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Posts posted by MamaTrain

  1. I have been having alot of problems with acid reflux for about 6 months now. It just came on one day...no real heart burn feeling just this just swallowed battery acid feeling and going hoarse when I talked. My GP said take Prilosec so that's what I have been doing. The nutritionist guy I am seeing now says that you can have the same effects from having too much or too little acid. In the book "prescription for natural healing" it says you can test if you have too little or too much by taking a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. If it makes you better than you have too little acid....if it makes you worse you have too much. Hope you feel better....it really makes life rough when you have this going on 24/7!


  2. Daisy,

    I had my gallbladder removed 6 years ago and I just want to tell you to be informed about the way things will work after your surgery. They told me that I would need to watch what I ate (not a lot of fatty-hard to digest foods) for about 6 weeks and that was it! I have never been the same since. A year after the surgery I became lactose intolerant. This happened to my Mom too. Dairy products are hard to digest. And big fatty meals....forgetta about it! It's like having my own free Zenical! LOL! I recently saw the nutritionist guy and he immediately started me on bile salts to help digest fats. I'm just saying to really look into what to expect afterward because they didn't tell me anything but I needed to have it out or it was going to be VERY bad (stone stuck on duct or something like that) so I did it! I will say that you will feel better not having those attacks....those were the worst....next to having a kidney stone! :P


  3. Hi Caron,

    I had that when this first started happening to me. I would wake up like every hour and half! It was horrible! It slowly started to reduce and then it was only at like 4:30am on the dot for a long time. I wake up with a high heart rate everyday but it doesnt seem to bother me as much....it's like my body is used to it now or that part of my nervous system is able to compensate better. This is so complicated at times. I believe mine is due to low blood pressure. Your blood pressure is supposed to be the lowest at night so maybe the heart starts to compensate by pumping faster and you end up waking up from it. All I know is I pray I dont go back to that because the lack of sleep was killing me....I get very symptomatic when I dont get enough rest! Could you possible have sleep apnea? The doctors kept asking me that in the beginning. Just a thought! I really hope you get to feeling better....I know how taxing this can be on a gal! :-)


  4. Hey Maxine,

    Just curious as to how much you have tried to take? When I first had my test done the endo wanted me to take the 50,000iu pill and I was like no way am I starting with that!! I started on like 500 or 1000 cause I was terrified to take that much just in case I reacted! Isnt that how it is though...fearing a reaction from just about anything?


  5. Mrs. B-

    Awhile back I read an article on IBS and it said that since there is like 70% of serotonin in the gut (your "2nd" brain) that low levels of these neurotransmitters can cause IBS issues. I THINK it said too little serotonin causes constipation so maybe you have a little too much serotonin going on. This is just a mere thought mind you! :-) I attended the nutritionist guy I am seeing lecture on digestion and I was shocked at how much a terrible "gut" can affect your health. I'm even more committed to doing his program now than I was before! Have you had any other issues like gall stones? I had my gall bladder removed and it has NEVER been the same since! Hope you get this back on track since you were doing so well on the Paxil! :-)


  6. I am just laughing at your description!! It has just started to get cold here and people think I am just crazy with all my layers on! I tell them it's like bone chilling cold to me and they are just so surprised cuz it's really not that cold to them. I really hate this part of this condition cuz winter last a long time! It also makes watching my most favorite sport in the world very difficult. We missed a playoff game cuz I could not handle the cold! I am wondering if any of you get the shakes/shivering so bad that you cant stop it. I look somewhat like a parkinson's patient! It freaks my husband out when it happens....I can just walk from the bed to the bathroom and just get chilled to the bone and cant stop shaking for like 15 mins! Crazy I tell ya! I did buy the heated insole things so I can attempt to go do our annual snow day here in a few weeks. I just pray I can last since it takes like 1 1/2 hours to get there! Have a great afternoon and stay warm!

  7. Sky-

    People just have no idea what this is like. I just try to remember that they have their things that they are frustrated about and it's important to them and I try not to let it bother me but trust me there are days when I want to just go off! I was very humbled yesterday watching the interview with the woman who was attacked by the chimpanzee several months ago. I just cried thinking that I really have NOTHING to compare to what this woman has gone through. It was a real "stop feeling sorry for yourself" moment for me! Have a great night!


  8. Maisie,

    My heart goes out to you. So many people on here, no matter what the cause is, have been fighting with their dysauto for a very long time and what a battle it has been! I've never done this on her and I dont know if you are a praying person but I'm going to step out on a limb here and I'm going to pray for you right now! Lord I lift up to you this young girl who is struggling so much right now. I ask that you give her comfort and peace. The kind of peace that only comes from you Lord and is able to calm the fear that resides inside her. It is this fear that breaks her down Lord for she may be so afraid that she is in jeopardy of leaving the beautiful life you have blessed her with. Wrap your loving arms around her and remind her that you are there and you do care so deeply for her. I pray these things in deepest hope. Amen.

    Hugs to you,


  9. This could be a what came first the chicken or the egg subject! :unsure: My Mom was dx'd with Fibro-M about 15 years ago. I think I'm going to research this a bit more and consult my doctor on it since this has never come up! I am still going to try the nutritionist's program and see if that helps with digestion issues etc.

  10. Hello Everyone! As I'm sure many of you do it seems that I have everyone trying to figure out what the heck is wrong with me! The latest comes from my dear friend in Texas who is a medical librarian. She passed this onto me with a note saying found this interesting. Do with it what you will! You guys are the best...hope you're having the best day possible!


    MerckManual: http://www.merck.com/mmhe/print/sec06/ch09.../ch098666a.html

    Curr Rheumatol Rep. 2008 Dec;10(6):463-6.

    Staud R. Department of Medicine, University of Florida College of Medicine, PO Box 100221, D2-39, Gainesville, FL 32610, USA. staudr@ufl.edu

    Autonomic dysfunction in fibromyalgia syndrome: postural orthostatic tachycardia. Although fibromyalgia (FM) syndrome is defined by chronic widespread pain and tenderness, additional symptoms, including disabling fatigue and dizziness, are often reported by patients with this chronic illness. Although nonrestorative sleep may play an important role for chronic fatigue in FM, other mechanisms, including dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), need to be considered. Many important biological functions, such as heart rate, blood pressure, respirations, and bowel function, are tightly regulated by the ANS. However, dysfunction of the ANS is common in FM and often becomes quite apparent after positional changes from supine to upright. Although such positional changes sometimes result in syncope, they are more often associated with palpitations and dizziness. Head-up tilt table testing can be used to evaluate autonomic dysfunction and is frequently helpful for the work-up of FM complaints, including fatigue, dizziness, and palpitations. One of the most common events experienced by FM patients during tilt table testing is postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, which is defined as a heart rate increase of more than 30 beats per minute after more than 3 minutes of standing upright.

    PMID: 19007537 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

    Orthostatic hypotension (postural hypotension)


  11. I have been wondering about this myself so I'm glad you asked about it Erika! I have a script sitting in my medicine chest right now but I have really been stubborn about taking it as I'm afraid of what might happen since I have been reacting to everything so odd. I look forward to seeing others post about this!


  12. Hey P-I-P!

    I'm so sorry you are going through such a hard time. This condition is very difficult to deal with in so many ways! You might try the Meclizine HCI 25mg for the nausea. It helps with dizziness too. My doctor said to get it when I was having the dizziness/nausea 24/7 in the beginning. I did not ever actually throw up so I'm really feeling for you there! Hope that will help! Keep your chin up....there are people who understand! :-)

  13. A friend at my Son's school had some strange symptoms, so they ended up taking her to the ER. :P The doc there diagnosed some sort of parasitic worms from dog feces. :o The parents adamantly denied it, since they had always vetted their dog (I know they had.) :blink: They treated her for worms anyway and the doc was correct; she had played with her cousins' stray litter of puppies and picked it up there! <_< She had been out of school for almost a month.


    Extremely interesting! Out of curiosity did she have neuro systems? I am still struggling with the parasites thing but even if it just helps me get my digestion issues back on track that will be a very good thing too as they play a big part in all this too!

    Thank you!

  14. I forgot to ask as well, do you know what triggered your dysutonomia? Is it possible that a parasite/neurotoxin-secreting-little-critter could be part of that? I just say that bc after an insect bite (their venom is a neurotoxin) and treatment with a large dose of antivenom, that was when my health took a turn for the worse

    Hi Sunburnt! My dysauto systems started back in November of last year after two medication changes. I believe the stimulant medication, Ritalin, did it to me or was the proverbial straw that broke the camels back! That's why I asked in one of my earlier posts could a person just start out with a compromised nervous system. When I took the Ritalin which was only 10mg. ,the starting dosage for a child, my body completely freaked out! We were in the ER at 8pm that same night and they were like saying oh it cant be that it would be out of your system etc. Tried to tell me it was a panic attack...No panic attack last for 10 hours people! I was never the same again. For the 1st 4 months I wanted to just cry every second because it was so horrible. And what really ***** is NO ONE understands what you're going through! When I found this site I was like THANK GOD I REALLY NEEDED THIS! Anyhoo, that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

    KC :P

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