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Posts posted by pat57

  1. you sound like a good canidate for bio feed back. And they would have a good answer for you too. Doing this without guideance you may make an important mistake.

    Beats me!

    I have lots of practice controling anxiety. Cognitive therapy. I think this also would be a good thing for you. "We" do not suppress emotions "we" let them come and let them go. It most certainly does reduce the physilogical response. It does not appear as suppression of emotions either. Its a very simply process works magnificintly but takes daily practice and months of teaching.

    Either would probably take a good block of time, but I believe would be well worth it.

  2. I use the line, "my body is unable to properly regulate my blood pressure".

    And then when they see a particular sympton, it simply is "what happens when your body is unable to properly regulate your blood pressure". I do often say it is not dangerous because I am forced to lay down sometimes and people get scared.

  3. well Maxine,

    I had my 3 without any sedation. The first two not bad. That was dr. Hale, the 3rd, different dr.- Pretty bad. Plan to use versed next time.

    I have no doubt Dr Hale is exceptional. He typically uses no sedation. If you ask me, he just knows how to use that thing likke a master.

    I had a friend that was admited in the HOSP for the test. Maybe you should ask if that's possible. She (obviously) had other factors that make the

    procedure tricky. As do you.

    good luck!

  4. He is taking a strong stand

    EI saying"be assessed down in boston because they were all wrong in maine and that I would be making a huge mistake by having gastric pacing...."

    you would be be wise to pay attention.

    Dr. opinion are Dr. opinions. As far as the test, there is probally a reason he is not in aggreement.

    For example: Cardiologist said I had pseudo seziures- see a shrink, the shrink ordered a SPECT scan for me, it came back, "possible seziure foci". I was DX with epilepsy. Put on heavy doses of carbamaziphine. I deleveopled cholitus (spelling) he said take imodium, I said no, change the med. He said get another Dr. I went to nerou who said, we do not DX elipepsy from a single positive result. Turned out to be NCS. And BTW the cardio did eegs etc. but not the SPECT scan.

    On the other hand my shrink took a strong stand too. So the whole process is difficult, but you will get through it, unfornutantly the frustrations you are facing are not unusal.

    IMO opinion , its a lot of work to get to the heart of the matter. AND we think a test is indisputeable, sometimes they are sometimes there are not- as I tryed to express.

    Since you are "tired of all this" maybe give yourself a few months respite from the appts.

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