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Posts posted by pat57

  1. I had a Dr.- one time literally shake his head in amazement over how well I was doing. Statiscally , at that time, I was in the >15% survival group. I was not only survivng I was "well". It shook me up to hear how great I was doing because then I thought it was a fragile wellness.

    My point is that the fellow remarked what he knew, saw, and experianced. He was happy for you. (as my dr. was). I do not think either of them could predict the emotional reaction it could cause in the patient.

    I echo what Doctorguest wrote.

  2. sorry hon.

    I recommend acupunture for mucsle pain. I was in a car accident and develp\oped arthritus, had pain everyday for years. I went to acupunturist for something else. But while I was there, he did the neck. The results were AMAZING. He told me that I my mucscles got involved because I was favoring the neck because of arthritis. Unbeknowns to me , the majority of my pain was muscles.

    I do not have EDS, so I'm talking about stiff or knotted muscles.

    I would think compression stockings would be a good idea- re your ankles.

    good luck!

  3. Donna, I have trouble with the family too. I had an aunt tell me "That's not nice" because I don't make dinner for my husband and daughter when I go into to work at 4:30 pm. And I have a brother that laughs at me because I've said- I can't go-I have laundry to do. Well I don't like the Aunt and The brother is just being stupid. I have been stupid a few times myself so I can excuse him. He has done enough good things that I know he does care for me and "trys".

    I think the Aunt believes in MRS. Cleaver which makes her inflexable so I don't bother with her unless I have too.

    And I know she's wacked. :)

    good luck........

  4. I wonder if the family has a need to think of you as fabricating how bad you feel. That -to rationalize not helping you. Rationalizing to avoid feeling guilt.

    Being that you have a pace maker, its obvious that you have a serious condition.

    I think a pharmacist could help you with your concerns re adding another drug. But it appears to be part of a process to find what works best, and that can have a payoff.

    good luck!!!

  5. I went for various prolaspe problems. He asked what the symptons were and said to get a second ,long, appt, so he can have a good look see. Plan out the repair stratigy. He did want a "cardiac clearance" too. EP say not a problem. Also I was happy that he said there was no harm, in lifting, or delaying the proceedure.

    Sorry- I have awefull spelling......

  6. you do know that the vasodeppressor response is to HIGH bp right? Like I said, your high already then add florinef and your brain sees danger and lowers it.

    I have NCS, so I know a little on this subject. From what I have seen re your HR and bp, it would be dangerous and would need lowering!

  7. this is just an off the wall comment. But, with you high HR or bp( forget which). what was he thinking????????????????

    If it went higher because of the florinef your vasodepressor reaction is appropiate! Also just because you reduced the dose, does not mean the level has reduced- yet. You may be at high levels still.

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