try to do what i can and limit my moping lol.

  7. Well I'm sure there are several possible explanations I have pain in the area when I'm standing for a while and this is what i learned- When I'm upright, my bloodpressure drops and while my heart races to try and keep my pressure up, i still can't get adequate blood return to my heart. The chest pain is because my heart is contracting without enough blood in the left ventricle, the heart is sort of folding over on itself. If i lay down normal blood flow to my heart returns and the pain stops.

  8. could you eat carbs at times when you know your medications are the most effective so you don't get as tachy. Or can you eat carbs with lots of fat that way they'll digest slower and not cause a tachy rush? I have trouble eating too but, i know my pots symptoms are soooo much worse when i don't eat enough calories. Can you eat almonds, or other nuts? Cheese sticks? Rice with soy sauce is always a winner for me.

  9. I am having the same confusion. I want my heart rate to come down. My bloodpressure is pretty good now but whenever i take anything to lower my heart rate my pressure drops because my heart rate is helping to keep my bp up. I know there are some medications that are suppose to just help lower heart rate(but there aren't many) and most still have either a direct or indirect effect on bp. I know how they fix one with worsening the other. Maybe i need to increase my bp meds as i add in meds to reduce the tachycardia.

  10. Florinef works but causing your body to retain the sodium you eat which causes you to hold water. Therefore your salt intake affects how well the florinef works. I took florinef for 2 weeks but i noticed that my bloodsugars were running higher and higher so i stopped it.

    Florinef increases your blood volume which increases your blood pressure which should help decrease you heart rate if your heart rate is increasing to compensate for a drop in blood pressure.

    Bella Mia- Its hard to figure out how florinef would make you more tachy but, we all know sometimes people with develop had abnormal reactions to medications. It sounds like the florinef is making you worse-is it helping you at all?

  11. Its hard because your friends should be able to tell their problems to you. Just because your health problems are worse doesn't mean that they shouldn't get to vent. BUt it is hard to hear about how hard it is that someone can't run fast enough. I vent to my friend who is paralyzed from his belly button down. He listens and responds and then he vents back. Lots of people take health conditions for granted so i just try to make sure that I don't the physical abilities i do have for granted. There are always people with worse medical conditions who would think that we are lucky to be able to go to stores, resturants, etc even if it isn't often. I saw the story on oprah about the lady who was attacked by a chimpanzee and it made me very thankful that i can eat, see, talk, write, type etc. Sometimes we need perspective too just as much as our friends do.

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